64. Family matters

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|Taylor residence: kitchen|

Fatima: Belinda calm down
Belinda: no you shut tf up
Fatima: excuse me??! Who tf you think you talking to
Belinda: I'm talking to you bitch!! You the one who's all buddy-buddy with my abuser
Fatima: no tf I'm not
Jeremiah: (touches her hand) baby please let's just talk about this
Belinda: I dare you to touch me again muthafucka, gimme a reason to end your life nigga
Angela: Belinda pleaseeee
Belinda: (yelling crying) I can't believe you'd do this to me Fatima
Lori: bitch Fatima ain't even do shit to you
Angela: B please just let me explain
Jeremiah: (tries to get up)
Belinda: (slices his arm) didn't I tell your bitch ass to stay on the ground
Jeremiah: (shocked) baby you cut me
Belinda: you damn right I did!!! I'm no longer that weak bitch you used to beat on, I fight back now
Angela: (sees the blood streaming down his arm) omg he's bleeding!!!!
Lori: (annoyed) there she go with the yelling
Fatima: Angie shut tf before someone hear you damnnn
Anita: (behind them) too late

The girls all turn around and see Lucious, Anita and Zac standing behind them

Lucious: (sees Jeremiah on the floor bleeding) what the fuck happened to you
Zac: Fatima what the hell is going on
Fatima: (sighs) baby I don't even know where to start
Lucious: (sees Belinda holding a knife) is this the crazy bitch that cut you
Belinda: who tf are you to be calling me a bitch
Lucious: (pulls out a gun) I'm bout to be yo worst fuckin nightmare
Angela: (crying yelling) omggg he has a gun!!!!
Lori: no shit Sherlock!! Gahdamn why do you always have to be so fuckin loud
Lucious: (points gun at Belinda)
Zac: (steps in front of Fatima)
Jeremiah: (steps in front of Belinda)
Lucious: son wtf are you doing
Jeremiah: dad if there's anyone who deserves to get shot, it's me
Lucious: (confused) whaaat, why

Anita walks towards Lucious and steps in front of him, she slowly places her hands on the gun and motions for him to lower his weapon

Lucious: baby what are you doing
Anita: (looks at Jeremiah) do you wanna tell your father or should I
Jeremiah: (teary-eyed) dad everything Fatima said about me was true
Lucious: (shocked) whaaat
Jeremiah: I abused this woman right here, I'm the reason she's lashing out like this. I'm not proud of what I did and I know I brought shame to the Taylor name
Lucious: I'm very disappointed in you son
Jeremiah: I know dad but I'm a changed man now, I promise I stopped
Anita: (crying) baby you can't just stop! You need help son, professional help
Jeremiah: mama I swear I changed, why don't yall believe me
Anita: its not enough Jeremiah! You need to learn how to deal with all this anger

Before Jeremiah can even say a word, the Wilson family along with uncle Tommy, Kiesha and Brenda also show up to the kitchen

John: (annoyed) Fatima Marie Taylor!!! Is this how we raised you
Fatima: huh?
John: don't huh me! How do you throw a party and leave your guests unattended
Deb: right??! So we just sitting ducks outside while the Taylors have their own private party in here??!
Brenda: I mean technically we're also Taylors but it seems this private party skipped us
Uncle T: Brenda shut the hell up
Nicki: (chuckles) Fatima sure can pick them
Deb: Nicki not now
Fatima: I promise yall it's not like that at all, this is all just one big misunderstanding
Quincy: hol up, is that blood
Lori: (chuckles) yup
John: what the fuck is going on here
Fatima: look yall I promise I'll explain everything later, but for now can we please go back outside and celebrate the fact that my baby's turning one!
Deb: do you really expect us to go back out there and pretend like nothing happened
Fatima: (smiles) yes that's exactly what I expect of yall

Everyone just stands there looking at Fatima like she's crazy, she really expects them to ignore the blood and broken glass on the floor and go party.

Kiesha: (chuckles) I'm sorry but is she fr right now
Woman: (walks in) oh she's deadass serious!! Now eveyone get back to the party before I drag yall there myself
Fatima: (runs to hug her favorite cousin) hey boo, so glad you could make it
Madam: wouldn't miss it for the world
Brenda: uhm sorry but who tf are you and why should we be scared
Madam: (clears her throat) the name's Marilyn but call me Madam
Kiesha: (mumbles under her breathe) the Wilsons swear we're dysfunctional when they got a bitch running round here calling herself Madam
Brenda: (laughs)
Madam: I'm sorry is there something funny
Brenda: nope! Let's just get back to the party yall

A few hours have gone by since all the drama, it's now almost night-time so most of the kids are asleep in the guest bedroom. The adults are just chilling over some drinks and old school music. The party was a success despite the drama, Yanah had fun and Zac and Fatima were just thrilled to celebrate this milestone with all their loved ones.

Zac and Fatima are sitting together on the patio couch and watching the stars. Fatima is sitting in between his legs and laying on his chest...

Zac: (kisses her cheek) how are you feeling baby
Fatima: I'm good baby, it was a day well spent with family
Zac: functional or dysfunctional they're still family
Fatima: (chuckles) that they are
Zac: (puts his arms around her belly) I love you baby and thank you for giving me another chance at this fatherhood thing
Fatima: (turns to face him) I love you too daddy (kisses him)

While they're getting lost in the kiss they hear some commotion in the kitchen.

Zac: what the hell is going on now
Fatima: lawwwd my kitchen can't catch a damn break! First the kids messed it up this morning, then the chaos from earlier and now this
Zac: stay here baby, lemme go find out

Brenda is standing by the door that leads to the patio and appears to be pushing someone back

Brenda: looks you can't just barge in
Heather: bitch get tf outta my way and call Fatima
Zac: (yells) Heather what the fuck is your problem
Heather: (points at Tima) she's my fuckin problem
Fatima: hold on, wtf did I do
Heather: (yells) bitch wtf haven't you done
Fatima: excuse me??!
Heather: look I was cool with my son calling you mommy but this... over my dead body
Zac: what the hell are talking about
Heather: look, I know yall have money, a nice ass house and nice cars but that doesn't give you the fuckin right Fatima: Heather what's going on
Heather: (crying) look I'm just here to get my son!! Please just give me my fuckin child
Fatima: he's asleep Heather, I thought we agreed that he'd spend the weekend here
Heather: (yells) no!!!!! I want him nowwww
Fatima: (sighs) okay, Nicki please go get him from the guest bedroom
Zac: Fatima what?! Nah fuck that! He's my child too and we have joint custody
Fatima: baby I know, but she's clearly going through something. Just let me talk to her alone- trust me
Zac: (sighs) okay Fatima

Nicki comes back with Roman asleep in her arms, she hands him to Fatima. Fatima tells Heather she'll walk her back to her car so they can talk in private, they leave and walk to the gate where Heather's car is parked....

|Outside the gate|

Fatima: Heather what's going on, talk to me
Heather: it's nothing, please just put him in the back seat and I'll be out your hair
Fatima: Heather I promise you can talk to me about anything, I won't judge you
Heather: (sighs) I just feel like you're trying to replace me in his life
Fatima: why would you ever think that
Heather: because when I spoke with Romam on the phone earlier, he kept going on and on about how cool you are, how you bought him a bunch of expensive gifts and how much he loves his room at daddy's house. (Starts crying) he said he wants to live here with you and daddy full time- where does that leave me huh
Fatima: (comforts her) hey look at me, I wasn't trying to replace you and I'm sorry that you felt that way. Heather you're a great mother and you shouldn't sell yourself short just because of materialistic things
Heather: thank you Fatima and I'm really sorry for causing all this drama
Fatima: oh this was nothing compared to the day I had (chuckles) nobody's taking your baby away from you
Heather: (gets in the car) thank you for everything
Fatima: (smiles) drive safe and let me know when yall get there

Fatima stands there waving goodbye as they drive away, just as Heather turns the corner Fatima starts walking back to the gate when she hears someone obnoxiously clapping hands behind her. She turns around and sees a black SUV parked right in front of the gate, the masked man finally speaks and Fatima instantly recognizes the familiar voice.

Man: (cocky) I gotta give it to you, I see why you went back to him and why he's so obsessed with you! You handled that situation pretty well... you're definitely gonna make a great mother to OUR child

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