4. Trust

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|Later in the day Tony and Nate have just arrived at the Taylor residence|

Zac: fellas let's go out by the patio, Tima set up some snacks and drinks for us before she left.
Tony: cool! Fatima already giving wifey material! Ykw Zac I'm actually really happy for you, let's toast to your growth bro.

Tony and Zac raise their drinks but Nate doesn't, clearly he's still bothered by the events that took place on Friday...

Zac: tf wrong with you bro?
Nate: nigga really? Yo girl... oh I'm sorry, yo FIANCÉ is a snake!
Zac: yo watch your mouth!! I let it slide on Friday but ain't gon be lenient if you keep this shit up!
Tony: hold on FIANCÉ??! Wtf did I miss?
Nate: (smacks his teeth) this nigga asked her to marry him
Tony: (daps Zac) ayeee that's what I'm talking about!! Congratulations bro, I'm proud of you.
Nate: ugh whatever, anyway listen to the rest... so I'm in the hottub with that PYT from next door, next thing his bit- (Zac gives him a warning look) my bad, his FIANCÉ shows up and punches Deja, slaps me and wait for it... brings Lori over to break my nose with a fuckin bat!!
Tony: (tries not to laugh) oh so that's why you got that big ass bandaid on your nose (him and Zac laugh) ayeee bro I love ya but you brought that shit on yourself playa! We all know Lori is with the shits!!
Zac: hell yeaaa!! And so is Fatima! Shit they went out yesterday, for all we know they could be forming an unbreakable friendship as we speak...
Tony: ohhh shit, those two together would fuck ATL all the way up! [they all laugh and continue drinking x eating]

|At Angela's house|

Fatima: (arrives with Lori) hey girl, I hope you don't mind but I invited Lori... don't worry she's good people.
Angela: aight cool, nice to meet you boo.
Lori: nice to meet you too.
Fatima: okay girl what's up with Bryce? You said sumn about a miserable sex life?
Angela: (sighs) gurl we gon need some wine for this!!
Lori: (pulls out a bottle from her bag) I'm way ahead of you gurl, just grab some glasses.
Angela: ouuu I like you already miss Lori
Fatima: (smiles) see I told you!! Anyway spill... I got some shit I need to get off my chest too.
Amgela: well... since my realization that Bryce could be bi or gay... alot of shit just started making sense to me.
Lori: whatchu mean by that?
Angela: well for starters the kinda friends he keeps, they're all kinda 🌈 and everytime he watches porn it's always threesomes but couples that have two guys??! (sighs)
Lori: damn what kinda freaky shit you got going on gurl?
Fatima: damn Angela thats hectic frennn!
Angela: I knowwww... so last night he initiated sex but I just couldn't do it! I just keep picturing him with a guy.
Lori: well... have you asked him if he's bi/gay?
Angela: no, idk where to start.
Fatima: just ask sis he seems open-minded
Angela: yeah I guess you're right, I'll talk to him tonight.... anyway whats up with you and Zac?
Fatima: chile a hot mess!!! We had a heated argument this morning, I kinda fucked up his chances with his son...
Angela: (shocked) his what??!
Fatima: (heavy sigh) the DNA for the stripper baby came back positive...
Angela: damn I'm sorry sis
Fatima: it's cool, I think I'm over it now... that's not even the worst. (Waves her left hand) You see the ring's gone.
Lori: gurl I was just bout to ask...
Fatima: gurl my dumb ass took is off mid argument and he said I ain't getting it back til we go to therapy (rolls her eyes)
Angela: I mean that's a great idea, it'll give yall a clean slate.
Fatima: yeah I know I'm just scared to open up about everything that happened with Ian, yk everything from the abortion, my anger issues etc...
Angela: if yall love is as strong as you say then you'll get through this!
Lori: true! Don't worry too much abou the abortion, shit it's not 1960... abortions are very common and I'm sure you had a good enough reason.
Angela: yeaa gurl just be honest with him! Sis if you wanna marry that man you have to trust him!!
Fatima: (takes a deep breath and raises her glass) welp I guess here's to me finally opening up to Zac...

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