Houston, we have a problem

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|Still at the Taylor residence|

Fatima: uhhh... its time for her bath

She goes back upstairs and notions for Belinda to follow her

|Yanah's nursery|

Fatima is bathing Yanah while having a conversation with Belinda

Fatima: sooo... what do you wanna do B? Coz I can dead that nigga right here, right now
Belinda: (chuckles) girl you crazy
Fatima: (death stare) I'm deadass (taking Yanah out the water)

Belinda ignores her as she carries the portable bathtub to go throw out the water

Fatima gently places her baby on a towel and starts putting lotion on her body. Belinda comes back and hands her a diaper and a cute lil pink outfit, she smiles at the sight of her bestie doing motherly activities.

Belinda: motherhood really does suit you Tima
Fatima: (smiles) thanks B, but don't change the subject. What we gon do with that nigga downstairs
Belinda: (hesitant) idk Tima but I still stand on my word that I don't want his family to know

They go back downstairs to join the rest of the family. Zac takes Yanah from Fatima so she can make her breakfast smoothie. He starts playing around with her until she starts screaming crying

Jeremiah: (seated next to Zac) aww give her to me, I'll comfort her
Zac: go to uncle Jeremiah
Fatima: (yells) no!!!

The whole house freezes as they stare at her demanding to know why she's acting so strange. She walks over to Zac and takes her baby, putting her on her hip while chopping up the fruits for her smoothie.

Zac: baby wtf is going on with you this morning
Fatima: (trying not to be sus) uhhh nothing
Zac: then why are you so opposed to letting Jeremiah hold his niece?

Fatima keeps quiet and looks over to Belinda who's sitting on the other end of the dining table, her eyes are silently begging her to not tell...

Fatima: (chuckles) baby don't be ridiculous it's not like that
Zac: then let him hold her while you finish chopping those fruits
Fatima: no its okay, I'm almost done

Jeremiah walks towards Fatima in an attempt to go fetch Yanah. Fatima grabs the knife and points at him yelling...

Fatima: take one step closer and I swear to God I'll kill you
Zac: (shocked) Fatimaaaa
Anita: baby what's going on is everything okay

She looks over to Belinda again and mouths
"I'm sorry".

Fatima: (puts the knife down) no everything's not okay! This lame ass nigga is the reason my friend ended up in hospital
Anita: (worried) hospital? Why?
Fatima: because he's a fucken abu- *gets cut off*
Belinda: (yells) I had a miscarriage okay!! For some reason Tima blames Jeremiah but it was no one's fault.

Jeremiah had no idea of these news so he instantly rushes over to a crying Belinda and hugs her. Zac and Anita also join in the hug.

Anita: (crying) I'm so sorry
Zac: don't worry bro yall will get through this, we're here for yall
Fatima: (appalled) you've gotta be fuckin kidding me!!!!

She places her baby in her bouncer and kisses her cheek goodbye before grabbing her bags and storming out the house furious.

Jeremiah: yo wtf going on with your girl? Is she mad because she ain't get none last night (chuckles)
Zac: (playfully hits him) bro you stupid, idk what's wrong with her but I'm worried. Belinda did she mention something to you
Belinda: (thinks of a lie) uhhh... it's just PMS
Anita: (chuckles) oh well that makes alot of sense

They all laugh and finish up eating breakfast. Zac kisses his baby goodbye and leaves for work.

Anita: I'm gonna take the baby upstairs, shout if you need anything
Jeremiah: actually I'm also bout to head out mama
Anita: okay son, Belinda please make sure you lock after he leaves
Belinda: actually... I'm leaving with him
Anita: I thought you'd be staying for longer
Belinda: that's only because Tima didn't want me to be alone, but my baby's back now  (she smiles while rubbing on his chest) **they leave**

|Law firm|

Today is Fatima's first day back after maternity leave but she's disoriented and Andi can tell, she invites her to her office for a chat.

Andi: girl wtf going on with you today
Fatima: what do you mean
Andi: you've been disorganized all day! I asked you for the Johnson file and you gave me your criminal law assignment, congratulations on scoring an A+ btw
Fatima: (chuckles) thanks
Andi: what's going on fren
Fatima: (sighs) I have a friend who's in an abusive relationship but she refuses to leave, that nigga almost killed her (getting emotional)
Andi: (hands her tissue) damn I'm sorry... you know the sad thing about abuse is no one can help until the victim chooses to walk away
Fatima: I knowww... I tried to help by saying she can stay at my house and she went back to that nigga this morning!!
Andi: look Tima it's almost knock off time and since you're worried about her you can leave early to go check on her
Fatima: thanks Andi, I promise I'll be back on my game tomorrow

Fatima goes to her office to fetch her bag. As she's walking out the building she bumps into Lori and Angela, they also knocked off early.

Angela: where you rushing off to
Fatima: I'm going over to Belinda's
Angela: shit well I'm coming with, I've been tryna reach her all day and it kept going to voice-mail

Lori and Fatima look at each other with fear in their eyes and Angela notices

Angela: aht aht wtf was that look??! And since when do you visit Belinda, are yall cool again Tima
Fatima: something like that, but there's no time to explain let's go!!!
Angela: hopefully the traffic's not too bad  **they get in the car and drive off**

|Meanwhile at Belinda's house|

Jeremiah has been pampering her like a queen all day... rubbing her feet, bringing her food and even watching her favorite movies with her. They're now sitting on the couch and she's laying on his lap watching TV.

Jeremiah: baby why didn't you tell me you were pregnant
Belinda: I tried baby, I said please don't do this but you ignored me
Jeremiah: (raising his voice) "please don't do this" and "I'm pregnant" isn't the same thing!! You were supposed to yell it out instead of wasting your voice with the screaming cries
Belinda: (sits up to face him) nigga what
Jeremiah: you heard me! I hope you realize that you're responsible for this! You should've said something and I would've stopped!
Belinda: (crying) man fuck you!!! You have the fuckin nerve to blame this shit on me when you shouldn't have been beating on me in the first place!
Jeremiah: (getting angry) bicth wtf you say
Belinda: you heard me nigga!!! You murdered our child!!! You're responsible for that shit, now deal with it!

Jeremiah slaps her and starts strangling her on the couch.
Belinda is slowly losing consciousness as she fights to catch a breathe, until the door opens and her friends walk in.

Angela: (screaming) omgggg wtf going on!! Jeremiah get off her!!!

Jeremiah ignores them, when he gets these maniac episodes he completely loses sight of the world around him. They all stand there panicking, yelling and screaming for him to stop but he doesn't move.

Fatima grabs a trophy from the shelf and hits him against the head. The grip around Belinda's neck loosens as he drops to the ground. The girls run to check on Belinda who's gasping for air trying to catch her breath. Angela gives her a glass of water as they all try to calm her down... a few minutes later she's calm and Lori walks over to Jeremiah who's still laying unconscious on the floor.

Lori: Houston, we have a problem
Angela: bitch what?
Lori: lol it's from a movie I watched with my kids the other day, it means we have a serious problem
Fatima: what is it!!!!
Lori: I can't find a pulse

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