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|Monaco: Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo|

Zac and Fatima have just landed in Monaco and they've settled into their hotel suite. Zac went all out, he booked the Diamond suite which has the perfect view of the Monaco harbor and a balcony with a sea view. The bedroom has silky white sheets and fluffy pillows, the bathroom consists of his and her double sinks, a big shower and a round bathtub that has various heat settings. Fatima is beyond impressed with the effort that Zac put into finding the best hotel for their stay.

They have officially spent 5 days touring the beautiful landscapes of Monaco, they went on a boat cruise with baby Yanah but that didn't last long because she started getting restless. They also went shopping for some souvenirs, tried out all the different kinds of food the city has to offer and even got a family portrait. Since today's their last day, they wanted something chill so Fatima planned a picnic date on the hotel's private beach, she asked the worker's to prepare all of Zac's favorites and do the perfect set up for golden hour so they could enjoy the sunset while laying on the golden sand and listening to the calming waves...

|Private beach|

Zac: (smiles) baby when did you plan all this
Fatima: (chuckles) this morning! I just wanted our last night here to be perfect

Zac kisses Yanah who's chilling in the car seat and sucking on her fingers as usual, then he pecks Fatima's lips.

Zac: baby my life is perfect with yall in it
Fatima: (smiles) next time we plan a trip we should bring Roman along
Zac: (chuckles) yeaa most def!

They lay in each other's embrace and watch as the sun slowly begins to set...

|Back at the hotel room: Diamond suite|

The time is just after 10pm, they've finished packing up all the luggage. Fatima took a bath with baby Yanah and is now in the process of trying to get her to sleep so she can have some private time with Zac. But ofcourse Yanah doesn't want her mommy to have fun so she's crying loud asf...

Zac: give her to me baby
Fatima: yeah go to yo daddy (hands him the baby and walks away slightly irritated)
Zac: (chuckles holding Yanah) you done made mommy mad, why won't you go to sleep baby girl...

He walks onto the balcony carrying her and they stand there for a while looking at the night sky. Zac gently starts rocking her to sleep as he tells her a made up bedtime story about the stars. After about 15min she finally closes her hazel eyes and drifts off to sleep, Zac kisses her cheek and places her in the crib.

Zac: Fatimaaa
Fatima: yea
Zac: where you at
Fatima: in the closet
Zac: (chuckles) what you doing in there
Fatima: uhm nothing
Zac: (smirks) would you happen to be trying on whatever was in that bag you were hiding from me when we left the mall
Fatima: (laughs) maybe...
Zac: well in that case imma go hop in the shower, I managed to put Yanah to sleep
Fatima: thank you daddy, I'll be out soon. Just gotta figure out how to zip this up
Zac: you need help
Fatima: (yells) no!!! I like the element of surprise

After a few minutes Zac steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist. He walks back into the room but Fatima is still in the walk-in closet

Zac: damn baby you still in there? Forget that zip imma just rip it off anyway
Fatima: (chuckles) shut up Zac! Just do me a favor and turn of the light
Zac: (confused) okay

Soon as the main light goes off a blue light illuminates from the ceiling and Dance for you by Beyoncé starts playing...

Zac: (looking around) baby where you at
Fatima: (behind him holding handcuffs) right here

Zac turns around and freezes at the sight of his fiancé who has on a black lingerie set that shows off her perfect body. Fatima slowly walks up to him and pulls the towel off his waist. Zac immediately gets hard as he tries to take control by kissing her...

Fatima: (pushes him onto the chair) aht aht I'm in charge
Zac: (smirks) yes mam

Fatima sits on his lap and slowly starts grinding on him to the rhythm of the song while singing seductively "tonight I wanna put my body on your body"...
Zac buries his head on her chest area and starts giving her hickies, he attempts to unbuckle her tight bra until Fatima slaps his hands away and slightly chokes him

Fatima: (whispers) I said I'm in charge! Now you leave me no choice

She takes the handcuffs and ties both his hands behind him. She slowly unbuckles her bra and throws it at him, next she slowly takes off the lace thong and makes her way back to his lap.

Fatima sits on him and slowly starts kissing his neck and then his lips. She slowly hovers her hand across his chest all the way down until she finally has his dick in her hand, she strokes it and then slowly puts it in

Both: (moan) ahhhhh
Fatima: (slowly moving her hips) you like that daddy

Zac doesn't answer, he just moans from the intense pleasure

Fatima: (grinding faster and squeezing her breasts) touch me daddy

Zac still tied up groans as he rattles the chair trying to break free from the cuffs. Fatima giggles at the sight of him struggling

Zac: Tima stop playing!! Uncuff me
Fatima: (chokes him and whispers) ask me nicely
Zac: pleaseeeee baby, uncuff me!

Fatima slowly slides off his dick and grabs the key from the side table and unlocks him. Before she can even say a word, Zac has her pinned up against the wall. He picks her up and starts pounding her as she wraps her legs around his waist...

Fatima: (screaming) yessss!! Just like that!!! I'm bout to cum...

Just as she's about to reach her climax Zac pulls out

Fatima: (breathing heavy) wtf?! Why'd you stop
Zac: you told me to
Fatima: nigga what
Zac: (chuckles) what happened to "if you ever get me pregnant again I'll kill you"
Fatima: Zac fuck that shit (licks his lips and whispers) fill me up daddy...

Meanwhile back in ATL

|Belinda's house|

It's just after 6 and Belinda is home alone (or so she thought). She has finally gained the courage to open up the small box she bought that day she ran into Zac and Fatima at Target....

She sits on the toilet and says a silent prayer before peeing on the little white stick. She nervously paces around the bathroom while waiting for the results... a few minutes later she turns the stick around and shouts

Belinda: fuckkkkk!!!!
Jeremiah: (knocks) aye you good in there
Belinda: (silently panicking)
Jeremiah: (now banging the door) B is everything okay???!

Belinda quickly grabs the test and throws it in the trash as Jeremiah continues banging so hard that he literally breaks down the bathroom door with his bare hands.

Jeremiah: (yells) didn't you hear me talking to you!

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