Chapter 117: Capture of the Westerlands

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The Westerlands...

As the Blacks continued their march towards Casterly Rock, they faced numerous challenges along the dangerous mountain path. The treacherous terrain tested the soldiers' and their commander's skills and endurance: Ser Braedan Reyne, the younger brother of the deceased Lord Jarson Reyne, who lost his life in the fierce battle to claim House Lefford's ancestral seat, led over 10,000 soldiers on the march. These men were a diverse mix of seasoned warriors, loyal vassals, and eager recruits, all united under the banner of King Aeonar I Targaryen, flying the standard Targaryen red dragon sigil, quartered with the moon-and-falcon sigil of House Arryn and the silver seahorse on sea green of House Velaryon.

Despite the hardships, the army remained resolute, fueled by their determination to capture Casterly Rock. The journey to Casterly Rock was no easy feat. The eastern pass through the mountainous terrain they traversed was treacherous and unforgiving. It was known for its narrow paths, steep cliffs, and unpredictable weather that tested the mettle of even the most seasoned soldiers. The troops had to navigate carefully, and their every move was calculated to avoid potential ambushes or rockslides. Yet, the Blacks pressed on, their determination unwavering. Braedan knew that the success of their mission relied on careful planning and execution. The constant vigilance and discipline of the army ensured their safe passage despite the inherent dangers of the journey.

The closer they got to Casterly Rock, the more the anticipation grew among the ranks. The seemingly impregnable stronghold and regional capital of the Westerlands, perched atop a hill, loomed in the distance, its imposing presence a constant reminder of the power and wealth House Lannister possessed. Situated to the southwest of their position, the imposing castle's formidable defenses included towering walls and an intricate network of tunnels, which made it a daunting target for any would-be conqueror. But the Blacks were undeterred. They knew that victory was within their grasp, and they were willing to risk everything to achieve it. As they set up camp, the Blacks took the time to rest and prepare for the battle ahead. Tents were erected, weapons sharpened, and strategies discussed. The atmosphere was one of excitement and apprehension as each soldier understood the magnitude of the task.

"Keep those blades sharp, lads. And stay sober! I want our squads ready for the first wave," Braedan reminded his men.

"Aye, ser!"

"I can't believe Casterly Rock is within sight..."

"Do you think we can do this?"

"House Lannister will never forgive us for this―"

"Cut the chatter lads! We stick to the plan Prince Jaehaerys gave us. Take Casterly Rock, and the Westerlands will fold one by one."

"So the end is really in sight..."

They're all on edge, and I can't blame them. Braedan noticed the anxiety amongst his troops. Casterly Rock may be a lone watchtower, but it's still one of the most formidable and well-defended castles in Westeros. This attack would be bloody and costly, but they've come too far to back down. Princess Aemma should be back soon from her scouting mission. She'll be able to provide us with what we're expected to face once we begin our march. We've seen almost everything Lady Johanna threw at us, yet we're still here. It was over once House Lannister proposed resistance. Victory will be all but assured now.

"Dragon returning!" a scout cried out.

Braedan looked up and watched Silverwing gracefully glide through the air, her scales shimmering in the sunlight. The dragon's wings beat powerfully, propelling her forward with incredible speed. Aemma, her rider, sat confidently on her back, her long silver hair flowing behind her. As they descended towards the camp, Braedan could see the tension in the air. The soldiers were preparing for the upcoming campaign, sharpening their weapons and donning their armor. The Blacks' forces were formidable, but they knew Casterly Rock would not be quickly taken. House Lannister were formidable opponents known for their cunning and wealth. They had defended their lands fiercely, using every advantage they had to repel the invaders.

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