Chapter 31: The Cannibal

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Dragonstone ― Stone Drum...

Alicent was resting in her chamber with her son Jaehaerys, cradling her swollen belly with one hand while stroking her son's hair with the other. She had now entered the sixth-month stage of her pregnancy as of today. Although Jaehaerys's room was next to his parents, the little prince would often sneak out of his room and come into theirs.

♪ Stars ripe like tears like fruit falls from a tree ♪
♪ I wipe my dreams off the nighttime ♪

Alicent sang a calm, melodic song to her firstborn as Jaehaerys snuggled against her. It was the same song her mother had sung to her when she was a little girl. No matter how many complications she endured throughout her pregnancy, she would always be available for her child whenever he needed her.

♪ Oh, my sunshine, my little wing ♪
♪ Being together as we walk hand in hand ♪
♪ And I want to go... to your city, to your home, into your arms ♪
♪ To feel your face ♪
♪ A touch of memories ♪
♪ And now as I awake... as far from a dream~ ♪
♪ Ohhh... as from my dream~ ♪

Jaehaerys yawned and rubbed his eyes. Alicent, meanwhile, kept her son close to her as she watched him fall asleep. "Such a good boy, Jay," she whispered in a nurturing tone. "Now close your eyes and sleep soundly in mommy's arms, let your dreams carry you to a wonderous place where all is right." Three years. I cannot believe how big he's grown. It seems like yesterday when I fed him at my breast. And now look at him. Three years old, and soon going to be a big brother.

The doors to her room soon creaked open, catching Alicent's attention. As she turned her head to see who had come to see her, she noticed Aeonar coming in. Stopping by her bedside, the prince kissed his wife on the lips and brushed his hand across her cheeks.

"How are you feeling?" Aeonar asked.

"I'm fine," Alicent replied. "Jay's just fallen asleep next to me." She massaged her belly again, watching her husband place his hand on hers as well. "Oooh, only three more months of this and it's all over."

"Can I get you anything?"

"That's sweet of you to ask, but... but I'll be fine. You have enough on your plate already." Alicent sighed wearily. "Look, Aeonar, what happened back at the gates, I know it may seem a little out of turn, but I was only trying to help for the family's sake."

"I know. I'm sure you had the best intentions at heart. But sometimes it's just not enough, especially when sharks in the water swarm over you if the smell of blood draws them in. Call me cold and distant, cruel if you must, but the malcontents have embedded themselves deep within the royal family – so everything I do is to protect you and our children from them. To keep them from taking advantage of you. From using you for their gain."

"Even if it means hurting yourself?"

"Even if it means hurting myself."

"Then I pose a simpler question. Is it better for the realm if the ones who seek to tear us apart from the inside are permitted to be left unchecked, or is it better to beat them at their own game?"

Aeonar pondered Alicent's words closely. Even though his spy network was intact, and his agents were scattered throughout the Seven Kingdoms, there was only so much he could do from Dragonstone. The prince could not even believe that he was seriously considering his consort's words closely, but he knew there was a sense of truth in her advice. "Hmm," he hummed.

There soon was a knock on Alicent's door. Both Aeonar and Alicent turned to see who it was until the door was slowly pushed open. Walking inside, the guest turned out to be a Lykirī Mēre acolyte of Yi Tish origins. Her white hood covered most of her face and her uniform primarily consisted of vambraces, greaves, shoes, and a protective belt, all made of leather. "Qǐng yuánliàng wǒ de dǎrǎo, wǒ de wángzǐ. (Pardon the interruption, my prince.)" the acolyte spoke in Yi Tish. "Dànshì nàgè nǚhái hǎoxiàng shīzōngle. (But it seems the girl has gone missing.)"

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