81. Finale

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|Law firm|

Today is Fatima's last day at the office, her belly has dropped and her due date is fast approaching...

She walks into the building and pauses at the reception area where they set up a memorial wall for Andi. Fatima stands there for a while starring at the picture! Her eyes can't help but to form tears as she reminisces on the good times before she betrayed her.

Linda: (hands her tissue) she always had the best smile
Fatima: (wipes tears) yeah she did
Linda: I hate whoever did this to her!
Fatima: me too (walks away)

Truth is... Madam was able to make it look like Andi died in failed hijacking attempt. They drove her car to a remote location and placed her lifeless body in the driver seat! Thereafter, they shot a bunch of bullets through the doors and windows and "stole" all her belongings.

Linda: oh Fafima
Fatima: yeah?
Linda: Mr Parks and the partners are waiting for you in the conference room
Fatima: thanks, I'll go join them

|Conference room|

As Fatima walks in they all give her a standing ovation which kinda startles her. She looks around and sees that the room has been decorated and there's also platters all over the table.

Mr Parks: (smiles) there she is! The lady of the moment!
Fatima: (smiles) thank you, uhm what's all this?
Mr Parks: this is to celebrate you Fatima! You've accomplished so much and we can't help but applaud you for that!
Fatima: (teary-eyed) aww you guys are too sweet!
Mr Parks: (chuckles) pregnancy hormones huh?! When did you say your maternity leave was again?
Fatima: today's my last day
Mr Parks: well in that case, lets get right into business. But before I say what I wanna say, would you like some water?
Fatima: yeah sure and a scone with cream and jam! They smell sooo good
Mr Parks: (chuckles) Linda please fix her a plate
Linda: yes sir
Mr Parks: okay Fatima, I have great news, good news and not so good news
Fatima: (sighs) gimme the worst one first
Mr Parks: actually... I have to break it down into some sort of order
Fatima: Mr Parks you're making me anxious
Mr Parks: don't be, just listen... okay we know that Andi was one of your closest friends at this firm which is why we all agreed it would only be fitting to promote you to her position! Fatima, you've gone above and beyond to prove that you're capable!
Fatima: (in tears) what?! Me?! Woww, I don't know what to say!
Mr Parks: well... you can let us know if your accept the offer or not?

Fatima went silent for a while, thinking...

Fatima: (smiles) yes I do! Now what's the not so good news?
Mr Parks: (chuckles) chill... I'm getting there! Part of taking on Andi's job means that you get to come on as partner!
Fatima: omggg whattt?! Now way!!! Yall are about to make go into labor with all these surprises (chuckles)
Mr Parks: (kinda scared) oh God no!!! Please not here, should we call an ambulance?!
Fatima: (laughs) calm down! I'm just playing, my due date is not here yet
Mr Parks: (deep breathe) oh thank God! No where was I?
Fatima: the not so good news
Mr Parks: nope! I'll end with that! The great news is.... drumroll pleaseeee🥁
Forbes is presenting you with a women in corporate award for winning that Cortez case, they also wanna interview you for a 2-page spread in their magazine!
Fatima: (crying) whaaaat?!
Mr Parks: You're a star Fafima, I knew it from the first day I interviewed you! Congratulations!!
Fatima: aht aht, what's the not so good news?
Mr Parks: well the award ceremony is some months away and you'll only come on as partner after your maternity leave, isn't that just sad (chuckles)
Fatima: (laughs) woww, you are so funny! Thanks for all this guys!

》》Fast forward 3 weeks later 》》


Dr Cox: come on Fatima, pushhhhh you're almost there
Fatima: (in tears) I can't!! It hurts
Zac: (holding her hand) yes you can baby! You're a boss- you've got this!

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