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Later on in the day...

|Law firm|

Andi: (knocks)
Fatima: come in
Andi: (sits down) hey got a second
Fatima: I'm waiting on an important call but I can chat for a few
Andi: how you doing girl
Fatima: (sighs) I'm not doing too good
Andi: wanna talk about it
Fatima: girl where would I even start? There's so much going on (starts crying)
Andi: (hands her tissue) is this about your abused friend
Fatima: partly yeah
Andi: what's the other part
Fatima: Zac called me a bad mother and he also thinks I'm cheating on him
Andi: what?? Girl you're a great mother! He was prolly just in his feelings.
Fatima: yeah I guess so
Andi: but why does he suspect you're cheating
Fatima: whew chile I- *gets interrupted by her phone ringing* sorry I really gotta take this

Andi leaves her office and closes the door on her way out...


Fatima: please tell me you have some good news for me cousin
Madam: well hello to you too
Farina: (chuckles) sorry I'm just anxious, so what'd you find out
Madam: (sighs) it's not looking good sis, the nigga you allegedly killed may as well be Houdini
Fatima: allegedly?! Girl that nigga ain't have no pulse
Madam: it was prolly there but just faint. Yo scary ass don't have it in you to commit a murder (laughs)
Fatima: (chuckles) whatever! But did you find out anything useful
Madam: nope! Nothing! Like I said Houdini... but imma keep asking around, soon as I hear anything imma hit you up
Fatima: aight bet, thanks cuz
Madam: yea yea love ya too! And tell yo bum ass friends to keep it cool until we know for sure if the nigga dead
Fatima: cool, bye (hangs up)

It's almost knock off time so Fatima finished up the remainder of her work before grabbing her bags and making her way out, she ran into Andi at the reception area

Andi: aht aht not you leaving when we didn't finish our conversation from earlier
Fatima: I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready, but I gotta go. Zac's waiting on me and I also gotta stop somewhere first
Andi: imma hold you to it! Travel safe, bye girl

|Wingz Diner|

Fatima arrived last to meet with Lori, Angela and Belinda.

Fatima: damn why yall seated all the way in the back
Angela: maybe because we're about to discuss a crime we committed
Lori: (eye roll) why yo ass always gotta publicize that shit, damn
Fatima: and that's exactly what this meeting about, we all gotta keep our mouths shut... especially you Angela
Angela: yea yea I got it
Belinda: so any update from your contacts
Fatima: (sighs) sadly no
Lori: what you mean?! I thought your cousin is the baddest in the game
Fatima: she is but even she's struggling to make sense of this shit! Look yall, we just gotta play it cool until she finds something out
Lori: playing it cool is my forté
Belinda: you don't gotta tell me twice
Angela: wtf yall starring at me for
Lori: maybe because you're the weakest link, I just know if the cops questioned us you'd flip on us first
Belinda: aight not too much on her, she's just a lil scary cat
Lori: I know for sure you'd flip too! Pshhh the both of yall would prolly negotiate a deal and throw me and Tima under the bus
Belinda: I know I was doing the most last night but I was still in shock, I'm sorry
Angela: I'm sorry too, we're in this together! Nobody will be snitching on anyone
Lori: (sucks her teeth) yeah we'll see
Belinda: (irritated) damn bitch we just apologized, what more do you want
Fatima: okay yall chill! Fighting amongst ourselves ain't gon help us, we need to stick together
Belinda: well in the spirit of sticking together, let's propose a toast
Angela: a toast to what exactly
Lori: (whispers while holding her mimosa) to us getting away with murder

They all burst out laughing and cheers anyway...

Fatima: yall are a mess
Belinda: ok but jokes aside, let's toast to us playing it cool
Fatima: now that I can do
Lori: I mean it's not as fun as my toast but let's do it

They all raise their glasses and do the toast, the waiter brings by the wingz basket and fries they had ordered. They nibble on it and chat for about an hour.

Lori: so Tima how'd Zac handle you coming home after midnight
Fatima: girl he was beyond pissed! He thinks I'm cheating on him
Belinda: damn Tima I feel bad, I'd literally kick myself if yall broke up because of this
Fatima: I don't think it'll get to that, I just gotta lie my way outta this
Lori: (chuckles) shit that's what I did too and it worked like a charm
Fatima: well... don't just sit there gimme some tips
Lori: just say we had a movie night and lost track of time, I told him we were all at Angela's
Fatima: (smiles) that's genius!

Once they're done eating Lori asks the waiter to bring the bill.

Fatima: I got it yall
Lori: nah I got it boo
Belinda: I mean since this is lowkey my mess, lemme pay the bill
Angela: nah B I can't let you do that, I'll pay it
Waiter: actually ladies, your bill has been paid in full plus a 100$ tip
All: (shocked) whaaat
Fatima: excuse me, who paid our bill
Waiter: I don't know, some blonde haired lady just walked in and paid then left
Lori: so she left just like that
Waiter: yep, but she did ask me to give yall this note
Fatima: (takes the note) okay thanks

The table goes completely silent as they all watch Fatima read the note

Lori: so.... what does it say

Fatima's face instantly changes to a worried look, she stays quiet and simply gives them the note to read.
After a few minutes they all stare at one another and silently yell out "half a million dollars??!" in unison.

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