51. Butterflies

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|Carlisle hotel|

Fatima is sitting in her room with Yanah on the bed playing music and singing at the top of her lungs.

Fatima: (singing) It seem like I give so much and don't get nothin' back
I really thought it was love but you're so fuckin' wack
Always get caught up in love, but I am done with that
I can't get caught up in lust, so now I'm, yeah
Flexin' on my exes in my model X
Nicki: (walks in & joins in) Some of y'all ain't never had no real bitch and it shows
Fatima: (laughs) and it shows!!!!
Both: (singing) back up on my bullshit
Back up on the scene
Done dealing with you
Yanah: (chimes in by rambling in baby talk)
Nicki: (chuckles) this lil girl is you all damn day
Fatima: (laughs) I know, she's my perfect blessing
Nicki: so what you in here doing, other than polluting my niecy pooh's mind with Jhené Aiko
Fatima: (laughs) nothing, just chilling
Nicki: well... are you ready to talk
Fatima: (sighs) yeah, but imma need a drink first
Nicki: did you forget that you're still breastfeeding
Fatima: I knowwww, but we started her on formula and solids last week, so I won't breastfeed her the "infused" milk, I'll pump it and throw it out
Nicki: aww my baby all grown up! She's already eating solids
Fatima: (smiles and looks at Yanah, doing her best baby voice impression) say yes TT I'm a whole 8 months now
Nicki: (laughs) girl you stupid!

Nicki stands up to fix Fatima a drink while she breastfeeds the baby and puts her to sleep. They sit up in the lounge area drinking wine while Fatima tells Nicki all about the events that took place...

Nicki: wow sis, I don't even know what to say, except sorry
Fatima: thanks sis
Nicki: but are you done with him for good
Fatima: (sighs) honestly I don't know, he hurt me and I don't think we can come back from this
Nicki: do you still love him though
Fatima: yes, I don't think I'll ever stop- I've never loved anyone as much as I love Zac
Nicki: (hugs her) don't worry sis, it'll work itself out

Two days later...

|Law firm|

Andi: hey girl how you feeling
Fatima: I'm better thnx for giving me those 2 days off, I needed to unwind a bit
Andi: I got you girl, so uhm do you wanna talk about what had you so stressed out that you had to miss work
Fatima: no not really, I got a lot of work to catch up on
Andi: okay well lemme leave you to it

A while later...

Linda/receptionist: (knocks)
Fatima: yes
Linda: there's a Mr Hall here to see you
Fatima: (checks watch) shit he's here already?! He's early!! Uhm please do me a favor
Linda: sure
Fatima: take him to the lounge area for some refreshments while I quickly finish up here, send him back here after 20min
Linda: no problem

20 minutes later...

Keith: (knocks)
Fatima: come in
Keith: good day Mrs Taylor
Fatima: hi Keith
Keith: (smiles) I see you got the memo of calling me by my first name
Fatima: (chuckles) yeah and since we're on this topic, you too can call me Fatima
Keith: (smiles) okay Fatima, by the way has anyone told you, you look absolutely beautiful today
Fatima: (blushes) thank you! So uhm, down to business... I spoke with Mr Clinton and he's agreed to settle outside of court, well only if you agree to it
Keith: (surprised) woww!! I see they don't call you the top dawg for nothing! How on earth did you negotiate with that man? He's very unreasonable
Fatima: mmh... let's just say I can be a bit persuasive
Keith: (flirts) well can I persuade you to go to dinner with me
Fatima: (gets serious) Keith
Keith: (chuckles) can't blame a man for trying, well what do you suggest Fatima
Fatima: I always advise clients to make litigation their last resort, for obvious reasons
Keith: (intrigued) reasons such as
Fatima: for starters, you'll save on unnecessary litigation costs which means more money
Keith: okay I'm sold! Settlement it is then
Fatima: (smiles) good! I'll contact his attorney for a joint meeting and get back to you with the meeting details
Keith: sure thing, thank you for all this Fatima
Fatima: I'm just doing my job
Keith: can I ask you something and you're more than welcome to tell me it's none of my business
Fatima: okay... what is it
Keith: how are you
Fatima: I'm okay
Keith: no Fatima, how are you really
Fatima: (silent but eyes start to water)
Keith: (stands up to go hug her) idk what you're going through, but I'm here for you if ever you wanna talk
Fatima: (teary-eyed) thank you

She let's go of Keith as they stop hugging, Keith however keeps his hands around her waist, slightly raises her chin to stare deep into Fatima's eyes...

Fatima: (snaps out of it) uhm, sorry about that I'm an emotional wreck (chuckles) but we're done here, I'll be in touch regarding the next meeting
Keith: (doesn't let go) Fatima I know I don't know you like that, but I can tell when a woman's been hurt by a man.
Fatima: I didn't say I was crying over a man
Keith: you didn't have to, I can see it in your eyes.
Fatima: how so
Keith: well they don't have that usual spark, I can tell you've been crying for days
Fatima: (gets butterflies) oh so you're just a master at everything huh
Keith: (chuckles) no Fatima, I'm a master of knowing how to treat a woman
Fatima: (slightly chokes and clears her throat)
Keith: (chuckles) I'll see you around Fatima, hopefully you can take me up on that dinner offer (kisses her forehead then leaves)

Fatima stands there completely shocked by the encounter she just had, although it was of a non-sexual nature she felt a sense of comfort, nurture and belonging in Keith's arms... or was it just lust?

Fatima: (holds her stomach to calm the "butterflies") oh lawd what is this man doing to me

Author's note

Hey bookies, just a disclaimer: the next few chapters may/may not piss yall off... Lol depending on the direction I choose to take the characters, buckle up!! It's gonna be a bumpy ride😂🧡

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