66. Misguided

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... a few hours later

|Secret location|

Fatima slowly starts to regain consciousness, she slowly opens her eyes and is shocked at the unfamiliar surrounding. Naturally, she starts panicking and also coughing because of the chemical she inhaled

Keith: (wakes up) calm down, you're safe (gives her water)
Fatima: (eyes still half open) where... where am I?! Zaccccc!!!
Keith: (irritated) I swear imma have to kill that nigga and permanently get him off your mind
Fatima: (eyes fully open) Keith wtf is going on? Where am I?
Keith: (smiles) you're home baby, we are finally gonna be a family
Fatima: (confused) who tf is we?
Keith: me, you and and baby KJ
Fatima: (chuckles) I'm sorry what?! Baby who
Keith: baby KJ, Keith Jnr
Fatima: (laughs hysterically) ohhh I get it, the mall's open but nobody's shopping
Keith: are you implying that I'm stupid
Fatima: your words not mine
Keith: (chuckles) if I am stupid, then how'd I manage to kidnap you without being seen
Fatima: (smiles) trust me, somebody definitely saw you!
Keith: (rolls eyes) how can you be so sure
Fatima: remember when I said "this house is full of people who want you dead"
Keith: yeah and?
Fatima: just know they're gonna come for me soon! You messed with the wrong ones
Keith: oh please, like the Wilsons are some kinda top thugs, I know all about you Fatima... I know your father runs a finance company, I ain't scared of an account
Fatima: (laughs) you're clearly dumber than I thought! Nigga have you ever heard of fronting
Keith: (chuckles) funny... so next you're gonna tell me your family background is dangerous
Fatima: oh I ain't gon tell you shit, you'll find out soon enough
Keith: you're starting to amnoy me! I think it's time for someone to go back to sleep
Fatima: (lowkey worried) wait wtf are you talking about
Keith: I opted to not tie you up like some animal because I thought you'd behave, but clearly I was misguided

Keith leans over to his side drawer and pulls out a bottle of benzene then pours a generous amount of it over a cloth. Fatima starts to panic but realizes that she'll have to make nice with Keith if that means it'll buy her some time until they come to her rescue...

Fatima: (fake tears) so you're really gonna suffocate me with that dangerous chemical again
Keith: it's the only way I can get you to shut tf up
Fatima: (rubs her belly) but what about baby KJ?! Do you want him to die
Keith: (worried, drops the bottle) wait what??! Can this stuff really harm the baby
Fatima: (sighs) yesss!! Remember he's apart of me, so anything you do to me he'll also feel it
Keith: (wipes her fake tears) omg I'm so sorry!! I didn't know
Fatima: (fake crying intensifies)
Keith: (hugs her, also crying) I'm truly sorry Fatima, please forgive me- I promise I'll never do anything to hurt you or baby K- *gets cut off*

Fatima grabbed a decorative metal object from her side table and hit him against the head with it. She then rushed downstairs and grabbed the car keys, she tried to unlock the door manually but it kept requesting a pincode.

Fatima grew frustrated after punching a bunch of random digits but none of them worked. She realized that she wouldn't be able to escape by herself so she quickly located her phone from Keith's jacket pocket and shared her live location with Madam.

Keith eventually showed up limping down the stairs and laughing like a mad man, he's also holding a gun in his hand.

Keith: you just had to force my hand huh
Fatima: (sees the gun) shit!! Keith baby, please it's not what-


|Taylor residence|

It's now Sunday morning in the a.m, none of them have went to sleep as they're still waiting to hear back from their contacts.

Angela: (drowsy) look Zac, I love Tima I really do- but I think we should all get some rest. We've been up for nearly 4 hours now
Zac: (pissed) Bryce do me a favor, take your girl and get tf outta my house
Bryce: bro calm down, she's just trying to help. I think if we get some rest then we'll be of more use
Zac: you know what!! Fuck all yall! If yall feel like I'm keeping yall hostage you're more than welcome to leave
Jeremiah: bro calm down, no one's leaving you. We're gonna find her. (Looks at Lucious) any word from your people?
Lucious: (sighs) nope, nothing yet
Nicki: how about your contacts daddy
John: (sighs) nothing yet
Zac: (teary-eyed) Madam please you're my last hope! Please tell me you found something
Madam: (sighs) I'm sor-

*Madam's phone starts beeping, indicating that she got a notification*

Madam: (looks at phone) wait hold on! I think I got something
Zac: (jumps up) what is it?
Madam: it looks like Fatima's sharing her live location with me
Quincy: (grabs laptop) wait that's good!! Give it here lemme see if I can pinpoint the exact location

The whole room goes silent as Quincy types on the laptop, when he's in his tech-mode he doesn't like to be disturbed...

Quincy: (yells) shiiiiiit
Madam: talk to me Q, what did you find
Quincy: (sighs) the location just stopped sharing! All I got was footage worth like 2 min
Madam: maybe we can still work with that, try tracking her phone
Quincy: I tried and the phones been disabled, this guy is a tech guru. Idk how he managed to make me lose the pinpoint so quick
Zac: (defeated) well did you atleast see any surrounding areas before it went out
Quincy: I saw a tall building but there's no telling how close/ far out of range it is
John: it's worth a shot son!! What's the address?
Quincy: 1038 Eden valley
Brenda: wait I've seen that somewhere
Zac: where
Brenda: (looks on her phone) that's the former location of IKT, his tech company
Zac: do yall think he could be keeping her there, it's an abonded building after all

Lu & John: (in unison) only one way to find out

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