Chapter 89: Dance of the Dragons

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

When the Red Keep received the distressing report of Prince Daeron's untimely demise over Shipbreaker Bay, the royal family's initial reaction was profound outrage and an unwavering demand for retribution. Fueled by rage and vengeance resulting from the death of his youngest son, Aeonar angrily declared war on the Caltrops, issuing a proclamation that promised great rewards in the form of wealth, lands, and lordships to any individuals who successfully brought him the heads of Beatrice Peake and Aemond Targaryen.

Upon returning from their missions, the Targaryen siblings were informed of Daeron's untimely demise. Aemma, upon hearing the news, was overcome with inconsolable grief that left her crumpled on the floor, unable to find solace in anything. Viserys, though also mourning the loss of their brother, attempted to comfort his sister in her time of need. Aegon, meanwhile, was filled with a fit of seething anger, his heart ablaze with the desire to avenge his brother by killing Aemond. Jaehaerys, being the eldest, felt a pang of immense guilt. However, despite his best efforts, he lamented being unable to be there for his family when they needed him. The loss of his youngest brother, Daeron, weighed heavily on Jaehaerys's consciousness, and he couldn't help but feel guilty for not being there to protect him. One by one, the servants could see the anger burning silently in their eyes, a rare display of emotion from the usually composed Targaryens. The cause of their grief was their uncle Aemond, who, intentionally or not, was responsible for Daeron's death.

The funeral of Prince Daeron Targaryen was a small and solemn event. As there was no body to cremate, they had gathered some of his personal belongings and wrapped them in traditional cloth. The thought of holding an empty casket funeral for their brother only added to their pain. Alicent and Aemma were the most vocal mourners. Vaelor set fire to the pyre with dragonfire, causing their cries to intensify. Jaehaerys occasionally glanced at his father, who remained stoic and unreadable, aside from the look of the crimson ringlets engulfing the sclera in his eyes. Ever since Daeron's death, a dark cloud had enveloped Aeonar. He never smiled, barely slept, and ate sparingly. He attended fewer council meetings and secluded himself in a gloomy throne room to brood on the Iron Throne. According to the reports submitted by the servants to the small council, Aeonar was repeatedly raving about the same thing for hours: "Burn them all!" As the Targaryen family mourned their loss, they knew they were also preparing for war, with each member ready to do whatever it took to seek justice for their fallen brother.

Aeonar's eyes burned like a blazing inferno. His son was dead, but his thirst for vengeance remained unsaturated. Before long, the Young Dragon was determined to burn his enemies for their crimes. "Burn them all..." he muttered under his breath. "Make them understand what it means to choose the wrong side..."

Jaehaerys was deeply unsettled by the comments he had just heard from his father, as they represented a stark departure from the more optimistic and positive outlook his father typically held. The sudden appearance of such dark and foreboding language had left Jaehaerys feeling uneasy and unsure about what the future might hold.

After the pyre had fully consumed the remains of Daeron, Alwyn carefully gathered the ashes and poured them into a beautifully crafted stone urn. The urn was adorned with intricate etchings, including Daeron's name, the year of his birth, and the year of his passing, all inscribed in elegant High Valyrian script. The top of the urn was fashioned in the shape of a dragon's head and securely sealed with hot wax. As per tradition, a septon recited the final funeral rites and anointed the urn with holy oils. Alwyn then approached Aeonar, kneeling before him and holding up the urn for the king to accept. However, to Alwyn's surprise, the Young Dragon turned away, his piercing purple eyes fixed on the urn. Those among the gathered individuals claimed to have heard him mutter under his breath, "That's not my son." As Aeonar departed, his cloak fluttered dramatically in the breeze, leaving behind a sense of mystery and confusion.

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