71. Breaking news

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The next day...

Fatima has been knocked out from the anesthesia, she's just now regaining consciousness.

Zac: (holding her hand) baby I need you to fight! I can't live without you or our babies
Fatima: (slowly opens eyes) Za... (coughs)
Zac: (smiles) hey baby, lemme get you some water
Fatima: (drinks) thank you
Zac: how are you feeling baby?
Fatima: like I've been hibernating, how long was I out?
Zac: (chuckles) only 24 hours
Fatima: (chuckles) feels like 24 days, baby what was that you mentioned about babies?
Zac: (jumpy) huh? Oh uhmm
Fatima: (🤨) is there something you're not telling me?
Zac: its nothing baby, I'll let the Dr explain. But how's your leg feeling?
Fatima: I feel a little tension but I'm not in pain too much, I guess the meds are still in my system
Zac: (smiles) that's good baby
Fatima: (removes the oxygen mask)
Zac: (panics) yo what are you doing?
Fatima: relax babe, I just needed some fresh air. This mask can get irritating
Zac: Fatima I'm not finna play with you! Put it back on, your lungs aren't fully recovered yet
Fatima: (annoyed) just 2 more min, why don't you come give me a kiss
Zac: (reluctant) if I kiss you, you gotta promise to put it back on immediately! Ain't no 2 min
Fatima: (chuckles) yes daddy

Zac leans forward and pecks her lips, in that moment the Dr comes rushing as if there is an emergency.

Dr: (smacks his teeth) so this is why my notifier was beeping outta control?! Over a damn kiss
Zac: sorry about that doc, this one is too stubborn
Dr: (stern) Fatima, you know better! Put that mask on and don't take it off unless it's time for your meds or you're eating
Fatima: (rolls eyes) yall have no idea how irritating that thing is, I can breathe perfectly fine on my own
Dr: that would be great if you were only breathing for yourself, but Mrs Taylor you're breathing for 3 now
Fatima: (shocked) wait what?!
Zac: (smiles) we're having twins baby
Dr: and if you want both of them to make it, I'm gonna need your cooperation
Fatima: what do you mean by that doc? Is something wrong?
Dr: (sighs) yes, but since I'm not an OB-GYN I can't give you too much details, however your Dr will come talk to you soon
Fatima: (looking distraught)
Dr: hey don't worry, if you follow all rules you should make a speedy recovery
Fatima: (holds her belly) but what about me babies doc?
Dr: (sighs) I'm sorry but I can't give you an expert opion on that, for now just focus on getting better plus there's some important people coming to see you later on *he leaves*

Fatima's eyes instantly start to water as her mind is filled with regret and she can't help but think the worst is gonna happen.

Zac: (comforts her) baby don't worry, I'm positive that everything will be fine
Fatima: this is all my fault Zac! I should've never gave Keith the time of day
Zac: baby no one knew he had ulterior motives, you can't blame yourself
Fatima: I just pray both my babies make it, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened
Zac: (kisses her forehead) let's try to think positive baby and get that Keith outta your head- he's gone for good!
Fatima: what do you mean by that?
Zac: well in the words of Olivia Nope Taylor... it's handled
Fatima: (laughs) you're stupid
Zac: its gon be alright baby, try and get some rest

A few hours later...

The family came by to see her, they bought her a bunch of cards, flowers, fruits and snacks

Deb: it's so good to see you baby, I thought I lost you
Fatima: (smiles) it's good to see you too mommy, and all yall. Thank you sm for all of this
Anita: don't mention it sweetie, you just focus on getting better
Fatima: (worried look)
Anita: ah-uh what's that look for?
Fatima: the Dr came by talking about something wrong with the twins
Deb: don't worry about that baby, they'll be fine
Fatima: but mommy how can you be so sure?
Deb: baby what do I always tell you?
Fatima: (sighs) that God got us
Quincy: (raps) and if God got us then we gon be alright
Nicki: (laughs) only you would think of rapping Kendrick Lamar in serious situations
Quincy: (laughs) but did I lie though?
Deb: (chuckles) no you didn't baby
Fatima: (looks at John & Lu) thank yall for handling it
Both: we got you babygirl
Brenda: hold on yall, ain't that ol boy that abducted you
Zac: shit it is, turn it up

They all go silent and stare at the TV, the news is on. The news anchor proceeds to read the headlines...

Anchor: and in breaking news, CEO of IKT Keith Hall has died. It's being reported that it was a result of an apparent electric house fire. However, authorities are still running investigations before ruling it as an accidental death. One of our reporters was able to get in touch with Mr Hall's family representative- Daisy.

Daisy: (crying) man this is such a cruel world we live in! You know we just burried my cousin- his twin a few months ago. And now Keith?
Journalist: I'm sorry about you loss miss Hall, is there any closing remark you'd like to make?
Daisy: to whoever did this, trust me you won't get away with it!
Journalist: (shocked) miss Hall are you implying that there was foul play surrounding Keith's death?
Daisy: hell yeah!! Keith was very hands on! If his house had a short circuit he would've known and fixed it! This was definitely a homicide and I won't rest until the cops rule it as such
Journalist: well you heard hear first folks! The network sends our heartfelt condolences to the Hall family.

Fatima: (turns off the TV)
Zac: (worried) man are yall sure this shit won't come back to bite us
Madam: positive! Everybody just relax- it's handled

Knock knock knock

Dr: oh wow, I see we have a full house
Fatima: (smiles) yeah my family was very eager to see me
Dr: well family I'm gonna have to ask yall to step out for a bit
Fatima: may I ask why?
Dr: remember that conversation from earlier?
Fatima: yeah
Dr: those very important people are here to see you (looks to the door) come on in fellas

Two men walk in, one is a detective dressed in a clean suit while the other is dressed in police uniform.

Detective: (handshakes) good afternoon Mrs Taylor, I'm detective Walker and this is my colleague. We're here to take your statement
Fatima: (confused) statement on what exactly?
Dr: well Mrs Taylor, it's hospital policy to inform the authorities whenever someone comes in with a gunshot wound. Family once again, please step out

They all gather their belongings and exit but Zac stays behind

Detective: you too Mr Taylor

Zac and Fatima lock eyes as he exits- Zac can see that Fatima is beyond nervous because they hadn't yet figured out a story to sell the cops.

Detective: okay Fatima, are you ready to tell us everything you remember about the night you got shot?

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