Chapter 123: The Butcher's Ball

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The Riverlands ― South of the Gods Eye...

Following the unsuccessful assassination attempt at Harrenhal, Ser Criston Cole took charge of the remaining Caltrops' forces. With Aemond unable to lead due to his injuries from his fight with Prince Jaehaerys, Criston gathered any able-bodied men he could find and made the difficult decision to abandon the castle of Harrenhal, preparing them for a strategic retreat. The urgency of their situation became increasingly apparent as news of the Westerlands' surrender to the Blacks reached them. With the enemy closing in from all sides, time was of the essence. Criston knew they would be overwhelmed if they didn't move. With death, disease, and desertion thinning their ranks, the once 8,000 Caltrops had rapidly declined to 3,600 troops. As they made the grueling march south along the western shore of the Gods Eye, they faced numerous challenges along the way: weather conditions, scarce resources, and constant threats from enemy scouts. The rough and unforgiving terrain made it difficult for the men to travel quickly. Supplies were running low, and morale was beginning to wane as the reality of their situation set in.

"Pick up the pace, lads!" Criston called out to his men. At this rate, we won't be able to maintain our present course. The situation was dire, as a sense of despair had engulfed the hearts of many. The surrender of the Westerlands had shattered their hopes, and the news of Dowager Queen Beatrice's gruesome execution by wildfire had only added to their despair. With the Blacks closing in on them, what remained of the Caltrops' military forces were left with three grim choices, each more harrowing than the last: surrender to an uncertain fate, face the inevitability of certain death, or flee into exile in some distant land.

The first option was to accept a fate of subjugation and humiliation. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but it seemed like the only way to preserve what little remained of their lives for some. The second choice was to stand defiantly against the overwhelming might of their enemies. It was a desperate gamble, but the odds were stacked against them, and the outcome seemed inevitable. The thought of sacrificing themselves for a lost cause weighed heavily on their hearts, yet some found solace in the idea of dying with dignity. The final option was to abandon everything they held dear and seek refuge across the Narrow Sea. It was a choice that carried its own set of hardships and uncertainties. Leaving behind their homes, their loved ones, and their identities was a painful sacrifice, but it offered a glimmer of hope for a future free from the clutches of those who sought their destruction.

"Lord Commander! Off in the distance!" a sentry called out.

Criston turned in the direction his soldier was pointing at. "What the...?" he said with near surprise. Smoke rose before him, a scene of utter carnage.

"Behind us!" another warned.

Criston pivoted, catching sight of additional smoke billowing from the rear of his formation. Regardless of the direction he faced, be it left or right, the scenery remained unchanged. Each village he encountered along the way was found burned and abandoned. The streets were deserted, devoid of life, and filled with haunting silence. As his troops cautiously advanced, they traversed through eerie forests that seemed to mirror the devastation they had left behind. The once lush and vibrant trees now stood lifeless, branches reaching out like skeletal fingers toward the gray sky. The air was heavy with an unnatural stillness, broken only by the occasional creaking of branches or the distant howl of a lonely wind. It was as if nature itself mourned the loss of life, the absence of the vibrant colors and melodies that had once filled these woods. The silence was deafening, and he couldn't shake the feeling that unseen eyes watched their every move. Shadows danced and flickered, playing tricks on their weary minds. It was as if the ghostly forest was alive, whispering secrets and warnings only the wind could understand.

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