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It's 5.30am and they all kept their word! They've already showered and they're ready to slave around the kitchen- obviously Fatima not as much because she's pregnant.

Anita: (grabs her recipe book) okayyy ladies! Yall ready?
All: (sounding bored) yea
Anita: (laughs) try to sound more excited won't you!
Fatima: (laughs) we just messing you with you mama! So... whats on the menu for today?
Anita: I'm glad you asked! Kiesha, you'll do the sweet potato pie follow the recipe!! Fatima, you'll do the Mac n cheese, don't worry I'll give you the recipe!! And Brenda, you'll do the potato salad. For the lifeeee of me pleaseee DO NOT fuckin experiment, follow the damn recipe!!
Kiesha: (laughs) yeah girl we DO NOT need a reapet of last year
Fatima: what happened last year?
Kiesha: this girl decided to add eggs, mayo and breadcrumbs to the fuckin Mac n cheese!! That shit was sooo nasty
Fatima: (laughing) omggg Brenda baby what was you thinking?!
Brenda: listen, it was a recipe I got from my boyfriend's mom
Fatima: lemme guess... was he palm colored?
Anita: (laughs) girl you gon fit right on in with the Taylor's! Okay let's get cooking ladies. I'll make the turkey and stuffing.

They slave around the kitchen for what seems like an eternity!!! They're almost done, so they decide to sit around the kitchen table and drink some lemonade while waiting on the turkey to finish cooking. They're just chilling, laughing and listening to some good old jams until Jeremiah's arrival interrupts...

Kiesha: (singing) you know there's nothing! nothing! Nothing I wouldn't do...
Fatima: (grabs the wooden spoon and sings the end note) before I let you gooooo
Jeremiah: (walks in) ayee lemme find out my sister-in-law can sanggg
Fatima: (turns around) hey Jeremiah
Twins: what's poppin J
Anita: hey baby! Where's the gf we been hearing so much about?
Jeremiah: she coming, was just greeting the fellas outside...
Girlfriend: (enters loud asf) hey hey family!!
Kiesha & Brenda: (frown) hey

Truth is they were all not impressed by her loud persona. Meanwhile Fatima just freezes and stares off into space as she instantly recognizes the voice...

Zac: (running through the front door) baby baby look at me!! Calm down, just breathe
Fatima: (snaps out of it) I'm calm
Brenda: okay what the hell's going on?
Jeremiah: family this is my girlfriend Belinda, Belinda this my family (he introduces them one at a time) and this is my sister-in-law Fa-
Belinda: Fatima!! Yeah we've met (smiles) heyyyy girl
Fatima: (dry) hi
Belinda: oh girl stop being so hostile!! Gimme a hug damn (she walks towards her with open arms)
Fatima: (removes her apron) please excuse me (goes to the bedroom and Zac follows)


Zac: you okay?
Fatima: yeah... yeah I'm okay
Zac: you sure? Because we can leave right now!
Fatima: no Zac its fine. We just gotta get through these next few days- I can do it!
Zac: you sure baby? Because I don't want you in a stressful environment
Fatima: (kisses him) yes I'm sure! I'm not gonna let her ruin this trip for us.

There's a knock on the door

Fatima: come in
Kiesha: TT said I should come check on yall... is everything okay?
Zac: yeah we good, Belinda's just an ex friend of Tima and they fell out
Kiesha: oh I see... well we gon go freshen up and then set the table. Food's almost ready
Fatima: yeah we gon do that too, thanks sis

After about an hour they're all freshened up and in better spirits. They all sit around the dining table and start dishing up...

Belinda: (chewing) ouuu this Mac n cheese bussin!! Ms Anita you put yo foot in it!
Anita: (laughs) thank you, but Fatima's actually the one who made it
Belinda: I should've known!! It's really good Tima. See now you belong in a kitchen
Fatima: and you belong on a corner, need a pimp?
Twins: (holding laughs) ouuu
Jeremiah: yo Zac get your girl
Zac: (smirks) naw she good! When she says something I disagree with I'll let you know
Jeremiah: (mumbles under his breathe) ever since you got into some money you think you better than us
Zac: I don't think... I am
Anita: okay now boys this has gone on for too long!! Stop it- both of you!!
Jeremiah: he started it
Belinda: baby calm down, this is between me and Tima- I don't want our drama to spillover and ruin your relationship with your brother
Jeremiah: shit our relationship been ruined ever since this bi-
Zac: (stands up) bro!! I need you to think long and hard about the consequences before you open your mouth and insult my fiancé and the mother of my child!
Uncle T: im disappointed in both of you!! I raised yall better than this! If you got a problem with each other, talk that shit out and leave us tf out of it!!
Zac and Jeremiah: sorry unc
Belinda: (looks at Tima) I'm sorry too Fatima
Fatima: thanks
Anita: (looks at Tima) you not gon apologize to her?
Fatima: I don't owe her shit but in the spirit of being the bigger person... sorry (eye roll)
Uncle T: (chuckles) thank yall for being mature adults about this!! Anyway Brenda, where's the potato salad
Brenda: oh shoot I forgot to take it out the fridge, I'll be back...

She comes back seconds later, places it in the center of the table and removes the foil covering the dish.

Alani (Kiesha's 3 year old): (screams covering her eyes) ahhhh mommy!!! It got bugs
Brenda: (laughs) niecey pooh you're so dramatic!!
Jeremiah: no she ain't! Tf is that shit?!
Brenda: (chuckles) it's just raisins yall
Kiesha: (holding her laugh) ouu girl you in trouble!!
Anita: (stands up and bangs the table) didn't I tell yo ass to follow the damn recipe!!!?
Brenda: I did TT, I just thought it needed a lil razzle dazzle so I added raisins as a finishing touch
Anita: (defeated) lawwwd Tommy what am I gon with yo daughter bro?! This is just like last year!
Uncle T: (laughs) naw this is actually pretty edible, last year's disaster takes the fuckin cup!
Anita: (laughs) it sure do!! Brenda next year we putting yo ass in charge of the lemonade, ain't no way in hell you can mess that up!
Kiesha: pshhh watch her ass infuse it with some exotic fruit and call it "razzle dazzle"

The whole table bursts out laughing!! You'd swear they weren't just arguing a few minutes ago.

Brenda: (also laughing) whatever!! Yall know you love me!
Uncle T: (hugs her) we sure do baby!

Everyone seems to be in better spirits after eating dessert. Uncle T pours everyone (except Fatima) some champagne to propose a toast and end of the night.

Uncle T: this Thanksgiving was definitely one for the books! I mean is it even Thanksgiving if miss Brenda doesn't experiment with a dish (laughs). Or if Zac and Jeremiah aren't at each others throats (chuckles).
Jokes aside, I'm thankful for my family! I love every last one of you here! And a special shoutout to a new addition, my daughter-in-law Fatima. Welcome to the family babygirl and we can't wait to meet the lil bundle of joy! Thank you God for life, love and family! (Lifts his glass)
to the Taylor's

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