15. Hormonal

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It has been two weeks since Fatima was released from the hospital, this means the duration for her bed-rest order officially expires today and Zac is most excited because they can finally make an appointment with the OB-GYN. (Ps: Deb went back to Philly but promised to visit regularly)

|Taylor residence: Lounge|

Zac: Fatimaaaa!
Fatima: yea
Zac: breakfast's ready

Fatima makes her way downstairs and joins Zac at the table, she is now around 7 weeks pregnant but not showing as of yet.

Zac: how are you feeling today baby?
Fatima: (sighs) I'm okay, the headache has completely stopped
Zac: (smiles) that's great! So uhh you know what we gotta do today right?
Fatima: (acts clueless) idk what WE gotta do, but ik I gotta go to the office and catch-up on all the work I missed.
Zac: Fatima Marie don't play with me right now!!

Fatima sighs and rolls her eyes, truth is she hasn't fully come to terms with this pregnancy. Part of her fears she won't be able to carry the baby to term so why even bother getting attached to it. This is the major reason she has been delaying the visit to the OB-GYN because she knows that as soon as she sees her baby on the scan, there's no turning back.

Zac: (notices that Tima hasn't even taken a bite of the food) baby why haven't you touched your food?
Fatima: (continues playing with the fork) idk Zac I just don't have much of an appetite
Zac: (worried) is there a problem with the seasoning I used? Is it triggering morning sickness? (Stands up) if that's the case baby, I can make you a protein smoo- *gets cut off*
Fatima: Zac noooo!!! For the love of God please stop pestering me (sighs)
Zac: yk what it's not you it's the hormones so imma let it slide... okay so no to the smoothie? How about cereal?
Fatima: (getting annoyed) Fuckkk Zac I don't want eggs or smoothies or cereal!!! I just want you to leave me tf alone! Can you do that??! (She storms off to their bedroom and Zac follows behind her)

|Taylor residence: Bedroom|

He walks in holding a mixed fruit ready-made smoothie behind his back and finds Fatima curled up on the bed softly crying, he instantly gets flashbacks to that Belinda incident- he hates seeing her like this.

Zac: baby talk to me, what's wrong?
Fatima: (lifts her head to look at him, her eyes are bloodshot red) it's nothing Zac
Zac: okay baby I get that you may not be hungry but remember you're eating for two now... you gotta try to stomach something. Pleaseeee (puppy dog eyes)
Fatima: (sighs) fineeee I'll take the damn smoothie! Happy now?
Zac: actually I'm not, but I see you're in a mood today so imma let you be. Just don't forget we have our last session with Dr J today at 4.
Fatima: (drinks her smoothie) yes I haven't forgotten I'll be there.
Zac: and what about our other appointment?
Fatima: (sighs) baby not now pleaseee. Can we talk about this later?
Zac: okay baby, imma go get ready for work then, see you at 4 (kisses her forehead and walks into the bathroom)

Fatima grabs her phone and texts the groupchat with the girls... "Yall got a minute to talk?" Lori and Angela both agree to meet up with her at a coffee shop for a light brunch.

|Café 41: brunch date|

Fatima arrives last and finds Lori and Angela already there.

Lori: bitch you lucky I love you so I ain't even gon get on yo ass too much
Angela: (slightly annoyed) naw fuck that! Tima how you pull us out of work and have the nerve to show up late to a meeting that YOU requested?
Fatima: (instantly gets teary-eyed and takes her seat) I'm sorryyyy... I've just been having a rough day and you're not helping me by being short with me
Angela: (feels bad) Tima now you know I'm just playing with you girl! Don't cry you finna make me cry
Fatima: yall idk wtf going on with me lately, I've just been feeling down
Lori: well is that bicth still yall tenant? Shit that might be part of the reason
Fatima: no she left that same night and we haven't heard from her in weeks
Angela: thank the Lordt!! So what'd you want to talk about anyway
Fatima: (deep breath) well... I'm pregnant!
Lori & Angela: (excitedly scream in unison) omgggg whaaat??!
Fatima: shhh yall keep it down damn!!

A female voice from the table behind them interjects into the joyous conversation...

Lady: wowww so not only did you choose to walk away from a decade's friendship bcz of that triflin ass nigga, but you also having a baby with him?

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