Gut feeling

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Today marks 4 months since Yanah (shortened name) was born, Zac and Fatima have easily adjusted to parenthood. They have a system that works perfectly! Fatima's set to return to work soon but she's not looking forward to it, she enjoys spending time with her baby girl! Zac and Fatima are both against the idea of having a stranger watch Yanah while Fatima's at work, so Zac's mother will temporarily be moving in until they figure out a permanent solution.

|Taylor residence|

Fatima is in the kitchen making breakfast while Zac is watching sports highlights and playing with Yanah in the living room.

Fatima: (dishes up) aight baby food's ready
Zac: (walks to the table holding Yanah) thank you baby
Fatima: sure! So what do you got planned for today
Zac: (chewing) not much, I might stop by that apartment complex we're building to monitor the progress
Fatima: perfect! Since you don't have any serious plans I was thinking we could go out as a family

Yanah starts crying because Zac won't let her play with the knife, so Fatima goes to pick her up

Fatima: (gently rocking her) I know... I know baby, daddy's mean
Zac: (frowns) bro what
Fatima: (laughs) I'm just playing baby, I'm tryna get in her good books
Zac: whatever Tima, what were you saying about going out
Fatima: I think we could do with a lil vacation, to unwind just before I'm back at work
Zac: (smiles) where were you thinking?
Fatima: well... under normal circumstances I'd say south of France but your probation officer probably won't allow that
Zac: (smirks) actually... I'm officially off probation! I can finally get a passport
Fatima: (excited) that's good news!! Are you serious??
Zac: yep! I can finally take your boujee ass on vacation
Fatima: (laughs) well in that case lemme go search for a booking
Zac: aht aht not so fast! I gotta put in leave first
Fatima: nigga you da boss! Ain't no leave required
Zac: (chuckles) okay cool, but we gotta call mama to watch Yanah while we gone

Fatima instantly gets teary-eyed at the thought of being away from her baby, she has never been away from her since birth so she has some "attachment" issues

Zac: baby what's wrong
Fatima: as much as I'd like to go on vacation Zac I can't be away from my baby
Zac: Fatima come on! It'll only be for a couple of days and I'll make sure to keep you busy so you won't even be thinking of her (smirks)
Fatima: (playfully hits him) no Zac! She's still a baby and she needs her mommy, we just gon have to put a pause on France, just until she's older
Zac: older?! Baby at the overprotective rate you're on, we'll only get to vacation when she's 13 (laughs)
Fatima: don't be ridiculous! 13 is still a baby, I'd say.... 18!
Zac: (laughs) 18???! That's a whole ass adult!
Fatima: (shrugs) exactly
Zac: okay well how about we just take her along then?
Fatima: I'm not opposed to that idea but baby getting her a passport, booking flights etc could take forever... maybe we should just pause this whole thing and plan it out properly
Zac: (fetches an envelope) I was gonna surprise you but you beat me to it
Fatima: (opens envelope) what's this
Zac: (smiles) her passport, our plane tickets and booking confirmation to Monaco!!!
Fatima: (smiles) whaaaat?
Zac: I've been planning this trip for a while and I think its the perfect push gift
Fatima: (tongue kisses him) thank you daddy
Zac: save all that nasty for Monaco!! We finna make baby number 2 (smirks)
Fatima: shit if you keep spoiling me we just might (laughs)
Zac: then go start packing baby! We leave tonight...

Fatima takes the baby upstairs with her since it's time for her nap, while Zac stay downstairs to load the dishes into the dishwasher.

Fatima sits on the rocking chair and starts singing a lullaby to Yanah, as much as she's a daddy's girl she loves her mommy's voice! She can also sense when they're in the nursery since it's her favorite room in the whole house! Zac had it decorated with all shades of pink and on the wall behind her crib is an LED signage that reads Eliyanah in cursive and glows a light pink when its dark.

After a few minutes Fatima finally gets her to sleep, she leaves the nursery door open and grabs the baby monitor as she settles in their walk-in closet to start packing...

Zac: (just got out the shower) do you think you'll be done packing by 5
Fatima: (throws a sock at him) if yo ass could help me, then yea
Zac: (laughs) baby I've already packed my essentials, idk why you always insist on taking so much clothes
Fatima: because I need a new outfit for every event of the day! I already told my IG followers to be prepared to be sickkkk of me!!
Zac: (laughs) well are you done packing Yanah's bag
Fatima: yea but we gotta stop by Target for a new breast pump
Zac: aight baby imma go check on that complex, I'll meet yall at Target in the next 2 hours *he leaves*

2 hours later Fatima's finally done packing! She managed to take a shower before Yanah woke up from her nap, she then fed and bathed her and dressed her in a matching mommy-and-me flower sundress. Afterwards, she made her way downstairs carrying Yanah and carefully strapped her into the car seat before driving off to Target.


Fatima puts Yanah onto the stroller and straps her in. Zac called saying he stopped by the house to fetch the luggage then Bryce will drop him off ... she walks around the aisles looking for a breast pump until a familiar voice greets her...

Belinda: hey girl
Fatima: (thrown off by her appearance) hey, you good
Belinda: (deflects from the question) that's a very beautiful baby
Fatima: (smiles) thank you! her name's Eliyanah
Belinda: yeah Jeremiah mentioned it to me
Fatima: (stunned) oh wow, yall are still together
Belinda: (awkward laugh) yeaa, we're goin on 5 months now
Fatima: okay, well it was nice to see you
Belinda: same... I know I'm probably asking too much but can we maybe catchup sometime
Zac: (interrupts) there you are! Why aren't you answering your phone
Fatima: your baby was crying for it earlier, she must've pressed the wrong button and put it on silent
Zac: (laughs) excuse my manners, hi mam
Belinda: mam? Zac it's me... Belinda
Zac: (shocked) whaaaat?! You look uhh (Fatima smacks him before he can say something insensitive) you look different
Belinda: (forced smile) yea
Fatima: we'll catchup soon, see you around B

They head to the tills to pay for the breast pump and a few other items because Fatima can never walk outta Target with just one item.

Meanwhile, Belinda stayed in the baby aisle looking for a specific item. After searching for a while she found it and paid cash while trying her hardest to not be seen by Fatima and Zac.

|Car ride to the airport|

Zac: baby wtf going on with your "friend" she looks bad!!
Fatima: (sighs) I know right! And she seemed jumpy, kinda like she's running/hiding from someone
Zac: exactly! I was wondering why she had on a hoodie and black shades in this weather
Fatima: did you know she's still dating your brother
Zac: nope! Him and I don't talk that much unless he wants money (eye roll)
Fatima: (exhales) even though we fell out I still care about her, I really hope she's okay

Truth is Fatima has a gut feeling that something is seriously wrong with her ex bff but she didn't want anything ruining her mood for the trip so she decided to brush it off    ...For now...

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