Chapter 64: Filler Arc ― Aegon and Viserys Targaryen

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King's Landing ― Near Blackwater Bay...

Aegon and Viserys spent quality time meditating on the beach near Blackwater Bay. Since two years had passed, the Targaryen twins have reflected on their past behavior and reputation as insufferable pranksters who didn't seem to take things seriously. The way Aemond took Vhagar and Lucerys slashing out his eye, in addition to the hostilities between the rival factions, the Black and the Caltrops, both decided that now was no longer the time for games. If they were to keep up with their father and brother, Aegon and Viserys swore to improve themselves for the sake of their family and as a way to correct their mistakes. Overseen by Lykirī Mēre elder Maenya Valitheos, the twins followed the lead of the other acolytes-in-training.

"Dokimarves. Māzigon yno iemnȳ aōla trūma. (Focus. Reach deep within yourselves.)" Maelarys instructed. "Jenitan glaesot gīs gōviārza. (Feel your life essence flow through you.)"

"What's this old fossil saying?" one of the young initiates whispered to the other.

"No idea. I don't speak High Valyrian," they replied silently.

"Dokimaina, ruo iksā. (Concentrate, young ones.)"

One of the initiates tapped on one of the twin's shoulders. "Psst! Hey, Viserys," he whispered. "What's she saying?"

"He's Viserys. I'm Aegon," Aegon directed his eyes at his brother.

"And keep it down. You're going to get us all in trouble," Viserys warned.

"Ruo! (Young ones!)" Maelarys scolded. "Gōntan ryptegon ivestretan daor? (Did you not listen to what I had to say?)"

"Huh? Wha...? Wh... Well... I-I... ah..."

Aegon noticed the apparent confusion. "Teptys Māelārees? (Master Maelarys?)" he spoke in High Valyrian. "Valyrio iksan raqiros ziry daoriot zūgusy. Quptenkos mērī. (I'm afraid our friend here doesn't understand High Valyrian. Only the Common Tongue.)" he explained.

"Mmm. Gimigho iksā. Vesterozia skorion brōzi? (I thought as much. What's the Westerosi's name?)"

"Hey," Viserys leaned back, whispering to the initiate. "She says she wants to know your name. What is your name?"

"Uh, my name? Well, um, it-it's... it's R-Ryden, master, lady, or-or however they call you," the commoner replied.

"Yedhra Rȳdēn ziry brōzi, teptys. (He says his name is Ryden, master.)" Viserys interpreted.

"Rȳdēn? (Ryden?)"

"Kessa. (Yes.)"

"Ivestretan sȳrī gūrēñagon bona. Vasko jikagon. (Well, tell him to learn to brush up on that. Now go.)" Maelarys firmly told them. "Hen ilinītsos ao, rāelagon gūrēñare! (The rest of you, keep up with your training!)"

Red Keep ― Courtyard...

After several hours, evening descended, and the majority of the trainee acolytes had dispersed to their respective destinations. However, Aegon and Viserys, the two twelve-year-old Targaryen twins, had finished their daily business and decided to retire early. Meanwhile, the Targaryen men-at-arms and household staff performed their various duties within and outside the castle gates. As the young princes strolled through the massive gates to the Red Keep, they couldn't help but ponder the day's events and what the future had in store for them. Despite the sense of relief that came with being back home, both boys were uncertain about what to expect next.

"Afternoon, Ae... Viserys?" one of the smiths inquired.

"Yes, that's right. Good afternoon, ser," Viserys affirmed. As time passed, more people began to perceptively identify the twins from one another, as they engaged in fewer and fewer acts of mischief these past two years.

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