It's handled

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Andi walks in at the right moment and immediately senses Fatima's mood change.

Andi: (worried) girl you good? Are you still mad about that thing? Fatima I said I'm sorr-
Fatima: it's not you Andi!
Andi: (closes the door and sits down) well what is it? Talk to me fren
Fatima: (sighs) it's Hayden!
Andi: (rolls her eyes) what this nigga do now?
Fatima: that slimy MF emailed Ian last night that we'd be taking his case
Andi: okay...? We are taking his case though, so what's the problem?!
Fatima: Andi that decision was made this morning! He emailed him LAST NIGHT!!
Andi: (chuckles) ohhh yea right! Why tf would he do that?
Fatima: (smacks her teeth) girl idk, but I'm sure it has everything to do with his stupid plans of breaking me and Zac up. He knows that Ian's my ex
Andi: uh-uh he crossed the line!!! Whatchu gon do girl?
Fatima: imma handle it like I always do!
Andi: girl did you forget that you're pregnant??! And you're supposed to be stress free?
Fatima: I knowww Andi but how am I supposed to be stress free with that nigga walking these halls 24/7??!
Andi: you know what I owe you after what I did yesterday... so leave Hayden to me! I'll handle his ass for good this time!
Fatima: (suspicious) Andi... what are you gon do?
Andi: don't worry about it, trust me I got you. Now don't you have a Dr's appointment to get to?
Fatima: (checks her watch) shit yeaaa! Lemme hurry over there, we'll talk later...

|Greenside hospital|

Fatima: (kisses Zac) hey yall... sorry I'm late, kinda got carried away with work stuff
Dr S: (🤨) Fatima... I hope you're not doing strenuous work! Remember we talked about this!!
Zac: doc is there anyway you can write her a letter that permits her to work from home, just until the baby's born?
Fatima: omg Zac nooo!! Listen doc, I promise I'm not overworking myself. I don't need to work from home- work's not stressful at all (nervously laughs)
Dr S: (chuckles) Mr Taylor, it's a bit too early for that. But maybe when she's around 8 months then we can arrange that. Alright Fatima, you know the drill... hop on the bed and lift your shirt please...

A few minutes after the Dr's done checking on Fatima, she leads them back to her office.

Dr S: (hands them a pic of the ultrasound) okayy so everything's looking good! I'm happy with the baby's progress, he/she has grown as compared to last time.
Fatima: (smiles) thank you doc!
Zac: yes thanks doc! Is there anything she must avoid or anything I mustn't do?
Dr S: she must avoid stress and you Zac must just be her peace! We're almost there you guys... soon you'll be welcoming your healthy baby!
Fatima: thank you doc. Will that be all? I gotta get back to work
Dr S: yes but please grab some new prescription pills on your way out
Zac: (worried) what are these new pills for doc?
Dr S: well I noticed that her blood pressure is kinda high, but don't panic Mr Taylor. It just means she might've encountered something stressful at work
Zac: (side eyes Fatima) stress huh doc?
Dr S: yes! But again it's nothing pills can't fix. Now I have to go see my other patients- see yall back here in 4/5 weeks.

Fatima and Zac walk out the hospital and he walks her to her car...

Zac: baby what happened at work?
Fatima: nothing baby! I just misplaced a file and got a lil stressed when I couldn't find it, but it's sorted now
Zac: (holds her waist) Fatima Marie, you wouldn't lie to me would you?
Fatima: (kisses him) you know I wouldn't! I promise baby everything's fine!
Zac: baby please don't take this the wrong way but sometimes I feel like you don't take this pregnancy seriously
Fatima: (removes his hands and steps back) what the hell is that supposed to mean Zac??!
Zac: see you're already getting worked up after the Dr just said "no stress"
Fatima: she also said you should be my peace but that's not what you doing rn!
Zac: yk what baby, we're not doing this! I'm not gonna argue with you in a parking lot!
Fatima: (smacks her teeth) then don't!

Zac opens the car door and helps her in, he notices that she kinda struggled to get in because her belly seems to be growing by the day. The sports car was cute at first but its not practical for a mom-to-be. He instantly gets an idea which he believes will not only make her happy but also alleviate her stress.

Zac: baby I'm gonna come pick you up from work after you knock off aight?
Fatima: there's no need for that I can still drive myself
Zac: I know but I got a surprise for you, just make sure you meet me by the parking lot at 5 sharp, okay?
Fatima: okay baby, I love you- bye. (She drives off and so does Zac)

Zac drives to the nearest Mercedes-Benz shop to go buy his fiancé a car fit for a mom-to-be.

Salesman: good day sir, how may I help you?
Zac: hi, I'm looking to buy a car and I need it to be delivered today!
Salesman: (chuckles) that can be arranged as long all you have all the necessary documents
Zac: (hands him a folder) it's all in there
Salesman: okay! So are you looking for anything specific?
Zac: idk man, I just need something that's fit for my wife! We're expecting so I need a car that'll accommodate her and a baby
Salesman: I see... this is the best one I can recommend! All new mommies go for it!
Zac: aight bet! Let's do it
Salesman: what colour sir?
Zac: white
Salesman: cool and would you like any customizations?
Zac: (chuckles) will yall have time to add all that? It's almost 5
Salesman: (chuckles) well... we can do minor ones like tinted windows
Zac: aight bet! Yeah do that and an all white interior.
Salesman: you got it bro! So will you be buying credit or?
Zac: (pulls out his black card) cash
Salesman: (daps him up) my man! Okay please go finalize payment at that counter and we'll have it delivered to you by 5!
Zac: aight bet!
Salesman: you know what I like you Mr Taylor, so imma also throw in a customized Mercedes-Benz baby car seat for free!
Zac: for the free?!
Salesman: (smiles) yep!
Zac: that's what I'm talking bout!!! Thanks bro!

Meanwhile back at the law firm 4 hours have went by... its almost knock-off time. Fatima finishes the last of her work for the day, grabs her bag and walks out. She bumps into Andi who's also just knocked off so they walk together to the parking area until they see commotion at the reception area.

Hayden: (holding a box of his belongings looking at Fatima) so you did this huh?!
Fatima: (chuckles) I have no idea what you taking bout  but I do know one thing for sure
Hayden: (annoyed) and that is?
Fatima: God don't like ugly, He handled you for me!
Hayden: yeah whatever Fatima, this not the last you hear of me! London ain't gon stop me! (Gets escorted out by security)
Fatima: (looks at Andi laughing) London? Girl wtf did you do?
Andi: (laughs) I got Robin to give him an ultimatum, he either leaves the company and we bad mouth him to all competing firms or he takes a position at our London offices. That way he'll stay far away from you!
Fatima: (hugs her) thank youu Andi!!! Whew now I can focus all my attention on my man and our baby!

They walk out the building and get to the parking lot. Fatima sees Zac standing there in front of a brand new Mercedes-Benz G-wagon with a big red ribbon on the front, he's also holding a bouquet of hydrangeas.

Fatima: (teary) babyyyy!!! Is it for me?!
Zac: (smiles and hands her keys) yesss
Fatima: (hugs and kisses him) thank youuuuu!!

The rest of the co-workers applaud and congratulate her, while she gets into the driver seat and opens the window yelling "My baby got me a car yall!!!!"

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