74. Triggered

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|Law firm|

Knock knock knock

Andi: come in
Fatima: good morning Andi, I bought you some coffee
Andi: (smiles) thank you but what's the catch?
Fatima: (sighs) I need an extension
Andi: I take it Zac said no?
Fatima: (nervous laugh) what, no.. he uhmm
Andi: wait a minute... you haven't told him yet?
Fatima: (sighs) girl I tried but he shut that shit down immediately!
Andi: well that's not a problem, I'll just pass the case to Brooks
Fatima: no!! Please just give me until Monday- I'll use this weekend to make a final decision
Andi: lucky for you, Brooks is outta town and will only return on Monday
Fatima: (smiles) so that's yes?
Andi: yes! But on the condition that you promise to run it by your husband!
Fatima: (rolls eyes) sure, whatever!
Andi: that's not very convincing
Fatima: (sighs) I just know he won't see this my way
Andi: fren I hate to break it to you but I agree with him, you're a mother- which means you have a lot to lose if shit goes south... why are you so interested in this case anyway?
Fatima: because... I see myself in that boy. He's a child Andi and he made a mistake- he doesn't deserve to lose his whole life
Andi: girl bffr!!! A child my ass! See this is why I chose the divorce law stream, whew you criminal attorneys have your work cut out for you!

2 days later...

|Brunch date|

Fatima is meeting with her friends for a mini catchup session

Lori: I took the liberty of ordering us mimosas and don't worry, they're non-alcoholic
Angela: girl no, where's the fun in that?!
Lori: (chuckles) oh its no fun at all but it's moral support for her pregnant ass
Fafima: (chuckles) thank you boo
Lori: oh don't thank me! This the only non-alcoholic drink I'm having, after this its going down!
Angela: (cheers) me too sis, uhhh B you good?
Belinda: yeah I'm good, I was just lost in thought
Angela: wanna talk about it?
Belinda: (sighs) not really, I'm a little embarrassed and I don't wanna kill the mood
Fatima: girl come on! You know there's no conversation that's off limits when we do these meet-ups
Lori: (downs a whole glass of martini) exactly, I mean look at me... Nate not only cheated and gave me chlamydia but he also got another bitch pregnant!

Everyone stops in their tracks and stares at her in disbelief

Fatima: girl what the hell??!
Lori: yep! And the crazy thing about all this is...  I still love his unfaithful ass
Belinda: no judgment, I get it sis- I've been there
Angela: (rolls eyes) whew chile, the blind leading the blind
Fatima: Angie come on that's a bit insensitive.. Lori are you okay?
Lori: (sighs) not really but I will be... he suggested therapy, I guess we'll take it one day at a time
Angela: girl please don't fall for it!! These nigga stay fuckin up then wanna play the therapy card
Belinda: actually... therapy is pretty effective when both parties are willing to do the work
Fatima: oh yeaaa... you and Jay have been going to sessions for 2 months now. How's that been?
Belinda: (sighs) it was going well until last night
Angela: (annoyed) lemme guess, he put his hands on you and then later apologized claiming he loves you
Lori: Angie you gotta chill, damn
Fatima: exactly!! What the hell going on with you? 
Angela: it's nothing
Lori: (chuckles) nothing my ass! This bitch is clearly DD

Lori, Fatima and Belinda all burst out in laughter as Angela just sits there with a mean mug on her face

Angela: keep it up and imma walk outta here
Lori: okay okay, I'm sorry
Fatima: yeah don't leave yet girl, B ain't finish telling her story
Belinda: okay, so last night he suggested a movie night! He picked out the movie and set up our drinks while I was in charge of making the popcorn. Idk what happened but after I put the popcorn on the stove my mind drifted off into space and I ended up burning it. I snapped out of my trance when the smoke detector started beeping and I turned around to see Jeremiah behind me... he was reaching for the pot but I thought he was gonna hit me so I dropped to the ground and shielded myself to prepare for a beating but it never came. Instead he scooped me up and carried me to the couch. I was shaking and crying uncontrollably while apologizing non stop, I kept saying "please don't hit me, I'm sorry".
Fatima: (teary-eyed) but B what made you feel embarrassed? That reaction wasn't your fault
Belinda: because Ti, the past few months have been great! Therapy has really helped us both, but I just felt like my reaction undid everything- I could tell he was hurt!
Lori: girl fuck him and his hurt feelings! You reacted that way because HE triggered you
Angela: exactly! It's probably PTSD, talk to your therapist about it
Belinda: thank yall, I definitely will bring it up in our next session
Fatima: (smiles) we got you B
Angela: and you too Lori, I may not approve but I'm still gon ride for you

They all share in a group hug and agree to never go so long without checking up on each other... Fatima also tells them to keep their calenders open for 2 weeks from now for Zac's birthday dinner.

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