76. Forever

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Today's finally the day of Zac's surprise birthday dinner, both of their families flew out for the celebrations...

|Taylor residence|

Fatima: (yelling) Zaccccc
Zac: what's up baby?
Fatima: I need your help with tying these shoes, it's getting hard to bend down
Zac: (chuckles) I got you baby
Fatima: thanks! (Twirls) so how do I look?
Zac: sexy asf! I say we skip dinner and have dessert
Fatima: (laughs) boyyy, quit being nasty! I made a reservation and if I cancel they won't refund me
Zac: (whines) but baby it's my birthday, don't worry about the money or the dinner. Everything I wanna eat is standing right in front of me
Fatima: (pushes him back) Zac no! But if you agree to this dinner I'll make it up to you all night long
Zac: (smiles) aight bet


Fatima reserved the whole restaurant, she also hired a live band to perform old skool classics along with Zac's favorite chef to prepare a 3-course meal.

Upon their arrival they were greeted with loud cheers from their friends and family. Zac was very happy with his wife's efforts, everyone danced and feasted! It was an overall good time...

Fatima stands up and taps her glass with a spoon to get everyone's attention

Fatima: I just wanna thank everyone for coming through to celebrate my baby. It's now time for the final segment of tonight and that's cutting the cake- please stand as we sing happy birthday

The live band plays the happy birthday tune as everyone starts singing, Fatima gifts Zac an expensive gold plated customized watch with his initials carved out in the back. She also bought him a set of matching diamond earrings and a chain. Everyone else also gave him their gifts

Zac: (teary-eyed) I'm truly the luckiest man alive, thank yall for coming out to celebrate me. Thank you to my baby for pulling out all the stops- tonight was perfect and it'll be even more perfect when we get home (winks)
Fatima: (embarrassed) omg Zacharyyyy stoppp
Zac: (laughs) aight jokes aside. Big shoutout to God for more life and more blessings, cheers!

The crowd erupts in cheers as they continue dancing the night away. Andi pulls Fatima outside for a private conversation...

Andi: (hugs her) thank you for the invite and you look absolutely stunning! Pregnancy suits you fren
Fatima: (smiles) thank you, so what'd you wanna talk about?
Andi: I know this isn't the time or place but she's very impatient
Fatima: (confused) she who?
Andi: Mateo Cortez's new lawyer, btw fren... what the hell happened when you went to go see him?
Fatima: uhhh nothing, why you asking?
Andi: because girl, after you left I got a call from him. He requested that you drop the case and have it transferred to whole different firm.
Fatima: (shocked) what, why?!
Andi: he said he's doing all this to protect you
Fatima: wow he really said that?
Andi: yeah, so tomorrow first thing in the morning I need you to hand in all evidence/ notes that you collected and give it to his lawyer... she'll come by to collect it
Fatima: (hesitant) when you say all do you mean like ALL?!
Andi: yesss, as in paperwork, recordings etc!! Fatima why you acting strange?
Fatima: (nervous laugh) I'm not acting strange, its just that I promised him something
Andi: are you making deals with criminals now?
Fatima: (sighs) Andi he's not a criminal
Andi: whatever, just please have all that info ready for collection tomorrow morning
Fatima: can I atleast get his or the lawyer's details? I just gotta ask him something
Andi: (pulls out her phone) I don't have his number but I just sent you the lawyer's number. Lemme get back to the party they're playing my song

Andi makes her way back inside and bumps into Zac at the doorway

Zac: have you seen Fatima?
Andi: yeah she's there by the bench
Zac: (frowns) Andrea, I know you don't have my wife making business calls in the middle of the night
Andi: nope! That's all her, don't be mad at me because you married a workaholic

Zac creeps up behind Fatima just as she about to make the phonecall

Zac: (holds her waist from behind) hey sexy you ready to get outta here and get the real party started?
Fatima: (startled) you know it's not good to creep up on a pregnant woman
Zac: (chuckles) I'm sorry baby

|Taylor residence|

Zac and Fatima got home and hopped in the shower to freshen up. Thereafter Zac carried her to the bed and caressed her body, they made love all night long without worrying about who could hear Fatima's moans and screams because they were all alone- Yanah spent the night with her grandparents. They are now laying in each other's arms naked.

Zac: (kisses her) thank you for tonight baby
Fatima: (still outta breath) no thank youuu daddy
Zac: (chuckles) I love you so much, thank you for carrying my babies and for being the best mom and wife! My greatest birthday present will forever be you!
Fatima: (smiles) I love you too

Zac placed his hands on Fatima's belly and they both felt a kick

Zac: woah, I see we've got us a lil soccer team. (Rubs her belly) my strong boys
Fatima: boys?
Zac: yep! Girls are too much work, I can barely handle yours and Yanah's mood swings.
Fatima: (playfully hits him)
Zac: (laughs) I'm just playing baby, I'll be happy with either gender as long they're healthy. Good night my love


Teo got out on bail and his grandfather has been watching him like a hawk all day. This is the only time he's been able to sneak away and call Fatima

Dialing Fatima....



Teo: hey Fatima it's me! I can't talk for long but my grandfather got me another lawyer and she'll be there to collect some stuff from you. Please please DO NOT give her that recording!! I might have a plan but it'll only work if you kept your promise and destroyed that recording. Please call me back when you get this message and I'm sorry for calling so late. Bye!

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