A giant puzzle

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Fatima continues walking away from Zac and makes it all the way to the parking lot. She enters her car and connects her phone to the bluetooth playing her heartbreak playlist. Can't let it show by Tank is first on the list, she adjusts her seat and puts on her seat belt, just as she's about to reverse Zac opens the passenger side door and sits down.

Fatima: (lowers the volume) uhm excuse you?
Zac: look baby I know I was wrong but I'm not leaving here until we talk, give me a chance to explain
Fatima: now why tf would I do that?
Zac: (turns up the volume and starts singing to her) because I shoulda been everything I promised
I shoulda not had to learn it from this
You shoulda been first
Fatima: (chuckles) you're a whole fool! Tank ain't gon save you from this
Zac: (laughs) I know but it was worth a shot, atleast I got you to smile
Fatima: just because I'm smiling doesn't mean I forgive you
Zac: well allow me to make it up to you, I heard Dr S saying you need to eat. Can I take you out?
Fatima: sure! But only because MY baby's hungry
Zac: "MY" what happened to our?
Fatima: let's see how this "date" goes then I'll decide if I let you back in
Zac: deal! But one more thing
Fatima: what is it Zachary??!
Zac: lemme drive
Fatima: why
Zac: because you're mad at me rn, can't risk you crashing us into a pole (chuckles)
Fatima: (frowns) not funny! But whatever, you can drive.

They switch seats and drive to Fatima's favorite restaurant- Azure.

|At Azure restaurant|

Waiter: hello, welcome to Azure may I take your order?
Fatima: I'll have some BBQ baby-back ribs, sweet potato fries with a salad and for drinks... uhm a peach ice tea
Waiter: and you sir
Zac: just a cheese burger with fries and orange juice please

The waiter leaves to go put in their order and she comes back with the food after about 25min. They sit and eat in silence until Zac speaks first...

Zac: how's the food
Fatima: it's good, how's yours
Zac: good
Fatima: so... let's talk about why we're really here
Zac: (gulps) where should I start
Fatima: from the beginning, I wanna know why you stayed away for so long
Zac: I hear you, but I think you should start by telling me about what happened to Ian
Fatima: (confused) what does that have to do with anything
Zac: everything! Just start talking, it'll all fit like a giant puzzle...


Three weeks ago, the morning after Zac walked out on Fatima. She felt numb because she had barely gotten any sleep, despite that she made her way to the office in attempt to go salvage what's left of her career. She made it to the law firm and took a deep breathe before walking in...

All eyes were on her as she walked through the halls making her way to her office. The first person she saw was Andi who was not her usual happy self.

Andi: my office now!!!

Fatima followed her and closed the door behind her before taking a seat.

|Andi's office|

Andi: what the hell happened Fatima
Fatima: (sighs) it's a long story
Andi: we've got time, talk!
Fatima: -fills her in on last night's events-
Andi: wait what??! So Zac really beat that nigga up?
Fatima: (sighs) yeaa and before he left he said "you're gonna pay for this"
Andi: shit!!! What are we gonna do Tima? We need him back in our good books
Fatima: idk Andi and tbh I don't really care about that rn, my focus is on fixing things with Zac
Andi: so you're really gonna walk away from a career you fought so hard for?
Fatima: I'm not walking away Andi, more like taking a break to clear my head. I can't even face Mr Bridges or the partners, I'm too embarrassed
Andi: (smiles) actually, Ian's email was only sent to me and you! I guess he forgot to CC the partners. That means we still have time to fix this, make him change his mind somehow
Fatima: (sighs) well... I hate that I even have to say this but I think it's the only way that can fix this
Andi: (intrigued) I'm listening
Fatima: last night he told me that he still loves me, I think I can get through to him and make him stay with our firm
Andi: (worried) gee idk Fatima, entertaining that nigga is what got you in this mess in the first place. Won't that cause more issues with you and Zac
Fatima: no it won't! I'll meet with Ian at the coffee shop downstairs and then meet Zac tonight and tell him EVERYTHING
Andi: are you sure you know what you're doing?
Fatima: trust me!

Fatima called Ian on the office landline and he agreed to meet with her at 11.

|Coffee shop|

Ian showed up early while Fatima showed up at 11:00 on the dot.

Ian: hey, you okay
Fatima: no but that's not why I'm here
Ian: then what is this Fatima
Fatima: I'm here to plead with you
Ian: (rolls his eyes) and here I was thinking you called me here to talk about us
Fatima: Ian there is no more us!!! There never will be!!
Ian: so wtf am I doing here Fatima
Fatima: look I know this is a big ask but Ian if you ever really loved me like you say you do then you'll do this one favor for me
Ian: and what is that
Fatima: please don't walk away from the firm, we're so close to reaching a settlement.
Ian: Fatima idgaf about the money, I'd give it all up if it meant I could have you again
Fatima: (sighs and stares at him in silence)


Back to the present:
|Azure restaurant|

Fatima: why'd you stop me? I'm not done explaining
Zac: I know but remember when I said it would all fit like a giant puzzle
Fatima: (confused) yea
Zac: well this is where I takeover explaining from my POV
Fatima: I don't understand, the only way you'd have a POV is if you were th-
Zac: exactly!

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