1. Blue light special

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Night time has just hit at the Taylor residence and in their backyard there stands Zac and Fatima still reeling from the DNA results...

Fatima: 99.9%
Zac: wait what??! Hold on bae gimme that phone lemme see (grabs phone and zooms in to see 99.9% written in red)
Fatima: (disappointed) really Zac?
Zac: whatchu mad at me for?
Fatima: Zac you swore on everything that you didn't know that chick, you had me convinced that I only had one bm to worry about.
Zac: baby I promise you idk who that broad is... there must be some kinda mistake, I swear I don't have any memory of ever sleeping with her. (walks up to her trying to hug her)
Fatima: (pushes him away) no Zac! I can't do this rn, I need space, I need time to think, I need to be away from you... she says walking up the stairs that lead back into the house, Zac follows her...


Zac: Fatima I get that you're upset but you agreed to be my fiancé, so that means you can't just be packing your lil bag and running over to Angela's whenever we have a problem!
Fatima: I knowww Zac shit!! No one said anything about leaving, as much as I'd love to be away from you rn, I can't bring myself to leave you! Fuck!! What is this hold you have on me??! (she starts crying)
Zac: (embraces her in his strong arms) hey hey, look at me (wipes her tears) remember what you said to me that first night we moved in?
Fatima: (sighs) we in this together, me and you!
Zac: yes!! Look baby ik I'm a fuck up, ik I'm the source of your pain and honestly I hate myself for constantly putting you through this. But I promise, we gon get through this... Long as you here with me!
Fatima: Zac baby, you know how I feel about that negative self talk shit! Stop it! I might be feeling some typa way now but remember what I told you way back when we first started hooking up?
Zac: (chuckles) yeah, you said you can be mad at me and tell me the truth without tearing me down.
Fatima: exactly! I don't want you tearing yourself down either, we've worked too hard to be here.
Zac: see that's why I love you! Even when you're hurting, you still look out for me and my feelings...
Fatima: (smiles) I love you too baby... kisses him

Crazy as it seems, after that mini argument they both start to get turned on... Zac slowly starts kissing her neck, then her lips with some tongue action and then he carries her to the couch and she takes off her hoodie top.
Now left with just her bra and joggers, Zac buries his head in her chest area and starts giving her hickies all over... Fatima moans heavily then her moans are interrupted when her phones starts blowing up.

Zac: ignore it baby (continues kissing her and tries to unbuckle her bra)
Fatima: baby wait, maybe it's an emergency coz they keep calling, lemme just see who it is...
She stands up from the couch and walks towards the kitchen table where her phone is...

Zac: so... who is it? (annoyed)
Fatima: it's Angela, shit I forgot they was supposed to come over for dinner.
Zac: welp, you need to call her and cancel that shit rn! Shit they ain't finna interrupt our sexy time.
Fatima: babe noooo! We can always resume this after they leave, I made her a promise.
Zac: Tima bffr!! You really expect me to have dinner with a mf that tried to kiss me??!
Fatima: (grabs her hoodie and puts it back on) I'll make it up to you baby, I promise! Zac smacks his teeth highly annoyed, he stomps upstairs while Fatima laughs at his moody antics...

She takes her phone and calls Angela back...


Angela: girl where tf you been??! I was just about to report yo ass missing!
Fatima: fren I was uhhh... in the middle of something with Zac.
Angela: hold on girl, were yall about to get busy? Omg did I interrupt yall??!
Fatima: (laughs) girl yesss!! But it's cool, he a lil salty rn but I'll see him later. Wassup?
Angela: girl no! We can't both be having a miserable sex life, hang up this phone and go back to yo man please!
Fatima: miserable??! Uh-uh now you know you gotta gimme more than that, spill! Besides weren't yall coming over?
Amgela: listen, I'll fill you in tomorrow I promise! Bye girl, have a great night. **hangs up**

Fatima heads upstairs to go make amends with Zac since he a lil salty.


Fatima: baby where you at?
Zac: I'm bout to get in the shower, getting ready to have dinner with yo friends
Fatima: well you'll be glad to know Angela was calling to reschedule.
Zac turns off the shower and walks out the bathroom with just his underwear on...
Zac: wait whatchu say? I couldn't really hear you over the sound of the water.
Fatima: (chuckles) well how bout you go back in there, turn that shower back on and imma be there to join you in a few... she slowly starts taking off her tracksuit.


Fatima walks in with just her underwear on, Zac is immediately turned on by her sexy body. He grabs her waist and starts kissing her all over, while leading her to the shower...
Fatima thinks back to the time they first had shower sex and decides to tease him just to elevate the mood.

Fatima: Zac I love you but on second thought I'm not getting in that shower, you ain't finna mess up my hair!
Zac: (shocked) Ti are u for real?! We wayy past that baby, I'll pay for you to get it redone please baby.. (he pleads while kissing her and lowering her bra strap).

Fatima simply pulls away and starts walking towards the door as if she's about to leave but she instead reaches for the light switch, after she switches it on it immediately illuminates a blue colour...

Zac: (naughty smile) ohh I know what this is! You think you slick huh?
Fatima: (smiles) well... after last night's proposal I wanted to do something special for you so I had this light bulb installed so we could relive that blue light special experience.

Zac immediately picks her up and kisses her while undressing her, he carries her into the shower and has her pinned against the wall... seconds later the bathroom is steamy and filled with moans followed by the sound of the shower💦
Lol let your imagination picture what went down😏

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