How it ends

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Fatima: (teary-eyed) Zac baby, I know this looks bad but I can explain
Zac: oh please do!! I wanna hear how yo ass gon excuse 4 fuckin weeks of lying to my face!
Fatima: (silent)
Zac: don't fuckin play with me rn!! I saw that email titled Dandelion from this nigga, the same nigga you constantly said was a nobody yet now you hugged up on him. How long has this affair been going on?
Fatima: (shocked) affair?! Zac I would never cheat on you
Ian: (being overly friendly) uhmm maybe I can interject, bro this is a good woman and she would never do you like that. A word of advice Zac, don't lose her over stupid shit like I di- *gets punched before he could finish his sentence*
Fatima: (screams) Zac noooo!!!

Ian stands back up and spits out blood, he punches Zac back and before you know it they're in a full on fist fight!! Fatima is screaming for them to stop but she can't risk getting in the middle of it because that could harm the baby. Zac now has Ian in a chokehold, he's even turning purple

Fatima: (crying screaming) Zac pleaseee you're gonna kill him! Think of our baby, he/she can't have a daddy in jail.

The thought of their unborn baby is what makes Zac snap out of his rage. He let's go of Ian's neck, he drops to the floor as he starts gasping for air trying to catch his breathe.

Ian: (holding his neck) nigga you messed with the wrong one!! Trust me, you will pay for this! (He storms out, limping)

Fatima grabs the first aid to kit to nurse Zac's busted lip. They sit there in silence until she's the first one to talk...

Fatima: baby I'm sorry, there are no words that can justify my actions
Zac: (crying) Fatima do you have any idea how much you've hurt me? I have never in my life been so shattered
Fatima: (also crying) I'm sorry baby, please tell me what I can do to this fix this! I don't wanna lose you, especially not over no dumb shit!
Zac: you should've thought about before you chose to lie to me!! We wasted months in therapy but clearly yo stupid ass ain't learn shit from it!!!
Fatima: I understand you're upset Zac, but please don't insult me
Zac: (grabs the cotton wool from her hand) I aint say nothing that's not true! Why Fatima?! Why would you shatter everything we worked so hard to build?
Fatima: Zac I... I... (stuttering)
Zac: (shouts) use your fuckin words!!
Fatima: I thought I was keeping the peace baby, I thought you not knowing would keep you from overreacting and I was right because look at how you handled this shit!
Zac: (frowns) wow!! So you're still defending that nigga!!?
Fatima: (sighs) I'm not defending anyone Zac, I'm just saying you should've trusted me to tell you what happened. You saw that I didn't even hug him back
Zac: oh but you dancing and singing with him wasn't nothing right?
Fatima: I take full accountability for that
Zac: that's all??! You know what Fatima, idk why I'm even doing this with you, going back and forth
Fatima: wtf is that supposed to mean?
Zac: we're done!!!

Zac storms out and leaves Fatima there crying. She gathers her belongings and follows him but by the time she gets to the parking lot he's already driving off...

Fatima eventually makes it back home and she's stunned to see Zac's car parked outside. "Maybe there's still a chance to save us" she thinks to herself as she unlocks the door and walks in.

She slowly makes her way upstairs, and walks into their bedroom but she doesn't see Zac anywhere, all she hears is some fidgeting in their joint walk-in closet...

Fatima: wtf you doing?
Zac: what it look like? I'm packing, I can't live with a woman who lies to me and refuses to take accountability
Fatima: Zac for the love of God, I didn't lie!! I just didn't tell you because I was trying to avoid this exact situation we're in now
Zac: (chuckles) this coming from the same woman who said omission is just as bad as lying
Fatima: (gulps) okay you got me, but can we please just sit down so I can explain.
Zac: (sighs and take a seat) go ahead
Fatima: baby, Ian came to my office weeks ago and said he wanted the firm to take on his case, the case is not only worth millions but its also gonna boost my career and help me graduate sooner. That's the only reason I agreed to it
Zac: so why you couldn't just tell me this when it transpired
Fatima: idk Zac, my head was all over the place, I know I should've never let him back in, I know I shouldn't have sang or had dinner with him, I know I shouldn't have kept this away from you (crying) please forgive me baby

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