Chapter 106: Battle of the Gullet (Part 3)

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The Narrow Sea...

"Aeragon, Meleks! (Move, Maelyx!)" Viserys shouted.



Maelyx flapped his wings vigorously, maneuvering skillfully to evade the scorpion bolts hurtling from the Triarchy remnants' northern fleet through the air toward him. Despite the danger, the young dragon relied on his speed and agility, aided by his smaller size, to steer clear of danger for the time being. The battle continued at a distance, with Viserys and Nettles facing attacks from arrows and iron bolts. However, whenever Maelyx saw an opening to retaliate, Viserys directed his dragon to unleash streams of dragonflame along the perimeters of each vessel, explicitly targeting the scorpions, before swiftly retreating to safety. After each attack, Maelyx would quickly dash to safety. Despite two arrows piercing his right leg, he appeared to remain unfazed. To a dragon of his stature, the impact of the arrows feels like nothing more than a slight tickle.

Nettles, riding atop Sheepstealer, however, took a more aggressive approach. "Dracarys!" she commanded.

Being larger than Maelyx, Sheepstealer's jaws opened wide, and a torrent of scorching flames erupted from within, hurtling towards the nearest Triarchy ship. Focusing on a specific target, the wild dragon instinctively adjusted the trajectory of its dragonflame, making it more concentrated. The intensity of the fire grew, its heat becoming almost unbearable. Once sturdy and proud, the ship's hull was no match for the sheer power of the dragonflame. It cracked and splintered under the onslaught, unable to withstand the force unleashed upon it. As the flames engulfed the vessel, panic spread among the Triarchy corsairs. They scrambled to escape the inferno, but their efforts were in vain until they were consumed. The ship began to list, its once mighty structure succumbing to the relentless assault. Water rushed through the breached hull, dragging the vessel down into the depths below.

Nettles watched with a mix of satisfaction. "Hehe! Take that, ya cunts!" she taunted.

"Nettles, you're getting too low! Pull up! Pull up!"

"Oh, shite! Ngh!"


As Nettles repeatedly bumped Sheepstealer's scales, the dragon's instincts kicked in, prompting it to adjust its position and ascend swiftly into the sky, his mighty wings beating against the air with a thunderous force. Realizing their proximity, the Triarchy captains aimed their spears and arrows at the formidable beast, hoping to bring it down. However, their attempts proved almost futile, as the arrows merely bounced off Sheepstealer's scales, which were as hard as iron, rendering the arrows useless as they barely impacted his scaly hide. Only two spears managed to graze its underbelly barely. Undeterred by the feeble attacks, Sheepstealer let out a thunderous growl, displaying its power and aggression. With each beat of its mighty wings, the dragon soared higher, effortlessly evading the feeble attempts of its adversaries. As it ascended in the vast expanse of the sky above, Sheepstealer's eyes locked onto Viserys and Maelyx.

"Damn it, Nettles, stop getting so careless! We're supposed to work together as a team - not rush headlong into danger! You're going to get us both killed!"

"Oh, sod off, Serys! I'm doin' pretty good for myself, ya see?"

"It's not about looking good, Nettles; stick to the plan!" Viserys tightly held onto the reins of his saddle as he directed his dragon towards another strafe, meticulously calculating the timing of his shots and strategically choosing the opportune moment to ensure that he and Maelyx would not be exposed to excessive danger. "Dracarys!" Gracefully maneuvering through the sky, Maelyx swooped in again, unleashing a powerful dragonflame attack while effortlessly evading the iron bolts.

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