78. Why you?

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Fatima and Andi are about to head out and drive to the Taylor residence. Andi insisted on driving, Fatima is in the car waiting for Andi- she went to fetch something upstairs...


Fatima: talk to me cuz
Madam: I found out as much as I could about her
Fatima: well... what is it?
Madam: she definitely has a score to settle with you because of Keith's death
Fatima: lawd I'm so sick of that damn family!!
Madam: (chuckles) same girl, but that's not even the worst of it
Fatima: (sighs) what?
Madam: she's also dating that detective Walker, it's two people coming for you sis
Fatima: man wtf?! A bitch can't never catch a break
Madam: don't worry cuz, I got your back. I'll come by when I wrap up here
Fatima: thanks cuz but I don't think that's necessary, it's just me and Andi
Madam: see that Andi girl is another one I don't trust, I can't put my finger on it yet. But she's an op and I know it!
Fatima: (chuckles) I love you cuz but you're reaching
Madam: Tima think about it... why'd she give this damn case to you in the 1st place??! There are tons of criminal attorneys in that firm, why you?
Fatima: -silent thinking-
Madam: just promise me you'll stay strapped
Fatima: I'm always strapped
Madam: that's my girl! I'll call when I get there
Fatima: aight ttyl, bye

Andi makes it back to the car and gets in the driver seat as the ride to the Taylor residence begins....

Fatima: (suspicious) where'd you go for so long?
Andi: uhmm... I went to get my phone then I stopped by the bathroom- why?
Fatima: just asking
Andi: okay cool, do you have that USB?
Fatima: yeah
Andi: you want me to hold on to it?
Fatima: (suspicious) nah I'm good, lemme ask you something
Andi: sure
Fatima: why did you really give me that Cortez case?
Andi: (nervous laugh) you sure got a lotta questions don't you? Uhmm... I gave it to you because I know you never back down from a challenge
Fatima: (nods and turns on the radio)


|Rise Properties|

Zac: welcome to Rise! I'm Zac, we spoke earlier
Louis Sr: yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr Taylor
Zac: (smiles) and you're Mr?
Louis Sr: (chuckles) just call me Lou
Zac: okay, well what can I do for you
Louis Sr: I'd like to see some pics of your listings
Zac: sure, so do you want residential or commercial property?
Louis Sr: residential

Zac opens his laptop and shows him some pictures of his residential properties, they scroll through a number pictures until Louis Sr notices a pic of Fatima and Yanah on Zac's desk (the pic was taken at their house).

Zac: that's all our listings, which one sparked you interest?
Lou: mmmhh... I like the 3rd one but with different cupboards
Zac: that's not an issue, cupboards can easily by replaced. Which design were you thinking of?
Lou: mmmh... that one (points to the pic) cute family btw
Zac: (smiles) thank you! And yeah sure we can do those for you
Lou: I know this might be too much to ask but would you mind showing me your cupboards in person? I wanna see and touch the material- I'm very specific
Zac: (unsure) uhmm, I don't think that'll be a problem. Let's go...

Zac texts Fatima that he's bringing a client to the house to show him some cupboards- Fatima doesn't see the text because her phone was on silent...

|Taylor residence|

Fatima: (unlocks the door) okay you can have a seat, I'll be right back
Andi: are you sure you don't need any help?
Fatima: (chuckles) girl yes, I'm just smashing a USB.
Andi: okay, I'll be right here
Fatima: cool, I just gotta use the bathroom first. I'll be back


Fatima sees Zac's text and she texts him back asking who the client is, Zac replies that his name is Lou. She puts two and two together and figures out that Lou is Louis Sr. She grabs a decoy USB and hides the actual one under her wig.


Fatima pulls out Zac's tool box and grabs the hammer, just as she's about to smash it Andi creeps up behind her...

Andi: I can't let you do that
Fatima: girl what the hell?
Andi: (pulls out a gun) I'm sorry it had to come to this Fatima, it never should've gotten this far
Fatima: (smirks) so she was right about you?
Andi: idk who you're talking about but please don't put up a fight- that way we can both walk outta here alive! They just want the USB I swear
Fatima: I'm really disappointed in you Andi, it's always the ones closest to you
Andi: I needed the money okay! I don't expect you to understand because you live a soft life. Please just sit down and let me handcuff you

Fatima sits down and let's Andi tie her to the chair

Fatima: so what's your plan? We're just gonna sit here until what?
Andi: idk, my job is to retrieve the USB and get my money
Fatima: then you're just gonna leave me here to die?
Andi: (sighs) no!!! I'm not a bad person Fatima, my family's just in some serious debt! He promised he wouldn't hurt you
Fatima: (chuckles) and your dumbass believed him?! Yeah you're more stupid than I thought
Andi: don't insult me!!
Fatima: whatever! Let me just say this, you're not gonna get away with this and I swear on everything I love- if something happens to me or my babies, I'm gonna personally kill you!
Andi: (sighs) for the last time!!! Nothing's gonna happen to yall

Louis Sr shows up at the door that connects the house to the garage...

Louis Sr: who said that?!
Andi: oh Mr Cortez you're here! Here's the USB- my money please (smiles)
Zac: yo my man this ain't the kitche- Andi? (Steps inside) Fatima? Yo what the fuck is going on here??
Andi: (scared) look Zac I can explain
Zac: you better start talking fast!! And why tf is my wife tied to a fuckin chair?
Andi: (looks at Lou shaking) I uhhh... he pai-

A gunshot goes off! Zac runs to Fatima to make sure she's fine... the room goes silent for a bit until they both see Andi's lifeless body laying on the ground in a pool of blood.

Zac: (shocked) you shot her??! Wtf??! Who are you?
Louis Sr: don't worry bout that, you and your wife should cooperate if you wanna make it out alive

Zac immediately gets filled with range at the mention of someone possibly harming Fatima and/or the twins. He blacks out and charges towards Lou- they tussle for the gun as Zac throws in some punches until... yet another gunshot goes off

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