Chapter 54: Disaster Strikes

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Red Keep ― Maegor's Holdfast...

Jaehaerys accompanied his grandfather's Hand, Lord Lyonel Strong, towards the king's solar. Viserys wanted to speak to him about whatever it was, but no one – not even the Hand or prince – understood what for. Meanwhile, Lyonel suspected it was related to the incident in the courtyard to his son's actions. Upon opening the door, both Jaehaerys and Lyonel entered, upon which the sight of King Viserys and Prince Aeonar immediately greeted them. Beatrice stood nearby a few feet away from them in the same room – watching the youth enter with the Hand behind him.

"Prince Jaehaerys and the Hand, Your Grace," Criston stated. Turning to guard the door, the Kingsguard knight couldn't help but see a striking resemblance between the boy and the man who he once called a friend. The damage had already been done ten years prior; now, they were bitter enemies.

"The king is resting―" Beatrice tried to speak.

"I will see him," Viserys interjected.

Once gaining entry, Jaehaerys was the first to approach. "Father. Grandfather," he noticed the king coughing and shifting in his seat, indicating slight discomfort. "Here, let me get that for you," he approached. Taking a nearby blanket, the prince covered his grandfather at the waist and fluffed the pillows behind him.

"Oh, no my boy. I do not need the blanket..." Viserys tried to convince the child, all while breathing heavily.

"I know you've been unwell for some time, grandfather. At least let us make you as comfortable as possible. Here. Lean forward a bit."

"Ughhh..." The king groaned as his grandson tended to his needs. Before long, he glanced up at his Hand, who immediately bowed to both royals whilst feeling beads of sweat forming on his brow. "I'm being endlessly fussed over, Lyonel. It's a wonder I can visit the privy alone."

"Ahem!" Aeonar cleared his throat, his arms folded unamused.

Lyonel adjusted his collar. "Your Grace. Prince Aeonar," he said.

"You are aware of the consequences your son has inflicted on my son, Lord Lyonel?" Beatrice inquired.

Viserys coughed. "Indeed. We were all there when we saw it happen. It was most unfortunate, but... did your son have to physically get involved with one of mine?" he inquired.

Lyonel's eyes darted to Aeonar for a moment before returning his gaze to the king. In the eyes of the realm, the seven knights of the Kingsguard were a representation of the authority of the crown. To lay a hand upon one of them was tantamount to laying a hand on the king himself. Jaehaerys, sensing the tension rising, looked to his father who said nothing but subtly tilted his head sideways – motioning for him to leave. Once he was certain Viserys was comfortable enough, the young prince bowed and turned to leave, giving them a moment of privacy. "Your Grace, I feel..." Lyonel began. "The episode in the yard... I have relieved my son Harwin from his position as Commander of the City Watch. He disgraced himself and every fishwife in King's Landing will soon be telling the tale, and... I too have come to resign as Hand of the King."

"What?" Viserys looked dumbfounded.

Aeonar raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Young Harwin's conduct was unfortunate, it's true. But he's been expelled from the City Watch. That seems punishment enough."

"Forgive me, Your Grace, it is not," Lyonel shook his head.

The king, exchanging glances between his queen and his heir, forced himself to rise. "You have served me faithfully for many years, ten as Hand. Your advice has been sage, unmarked by self-interest... which stands in contrast to all others."

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