Chapter 128: The Dragon's Unbridled Rage

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King's Landing...

Secluded within the grand halls of the Grand Sept, Queen Alicent sought solace in her religious customs' tranquility. With its towering arches and intricate stained glass windows, the Grand Sept was a sanctuary. Here, she could lay bare her heart and soul, seeking guidance and comfort from the gods. Surrounded by the hallowed silence, she found solace in the flickering glow of votive prayer candles, their gentle flames casting dancing shadows on the marble walls. And as she knelt before the altar, her tears mingling with the flickering candlelight, she carefully lit each candle with utmost reverence, her hand trembling slightly under the weight of sorrow for the departed. Alicent's mind wandered back to happier times as the soft light illuminated the sacred space. Her childhood sweetheart, her sons, her daughter, Rhaenyra... a time when her family was whole and united. But now, the passage of time seemed to compress as if the weight of their disintegration bore down upon her. She could still hear the echoes of their laughter, the warmth of their embraces, but those memories were fading, slipping away like sand through her fingers.

With each candle she lit, Alicent whispered the names of her loved ones, their faces etched in her memory. "Evelyne Florent... King Viserys Targaryen... Lucerys Velaryon..." she then paused. With each flicker of the candle flames, Alicent's hope flickered too, like a fragile flame threatened by a gust of wind, before taking a deep, shaky breath. "Alaena Targaryen... Daeron Targaryen... V-Viserys Targaryen..." As the hours passed, Alicent's prayers became a whispered mantra, a lifeline in the storm of her emotions. She poured her heart into each word, her voice growing hoarse with the weight of her grief. In the quiet solitude of the Grand Sept, Alicent found a sanctuary where she could confront her pain and seek solace. The flickering candles became her companions, their gentle glow a reminder that even in the darkest times, there was still light to be found.

After extinguishing the candle, Alicent rose with a graceful fluidity. The flickering candlelight danced in her eyes as she extinguished the flame, casting a soft glow upon her porcelain skin. Standing up leisurely, she straightened her gown, the fabric cascading around her like a silk waterfall. Upon departing the Grand Sept, the hallowed echoes of prayers and hymns still reverberating in their ears, Alicent's older brother, Ser Gwayne, reached out and gently took her hand in his. His touch was protective and comforting, reassuring that she was safe in his presence. With a nod of gratitude, she allowed him to lead her back to the Red Keep. The city was alive with the sounds of merchants hawking their wares, children playing in the cobblestone alleys, and the distant clatter of horses' hooves. But amidst the vibrant tapestry of everyday life, a sudden commotion erupted from the nearby Street of the Sisters, capturing their attention like a siren's call.


The resonating, draconic call captured Alicent and Gwayne's attention, causing them to gaze toward the heavens. They witnessed Vaelor soaring through the sky, accompanied by Caraxes, Vermithor, Silverwing, and Sheepstealer, who followed closely behind. However, it was evident that the Bronze Fury faced difficulties maintaining flight due to the tears in his wings. Despite the injuries, the Bronze Fury fought to remain airborne after his battle with Seasmoke and Tessarion, rendering him somewhat clumsy as he ungracefully touched the ground. Vermithor's landing was rough and unsteady, causing him to stumble slightly before regaining his balance.

The thunderous clatter of horse hooves racing down the Street of the Sisters echoed through the narrow alleys, sending the smallfolk into a frenzy. The unsuspecting smallfolk, going about their daily routines, were startled by the commotion and hastily scattered in all directions. The sound grew louder and louder until, finally, a white stallion burst into view, its hooves pounding against the cobblestones with relentless fury, forcing the smallfolk to seek safety and make way for the oncoming horse desperately. Despite the white stallion speeding past them, Alicent and Gwayne recognized it was a visibly distraught Aegon the Younger. With his head bowed low and his figure hunched over, he avoided making eye contact with anyone, his grip on the reins so tight that his knuckles turned white. The wind whipped through Aegon's silver Valyrian hair, his cloak billowing behind him, as he pushed his horse to its limits. Since learning about the death of his twin brother, VIserys, Aegon was emotionally devastated. As his horse thundered through the Street of the Sisters, its hooves continued to pound against the cobblestones, echoing through the narrow streets, past the bewildered smallfolk; their eyes followed him with trepidation.

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