Chapter 110: Promises of a Brighter Future

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

Baela crouched down beside a tiny container as she experienced a discomforting sensation of nausea that washed over her like a wave. The world around her seemed to spin as her stomach churned with an unsettling intensity. Without warning, she expelled the contents of her stomach into the receptacle with a sickening splash. "BLLLAAAARRRGGHHH!" The repulsive, slimy blob carried a potent taste of bile, intensifying her queasiness. "Ooooh, fuck...~" Baela emitted a sound that was a mix of a groan and a whimper in her discomfort, a vocalization of her body's revolt against the unpleasantness it had just experienced.

Remaining on her knees, Baela desperately tried to spit out the acrid taste from her mouth, but it seemed to linger. The bitter tang seemed to seep into every crevice of her mouth, making her gag even more. The taste was so overpowering that it made her feel even sicker as if her body was rejecting every part of the experience. Baela's face contorted in disgust as she caught a whiff of the foul stench, her senses overwhelmed by the disgusting aroma.

Slowly, the queasiness began to subside, the waves of nausea receding like a distant memory. Baela took a deep breath, savoring the fresh air that filled her lungs. The taste of stomach acid gradually faded, replaced by a sense of relief.

Her grandfather, Lord Corlys, stood protectively by her side as she struggled to stand up on her wobbly legs. Despite everything that had happened, the Battle of the Gullet and the loss of over thirty-six percent of House Velaryon's naval strength was a bitter pill to swallow, and many would have seen it as a sign to retreat and regroup. If it wasn't for his granddaughters Baela and Rhaena, the Sea Snake would have undoubtedly withdrawn his forces to Driftmark and declared neutrality. It was a pragmatic choice that would have allowed House Velaryon to rebuild its strength in the face of such a devastating loss.

However, because Baela had married Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, a union that held great promise for House Velaryon, Corlys felt compelled to remain with the Blacks to benefit his granddaughters and fight for the cause. He knew that by standing by their side, he supported Baela and Rhaena and ensured House Velaryon's survival. The decision to remain with the Blacks was not easy for Corlys. He was aware of the risks and dangers that lay ahead. The civil war between the Blacks and the Caltrops tore the realm apart, and the odds could one day stack against them if they were not careful. Yet, Corlys was a man of duty and couldn't abandon his family or responsibilities. I trusted you, boy! We've been allies for years, and you dare stab me in the back?! You've lost your grip, Aeonar! Your sons have proven to be the better man. "How is she?" he asked a maester.

"Well, my lord," a youthful maester's apprentice chimed, "physically speaking, Lady Baela is perfectly healthy. We've run some tests to see if there was anything we might have missed, and―"

"Well...?" Baela struggled to catch her breath, taking quick, shallow breaths as she frantically looked for a way to get rid of the repulsive flavor of vomit in her mouth. Her hands trembled as she scooped them under a water basin, bringing the refreshing water to her lips to cleanse her palate. The water cascaded over her tongue, offering a brief respite from the unpleasant aftertaste. She swirled the liquid around in her mouth, hoping to eliminate any remnants of the disgusting substance that stubbornly clung to her taste buds. "Am I sick or not?"

"Well, yes and no."

"Speak if you know something. What is wrong with my granddaughter?" Corlys pressed.

"There's nothing wrong with her, my lord. Lady Baela is..."

"Is what?" Baela pressed, seeming visibly annoyed.


Baela stood frozen, her mind unable to process the shocking revelation. Pregnant? The words echoed in her ears, leaving her uncertain if she had heard correctly. Shaking her head in disbelief, she mustered the courage to ask again. "I-I'm what?" she stammered.

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