Goodbye Ian

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Unbeknownst to Fatima, Zac was seated at the table behind her. He had calmed down from last night's events and decided to come see her at the office, he stopped by the coffee shop to buy her a breakfast bagel and a sweet ice tea when he saw Ian walk in...

He sat down waiting for the order when Fatima walked in and joined Ian at the table. Despite his better judgment of sticking around to snoop, he couldn't get his body to move...


Ian: Fatima idgaf about the money, I'd give it all up if it meant I could have you again
Fatima: (sighs and stares at him in silence)

The fact that Fatima stayed silent after Ian basically professed his love for her felt like a slap in the face to Zac. He thought to himself "if he can still make her speechless she must not be over him". Zac wiped the one tear drop from his cheek and sneaked out of the coffee shop without even collecting his order.

Fatima: (finally snapping out of it) Ian you have the fuckin nerve! How dare you sit here and tell me this shit knowing how much hurt and trauma you've caused me!
Ian: (interjects) okay Fatima calm down
Fatima: no!!!! Ain't no calm down! Ian YOU left me! YOU left me on a hospital bed a week after I aborted your child! You ain't even come to see me, do you even know that I developed an infection because of that shit! I could've fuckin died!!
Ian: (too stunned to speak because this was his first time hearing about the infection)
Fatima: and then you have the nerve to pop back up in my life when I finally got a chance at true love and happiness?! You wanna come mess that up?! Well listen to me and hear me well nigga!
Ian: Fatima I'm sor-
Fatima: I'm not finished!! I would never in a million years get back with you! Not even if you were the last man on this planet! You've caused me enough hurt to last a lifetime and you know what I'm done pleading with you. If you wanna take this case elsewhere be my fuckin guest! But hear me when I say- karma is a bitch!
Ian: wtf is that supposed to mean?
Fatima: well for starters... I'm not the one who has to regularly visit an oncologist
Ian: (gasps) that's below the belt Fatima! So now you're gonna throw the fact that I have cancer in my face
Fatima: you forced my hand! Goodbye Ian, lose my fuckin number because I'm certainly gonna block you after this. Idgaf what you choose to do regarding the case, contact Andi. (She grabs her bag and leaves)

Ian sat there wiping his tears because for the first time in 3 years, he realized just how much hurt he caused Fatima. Although he still had love for her, he knew that it would be selfish of him to punish her by walking away with his case when she already invested so much time and effort into it. He pondered on his thoughts for a while and then pulled out his laptop and started typing an email to Fatima while CC-ing Andi and Mr Bridges.

Mr I. Davis
Subject title= Blame it on me

Dear Fatima,
I know you said I should stop contacting you but I just had to get this off my chest before leaving you alone for good! Today I realized just how much hurt I caused you and I understand that words will never be enough to say how sorry I am. But still, I'm sorry for everything that transpired three years ago and I wish you can one day forgive me although it'll take me a lifetime to forgive myself for shattering such an impeccable woman. I never deserved you, you were too good for me and if I'm being honest, you still are! I'm sorry for overstepping last night and if it means anything, I wish you and Zac all the happiness in the world.

Dear Mr Bridges,
Please don't make Fatima pay for my mistakes. She was only doing her job the best way she knows how. If anyone should be punished it's me! I just wanted to inform you that I'm no longer walking away from the firm and you have Fatima to thank for that! We will however have to finalize the settlement virtually because I'm moving to Canada to get started on my healing journey.

To you all, I'm sorry for all the drama I caused within a matter of weeks. It was never my intention and I trust that this email can help repair everything I broke.

Ian Davis.


Present day:
|Azure restaurant|

Zac sat there and stared at Fatima as she also stared back at him.

Fatima: (chuckles) I bet you feel stupid huh
Zac: okay ntm! I thought you still loved him
Fatima: Zac I meant it when I said you're the only man I love, the only man I wanna spend my life with
Zac: I know and I'm sorry baby
Fatima: no Zac, I'm sorry. If I would've told you everything from the beginning none of this would've happened
Zac: you damn right! But I get it now, I finally see what you meant by "trying to keep the peace"
Fatima: (smiles) so are we good now
Zac: (takes her hand and kisses it) yessss!!! Let's get outta here so I can show you just how good we are (smirks)
Fatima: aht aht not so fast
Zac: what is it now
Fatima: I have one more question
Zac: yes?
Fatima: where were you staying for the past 3 weeks Zac?
Zac: I was at home in NY
Fatima: (serious face) Zachary Luther Taylor, don't play with me!! Brenda told me you haven't set foot there since Thanksgiving
Zac: (chuckles) damn Brenda's a snitch! How she got more loyalty to you than me and I'm her whole ass cousin
Fatima: stop trying to change the subject! Where did you stay?
Zac: (takes a deep breathe) I can show you better than I can tell you

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