Just business

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|Still in Andi's office|

Andi: are my eyes deceiving me??!
Fatima: (laughs) nope! It clearly states 100 million dollars
Andi: girl no wayy did this info just magically land on your lap! Spill
Fatima: (sighs) let's just say, I used to "know" him
Andi: fren this is a multi-million dollar lawsuit! And it's against Mr Bridges' nemesis!! Why tf would this Mr Davis choose our firm and leave out all the top ones?
Fatima: okayyyy fineee!! He's my ex
Andi: whaaat?! Mr Davis is Ian Ian? As in the ex that broke your heart?
Fatima: yesss girl! Now you see why I even hesitated to bring you this file
Andi: girl this is some fucked up weird ass shit! Yo ass just got engaged last week! Wtf you doing hanging with your ex
Fatima: Andi it's not even like that!! That nigga just popped up calling me his dandelion and shit (eye roll)
Andi: (laughs) I take it that was his pet name for you?
Fatima: (sighs and nods)

Andi: well... since you're my girl I won't mention this case in the partners meeting this afternoon, until you give me the go ahead!
Fatima: (smiles) Andi you'd really do that for me? Jeopardize a multi-million dollar case?
Andi: yesss!! So what do you wanna do?
Fatima: (stays silent for a while, thinking hard) fuck it! I say let's take it!
Andi: are you sure? Don't you wanna talk to Zac about it first?
Fatima: nope! actually... I don't think imma mention it at all! He'll understand, I mean it's just business!
Andi: (side eyes her) girl BFFR!!? just business my ass! That's yo ex and not just any ex, your first love. Chile this is a disaster waiting to happen!
Fatima: no its not! I can handle myself
Andi: but can he?
Fatima: huh?
Andi: you know the stakes involved with this case, not only will it need 110% effort from the whole team but YOU will also be required to go through documents and case files with him after hours!!
Fatima: yesss and? Andi trust me I got this!
Andi: Fatima did you forget that you just came back from bed-rest? Taking on such a big case doesn't align with "taking it easy"
Fatima: (getting annoyed) ugh not you too!!! Andi, Zac nags me enough at home, ion need that from you too! Trust me I can do this! Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm incapable of doing my damn job!!
Andi: okayy chill baby mama!! No need to get all hostile
Fatima: (chuckles) sorry, I think my baby's just hungry
Andi: (laughs) well girl go feed that baby before you bite my head off! I'll give you until knock off time to make a final decision

Fatima goes down to a nearby food truck restaurant to meet with her girls for lunch.

Lori: (hugs her) heyyy fiancé!!! Girl you are glowing! This pregnancy is treating you well!
Angela: ikr! I've never seen her look more beautiful
Fatima: (laughs) stop gassing me you two!
Lori: no fr! I think you might be having a boy- you know what they say about girl's taking all your beauty
Angela: aww nooo!! I'm team girl. Hbu Tima?
Fatima: Idc yall, I just want a healthy baby
Lori: girl cut the cap! Deep down you know what you want
Fatima: (laughs) okay you got me! Well tbh I'd love to have a girl because I already got a "son" in Roman
Angela: (smiles) aww well aren't you step mommy of the century!
Fatima: he's such a sweet and smart little boy! We've been spending so much time together! He's super excited about getting a new sibling

The waitress interrupts them to come take their order. Lori orders a chicken salad since she's on a diet, Angela orders tacos while Fatima's order shocks eveyone...

Fatima: uhmm, I'll have a cheese burger with extra pickles and a bowl of fruit with ice-cream and please drizzle a generous amount of hot sauce over it.
Waitress: (shocked) uhmm mam, are you sure? Ice-cream and hot sauce??!
Fatima: (smiles) yesss!

The waiter leaves to go put in their order while they continue sipping on their drinks and conversing.

Angela: see this why I'll forever hold on to the rich aunty title! Hot sauce??! Pickles??! Girl yo ass hates pickles
Lori: (laughs) girl pregnancy will do that to you!! I remember with my son, I was putting ketchup on everything I ate
Fatima: (laughs) yall will never guess who stopped by my office this morning
Angela: was it Ian?
Fatima: what! how'd you know? Anyway not important, so he wants me to take on his case but Andi thinks I should tell Zac about it first
Angela: I agree, you know most of the issues yall faced in the past, stemmed from you keeping shit away from him!
Fatima: I knowww girl! But this is different! It's just business
Angela: just business?! Girl weren't you the one talm bout how you was "feelin Ian all over you"
Lori: (spits out her ice-tea) bitchhhhh wtf???!
Fatima: shhhh!!!!

The waiter brings by their food and they start eating...

Fatima: (throwing a pickle dipped in ice-cream into her mouth) look I know what I said! But that was before I got closure! I swear I'm over him! Zac is the only man I want
Lori: shii he better be!!
Fatima: he is, yall this case won't only boost the status of the entire firm but I'll also get credited for a module I'm doing and graduate sooner!
Angela: ion know Tima, I say tell him, but hey you grown enough to make your own decisions!
Lori: I'm with Angela! But we'll support whatever decision you choose to make

The lunch hour went by fast, they finished eating and paid the bill, then went back to their respective offices. Fatima spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about whether to take on this Ian case... she sits on her chair and decides to call Zac.


heyy fiancé, how are you and baby Taylor

we good! No complaints, just tired... can't wait to get outta these shoes

(laughs) that's what yo ass get for forcing them chunky feet into those Tom Ford shoes

(laughs) yk what imma let that slide coz I know you gon massage my feet soon as I get home

who said that?!

don't try me Zachary!!

I'm just playing baby

I know! But baby there's something I really need to talk to you about

I'm listening

(deep breathe) I don't want you to get mad but uhmm Ia- *gets interrupted by a knock at the door*

Fatima: yess?
Mr Bridges (partner): Fatima may I come in?
Fatima: (still on phone: baby I gotta go- talk later. Love you) yess you may come in sir
Mr Bridges: Andi tells me you are the key to securing our biggest client yet!!
Fatima: huh? Uhmm.. I mean, I don't follow
Mr Bridges: well Fatima, I know about the Davis case. Andi also gave me a little background history of you and Mr Davis
Fatima: ohh lawwwd! well I'm embarrassed
Mr Bridges: (chuckles) don't be! We all have a history... I just thought I'd stop by and propose an incentive that could steer you into making the right decision.
Fatima: I'm listening...
Mr Bridges: well Ms Wilson, if you secure this client not only will I speak to your dean to give you extra credits but you'll also get a guaranteed promotion with double your current salary, after graduation
Fatima: (stunned) I... I don't know what to say
Mr Bridges: (chuckles) no rush, I'll give you until next week to make a decision. Its knock off time now so, enjoy the rest of your evening

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