In plain sight

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Angela: (panicking) so he's dead???
Lori: (sarcastic) no he's just taking a nap
Fatima: (laughs)
Lori: (chuckles) of course he's dead Angela
Belinda: (annoyed) you bitches just murdered my man and you're joking about it
Fatima: okay calm down
Belinda: I ain't calming down, matter fact I'm calling the cops!! All yall going down for murder
Lori: (laughing) bitch you look a mess
Angela: yall she's right to a point
Fatima & Lori: bitch wtf??!
Angela: hear me out! Let's call the cops and explain the situation. It'll get ruled out as self defense, we won't do time
Fatima: girl that's not gon work
Belinda: and how would you know? What, this ain't your first murdering spree
Lori: bitch I know you hurt over this lame ass nigga death but you gon stop coming for my girl! She's not a fuckin murderer!!!
Fatima: (smiles) thank you Lori, B I know because I'm the only one of us here who actually studies the law. Matter fact, who over here just got an A+ for their criminal law assignment??


Lori: oop it's quiet ain't no back talk (chuckles)
Belinda: (smacks her teeth) whatever I'm still not leaving my future in the hands of someone who's not even officially a lawyer
Angela: I love you Ti but I'm with B, congrats on that A+ sis but I'm still calling the cops

Angela reaches for her phone but Fatima quickly rushes over and snatches it from her hands

Fatima: for the last fuckin time!! Nobody's calling the cops, I'm sick of yall ungrateful asses trying to paint me as a murderer when in actuality I'm the fuckin hero
Belinda: (rolls eyes) I'm sorry what
Fatima: bitch I just saved your life!! Maybe I should've just let him choke the life out of you
Angela: damn Tima that's cold! She's still in shock, give her a minute
Fatima: (annoyed) nah fuck that! I'm sick of you playing both sides Angie, if anyone should be in shock it's me!! Yall act like I premeditated this shit
Lori: she's right yall, none of us had the guts to act fast and save lil miss Belinda
Angela: yea whatever! Ok miss lawyer 2 be, what do you suggest we do?
Belinda: yeah let's see how your A+ gon get us out this mess
Fatima: (eye roll) yall can start by dropping the attitude. Anyway, we just covered a case similar to this, so the first thing we need to do is- *gets cut off*
Belinda: (laughs) I'm sorry but this is fuckin ridiculous! I'm not taking yo wack ass advice, I'm going upstairs to call the cops

Belinda quickly grabs her phone and runs up the stairs while the girls follow behind her. They step into her bedroom while she's on a call with the 911-operator...

|Belinda's bedroom|

Belinda: (stuttering) uhm I need you to send an ambulance or a coroner
Operator: mam you're not making sense please start from the beginning, are you in danger
Belinda: listen to me he's dea- *gets cut off*
Fatima: (whispers) I wouldn't do that if I were you

Fatima walks up to Belinda holding the murder weapon and forcefully makes her touch it, thus putting her finger prints on the trophy

Operator: hello, mam are you still there
Belinda: uhmm sorry this was just a prank, happy Halloween (chuckles and hangs up)
Angela: Fatima why tf did you do that?
Belinda: (eye roll) she got my prints on the murder weapon so I would also be a prime suspect
Fatima: I'm sorry B but you forced my hand. Look the only way we can get outta this is if we work together and be each other's alibis, agreed?
Lori: agreed
Angela: (hesitant) agreed

The room goes silent as all the ladies stare at Belinda waiting for her to give her approval

Belinda: (sighs) it's not like I have a choice, agreed
Fatima: great! Now that we're all on the same page. Imma need all yall to turn off yall phones and not take any calls so the cell towers don't pick up on our location. Next we need to clean this up (holding the trophy) and sit it back on the shelf
Angela: the shelf??! Are you hearing yourself
Fatima: (chuckles) yes! It's called hiding in plain sight trust me

They all do as told and turn off their phones, they grab some bleach and a bunch of cleaning chemicals to wipe off the trophy. Fatima's blouse had a little bit of blood residue so she had to take it off and burn it to ashes... since Belinda has a tiny body structure, she had no choice but to wear one of Jeremiah's hoodies as it's the only piece of clothing in the house that could fit her.

Lori: okay the trophy is all cleaned up, what's next
Fatima: (sighs deeply) now the hardest part remains
Angela: (worried) and that is
Fatima: we have to go back downstairs and move the body
Belinda: move it to where exactly
Fatima: to the woods
Lori: bitch bffr! You don't think no one in this white ass neighborhood gon be suspicious of 4 black women casually carrying a body out to the woods
Angela: exactly! Tima this plan is getting ridiculous by the second! I mean have you even thought of what you're gonna tell your fiancé??! Need I remind you that his brother is laying in a pool of blood downstairs!!!
Fatima: (annoyed) please just yell that a little louder Angela!! I don't think the neighbors heard you
Lori: (chuckles) damn Tima your sarcasm has no fuckin timing!! Let's just go downstairs and take it from there

They walk back downstairs, Lori is the first one who makes it back to the lounge with the others slowly following behind her

Lori: Houston, we have another problem
Angela: again
Belinda: what is it now
Lori: he's gone
Fatima: no shit Sherlock! We've already established that he's dead
Lori: no bitch!! I mean he's gone like, the body's missing

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