68. Ian x Keith

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|Secret location|

Keith brings Fatima a plate of food and bottled water. Fatima just looks at it in silence

Keith: I thought you said you were hungry
Fatima: I am
Keith: then eat!
Fatima: I don't trust you or this food
Keith: (laughs) oh honey, if I wanted to poison you I would've been did that! (Eats a spoonful of the food) see its clean, now eat!
Fatima: (rolls eyes) fineee
Keith: (smiles) good girl! And don't worry about that leg, imma go get you some medical supplies
Fatima: I told you I need a hospital!! It's an open wound, what if it gets infected
Keith: (chuckles) welp, that sounds like a YOU problem
Fatima: (sighs) Keith, what does Ian have to do with any of this?
Keith: (smiles) can I tell you a story
Fatima: (annoyed) you're gonna tell it anyway, so go ahead

Okay this portion of the chapter will be explaining the link between Keith and Ian, I'll indicate when the narration is over. SN: the narrator is Keith!!!


Imagine being born as a brother to the world's most "perfect" son! Well I don't have to imagine it because that's the life of Keith Hall- fraternal twin brother to Ian Hall. Ian and I were super close growing up until we hit the teenage years, he started outshining me in everything! Be it in grades, sports, getting all the pretty girls etc. I wasn't too fond of his popularity but I wasn't bothered by it either. Until... our parents also started comparing us and treating Ian like some king, I felt neglected and unloved by the people who are supposed to love me unconditionally! One day when we were 15, Ian got mixed up with the wrong crowd and convinced me to join a gang with him. I did it because I wanted to be as cool as my brother. One night a fight broke out which resulted in Ian getting shot and ending up in hospital for weeks! I came to the hospital that night to see my brother but when I heard my mother's prayer, I was never the same! She was sitting by his bedside holding his hand, she said and I quote "Lord, I'd give anything to have my sons trade places- I'd give anything to have Keith lay in his deathbed instead of my sweet Ian". I was beyond devastated so I went back home, packed up all my things and ran away- never looking back! The first few years of being homeless were tough but it made me into the man I am today! Fast forward to when we were adults, Ian reached out to me. At first I was hesitant about meeting with him but he was still my brother and a part of me still longed for that family connection so I reluctantly agreed to go see him in Canada. He apologized about all the shit that transpired when we were kids, he said he was sorry for not doing more in his efforts to look for me after he recovered and heard that I ran away. He also apologized about never coming clean to our parents about it being his idea to join the gang! Overall he apologized for being a shitty "older" brother- even if it's just by 15min. I was happy to have my brother back in my life until YOU came into the picture and took him away from me! Ian told me all about you, how he never loved a woman like he did you! He told me that he tried to do right by you but you curved him and moved on with Zac, not only did you marry him but you also had a baby by him! Your actions drove my brother to an early grave, because of you he abruptly stopped his chemotherapy and let the cancer take over his body! He took his last breathe in my arms before leaving his company (Ian x Keith Technologies= IKT) to me. His last words were "I'll always love you lil bro but I can't live without her, my life has no purpose without Fatima by my side".


Fatima: (teary-eyed) wait so Ian is dead?
Keith: (annoyed) as if you care
Fatima: Keith contrary to what your brother said about me, I cared for him deeply and I never would've wished death on him
Keith: (sighs) yes he died, he's been dead for 6 months now! I came to ATL to avenge him
Fatima: I'm really sorry about your loss but you're sick if you blame me for anything
Keith: (chuckles) you know I thought I could pick up where my brother left off, I thought you and I could be happy together, have a baby and name him after my brother
Fatima: (starts being out of breathe)
Keith: (worried) are you okay?
Fatima: (breathing slow) no... I feel weak and light headed
Keith: (jumps up) oh shit!! I forgot I need to go fetch some medical supplies
Fatima: (pleading) Keith pleaseee!! You need to take me to a hospital, I need to be put on on oxygen machine- I can't breathe
Keith: no!! You'll be fine as soon I clean up your wound, I'm sorry but I can't let you out of my sight
Fatima: (crying) please don't leave me here alone, what if I pass out?
Keith: (kisses her forehead) that's not gonna happen baby, I'll be back soon! It's not far. Just drink some water and breathe slow

Keith exits the room, leaving a breathless Fatima tied up to the chair. He locks the door with the pincode and grabs his car keys to head out until his tablet starts going off. It starts reflecting a big red ALERT sign, while the automated voice system keeps saying "intruder alert"

Keith leaves everything on the table and steps outside to go check his surroundings. Stupid of him, he leaves the door open as he steps out- leaving the perfect chance for Zac and the crew to sneak in without being seen.

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