It's a...

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Three weeks have went by since Christmas, Fatima is now a lil over 8 months pregnant and she's over it! Her belly is starting to drop which indicates that the baby will be here soon... today is the day of her final scan and also the surprise co ed baby shower/ gender reveal.

|Greenside hospital|

Dr S: lemme start by saying I'm so happy to have BOTH of you here today
Zac: (smiles) thank you doc, how's the baby
Dr S: the baby is fine! I'm happy with mommy and baby's weight. Everything's perfect, you should be meeting lil pookie in a couple of weeks from now
Zac: ohh lawd not you too
Dr S: (chuckles) Mr Taylor pookie is actually a really cute nickname
Fatima: (laughs) exactly!
Dr S: anyway, Fatima remember what I said we'd be discussing last time you were here
Fatima: (deep breathe) yea
Dr S: (chuckles) don't panic, you'll be fine... so uhm, have you decided on what type of birth procedure you want
Fatima: idk, I'm leaning towards a water birth though
Dr S: I normally wouldn't recommend that for a "high-risk" pregnancies
Zac: say less doc! Water birth is out!
Fatima: may I ask why
Dr S: well just incase something goes wrong it's best to have you at the hospital around all the necessary staff and facilities
Fatima: I understand, so uhmm I think I'll go with the traditional delivery then. I don't want any c-section scars
Dr S: (chuckles while taking notes) okay no problem. And uh.. Mr Taylor will you be in the delivery room
Fatima: no
Zac: (frowns) yes
Dr S: (laughs) which one is it? Yes or no?
Fatima: no! This nigga can't even get through a 2min animated delivery video without gagging, so how on earth is he gonna handle the real thing
Zac: (chuckles) okay I will admit that shit kinda nasty but still, I put that baby in you so imma be there with you. End of story!
Fatima: (chuckles) okay Zachary
Dr S: okay cool, well everything's fine then. The next time I see yall, we'll be welcoming baby Taylor. Bye for now and Fatima please don't forget to take it easy
Fatima: (smiles) got it doc, thanks for everything.

They leave the Dr's office and drive to a photoshoot studio, Zac is surprising Fatima with a maternity shoot while Lori and Angela are at their new house setting up everything for the baby shower.

|Photoshoot studio|

Fatima: baby what are we doing here
Zac: we're here to take your maternity pics, remember when you asked me why I left the left the wall by the stairs empty
Fatima: yeaa
Zac: well, thats where one of the pics from today is gonna go

They walk into the studio and start getting ready for the shoot, Zac gets a clean cut and shave while Fatima gets a full face beat with a glueless wig installed. She wears a snow white maternity dress that has feathers. Zac gasps in awe at her beauty as she walks onto set, the photographer starts with individuals and then later moves on to taking pics of them as a couple. After about 2 hours, they're done taking pics and Fatima is ready to get home, take off the wig, wash off the makeup and just relax.

Zac: you ready to go baby
Fatima: yeah, I just quickly gotta give this dress back and wipe my face with some makeup wipes
Zac: (trying not to be suspicious) uhhh... they said you can keep the dress and you'll just wash the makeup off at home.
Fatima: (smiles) wait they really said I can keep it
Zac: yep! I mean you look absolutely flawless baby, they had no choice but to just give you the dress

|Taylor residence: Baby shower time|

Fatima and Zac have just pulled up to the driveway of their house, she's still wearing the dress but with slippers. Zac comes around to help her out the car...

Fatima: baby why we gotta go in through the back door
Zac: uhm... I forgot the key to this door in the house

Zac holds her hand as they slowly walk towards the back of the house... he leaves her a few steps behind and lies that he has to go unlock the door. Just as Fatima slowly catches up, she stops when she hears the words "SURPRISE".

She looks around in shock and sees a marquee in their backyard. She instantly starts crying as realizes what's happening, she slowly walks towards the marquee and sees a board at the entrance written  "Welcome to Fatima's baby shower & gender reveal". She steps inside and sees all her friends and family, the decor that Lori and Angela went with is boho chic.

Fatima: (hugs her friends) thank youuu so much
They smile and lead her to the center stage where her chair is situated. Everyone takes their seat as Lori calls on Zac to come do the welcome speech.

Zac walks up to the podium and the crowd immediately starts laughing at his outfit.

Zac: (laughs) aye ntm! I had to make sure I change into the national baby shower shirt
Fatima: baby when did you even get time to buy a Burberry shirt
Zac: my bro Nate fetched it for me. Uhm anyway, we'd like to thank yall for taking time out your busy schedules to come shower both my babies with gifts and blessings! Welcome to the official Taylor residence! Please participate in all the fun games that Lori and Angela worked so hard on planning, please also feel free to eat drink and be merry. Thank yall.

The crowd erupts in applause while the waiters serve the entrée dish and drinks. Soon after that the DJ starts playing music as everyone participates in the fun games and activities. Thereafter, they go back to their seats for the main course when Angela walks onto the podium tapping her champagne glass to get everyone's attention.

Angela: ladies and gentleman, its finally dark outside which means the time we've all been waiting for is finally here!!! Can I ask eveyone to please step outside the marquee and walk to the illuminated sign.

All the guests make their way to the sign as Zac and Fatima stand infront of the sign holding hands.

Zac: (smiles) you ready
Fatima: (smiles) yessss
Angela: okay everyone, let's do a countdown to 3!




Angela: baby Taylor is a...

The night sky erupts in pink fireworks and smoke bombs as Angela and Lori shout "it's a girl". Eveyone cheers loudly while Zac and Fatima are both crying as they hug.

 Eveyone cheers loudly while Zac and Fatima are both crying as they hug

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