Chapter 101: Nettles and Sheepstealer

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The Crownlands ― Rook's Rest...

Baela exhibited unwavering defiance in the face of her father, Prince Daemon, and the crown, even after discovering the events that had transpired at Rook's Rest. The news of the Caltrops' invasion of the castle and the involvement of Sunfyre and Vhagar spread throughout the Riverlands, but the mention of her grandmother, Princess Rhaenys, sent a surge of urgency through her veins. Without hesitation, Baela mounted her dragon, Moondancer, and took to the skies. The wind whipped through her hair as she soared above the clouds, her heart pounding with anxiety and worry. She had to ensure her grandmother was safe and that she had not fallen victim to Aemond's wrath. As she approached House Staunton's seat, her eyes scanned the landscape below, searching for any signs of danger. Seeing her sister Rhaena and cousin/stepbrother Prince Joffrey Velaryon waiting for her outside the castle walls brought a wave of relief crashing over her. Their subtle expressions mirrored her concern, confirming they had also left Gulltown in the Vale to travel to Rook's Rest.

Baela landed Moondancer gracefully, her heart pounding as she rushed towards her sister and her cousin/stepbrother. They embraced tightly, their shared worry and determination evident in their grip. No words were necessary as their mere presence spoke volumes. Rhaena wept uncontrollably while Rhaenyra tried to console her.

Meleys' disfigured body lay nearby, too heavy to be transported on a cart. At the sight of Meleys, Baela's thoughts immediately turned to her grandmother. Her heart sank as she stared at her grandmother's pale face, her once regal and fiery spirit now trapped within a lifeless body in a seemingly endless slumber. Rhaenys had always been a pillar of strength and comfort in Baela's life ever since they first met on Driftmark. Seeing her in this state, Baela felt a profound sense of uncertainty. "Grandmother?" she spoke, gently nudging Rhaenys's shoulder for a response, but none came. Please wake up, grandmother. Rhaenys remained unresponsive, unable to move or awake since falling into a coma. I-I already lost mother. I can't lose you too. "Gr... Grandmother?" she nudged again but was again met with silence. "Please, grandmother, wake up. I need you. Rhaena needs you... We need you. Please wake up..." Tears welled up in Baela's eyes as she recalled the countless times Rhaenys had comforted her after her mother died, offering solace and guidance. She had always been the rock that Baela could lean on, who had taught her the ways of Westeros, given her and her sister a new place to call home, and welcomed them into House Velaryon with open arms.

Rhaena stood shoulder to shoulder with her sister, their presence unwavering beside their grandmother's motionless form. A deep longing filled their hearts, yearning for the day she would awaken from her comatose state and embrace them again. They clung to her, reluctant to release their grip, but as the door creaked open and Maester Layn entered, Baela's mood shifted to irritation and frustration, etched across her face like a storm cloud ready to unleash its fury. She longed for a moment of respite, a chance to gather her thoughts and emotions without the intrusion of the maester's presence.

"My ladies," Layn said, "but I'm afraid I must need a moment of privacy."

"B-But... grandmother..." Rhaena protested.

"Will be taken care of, I assure you. But it does no good for the body nor the mind if―"

Layn could not utter a word before Baela swiftly spun around and punched him in the face as hard as she could. The force of her blow caught him entirely off guard and knocked him off his feet, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. With a pained groan, Layn instinctively covered his nose, which was now bleeding profusely. The sound of bones crunching could be heard as Layn pressed his fingers against his nasal dorsum, trying to assess the damage. As Layn tried to gather his thoughts, he couldn't help but wonder what had caused Baela to react so violently. Rhaena, witnessing her elder sister's unexpected reaction, was visibly distressed. Meanwhile, Baela, although she had successfully broken Layn's nose with just one punch, also felt the pain in her knuckles. However, she didn't hesitate for a moment longer and stormed out of the room, her emotions running high.

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