13. I'm gonna kill her

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|Taylor residence |

All the ladies arrive at around 7:00 (night-time). Fatima is livid!!! She aggressively storms into the house, ignores everyone and immediately runs upstairs to her closet.

Zac: (confused asf) what's going?

They all stand there in silence, no one is brave enough to say it. They can all hear Fatima rearranging the cupboards upstairs, angrily looking for something...

John: somebody better start talking now!!!
Fatima: (comes back downstairs and looks at Zac) WHERE IS IT????!!!!
Zac: where's what? Baby what's going on you're scaring me
Fatima: Zachary pleaseeee don't play with me!! I'm not in the mood! Where's my fuckin gun???!
John: gun??! Onika Michelle Wilson you better start talking noww!!! Wtf is going on with your sister
Nicki: daddy... I... she...uhh (stuttering)
Fatima: (takes a deep breathe) Zac where is it?
Zac: it's at the office safe baby, I thought we agreed you'd stop pulling your gun out on people.
Fatima: FUCKKKK!! You know what it's cool, I done gave that bitch wayyy too many passes!! I'm gonna kill her with my bare hands (she runs out the door before anyone can stop her)
John: (furious) for the last fuckin time!! WHAT IS GOING ON???!
Lori: uhmm we gon let Angela tell yall, my girl might need backup (she and Nicki also run out after Fatima)

Everyone's now looking at Angela waiting for her to break the silence... they know she can't fight that's why they let her do the talking while they go help Fatima handle Deja for good!!

Bryce: well don't just stand there... talk!!
Angela: okay first lemme start by saying Mr Wilson I don't mean no disrespect but ion think you gon wanna hear this
John: girl I've been around this planet for decades, can't nothing shock me... SPEAK!
Angela: (takes a deep breathe) okay so basically Deja (the girl next door) took a video of Zac and Fatima uhm... in a compromising position and posted it online.
Quincy: (laughs) all this drama because lil miss perfect got a sex tape? Shii I got a few myself
Deb: Quincy not now pleaseee!! Shut tf up!
Angela: look it may not be a "big deal" but it was still a private moment and she didn't deserve to be violated in that manner!! Now ion mean to be dramatic but yall might wanna hurry next door before they kill that girl. Those 3 are unhinged when put together
Quincy, Nate & Zac: shit she's right!! (They all run next door while the parents stay in the house)

|Deja's duplex: keep in mind this is what happened while Angela was explaining...|

Fatima gets there and starts aggressively banging on the door, Deja dumbass opens it and ofcourse she's wearing her usual skimpy outfits.

Deja: bitchh why tf you banging on my door like that?
Fatima: you fucked with the wrong one!! I warned you Deja but you just don't listen!!!

Fatima punches her with so much force that she falls to the ground. She then drags her by her hair into the living room where she proceeds to punch her. Deja talks alot of smack but she is not a weak bitch so she grabs a vase and smashes it against Fatima's head, thats when Nicki and Lori show up and they all gang up on her and jump her. They slap, punch, kick and rip out the tracks from her weave... until the guys show up and pull them off her.

Lori: (yelling) Nathan let me go!!!! This bitch just don't learn
Nicki: (also yelling) Quincy let me go!!! I been gunning for this bitch ever since I found out what she did!!
Fatima: (also yelling) Zac let me goooo!!! Imma kill this bitchhhh, she fucked with the wrong one!!!
Zac: baby please calm down!!
Deja: (she's injured but not too a point that she needs the hospital) get tf out of my houseeee!!! You bitches are crazyyy I'm finna have all you hoes arrested!!
Zac: Deja shut tf up please!! And if I was you I wouldn't be so quick to call the cops, not after what you did!
Deja: (acts clueless) meee?? Nigga wtf I do? Your bitch and these hoodrats just attacked me for no reason!
Lori and Nicki: who she calling hoodrats?
Zac: drop the act Deja!! We know it was you! We know you posted that fuckin tape! How could you do that??! Wtf is wrong with you?
Deja: I'm sorry Zac... I... I don't(stuttering)
Zac: save it!! You leave me no choice! I told you to not fuck with Fatima and you didn't listen, now I gotta evict you before your lease is even up.
Deja: (drops to her knees and starts begging) nooo pleaseee don't!! I got nowhere else to go! If you evict me I gotta go back to stay with my grandma in the projects, please Zac I'll do anything... shit I'll even suck your dick if that's what it takes.
Fatima: (flabbergasted) this simple bitch!!! Deja you need serious help!! Pack up all your shit and be out first thing tomorrow morning.
Deja: (rolls her eyes) last time I checked my landlord is Zac, not you!
Zac: we're a teammm!! What she says goes! Tomorrow at 8:00 you better be gone and don't even dare involve the police, trespassing and revenge porn are crimes too. If you do anything stupid you'll be sharing a cell with these 3 and there's no telling what they'll do to you when there's no one there to stop them!
Deja: (starts fake crying) so this is really it? What about my nail clients? Business is really good on this side of town
Lori: oh my God!! Is this bicth slowww???
Nicki: listen here BITCHHHH! They said pack up all yo shit and get the fuck out!!! Imma be here tomorrow morning and you better not let me find you here! Not unless you wanna leave this place in a coffin. Do I make myself clear??!
Deja: (scared asf) crystal

|Back at the Taylor residence|

Everyone has calmed down but the elephant in the room is yet to be addressed. Zac takes it upon himself as the man of the house to say something...

Zac: Mr and Mrs Wilson, let me start by apologizing for all the drama that you've had to witness on what was supposed to be a weekend well spent with family. I want you to know that I've evicted the girl next door and she will no longer be a problem in our lives. As far as the sex tape is concerned... I... uhh.. I'm (stuttering)
John: don't worry about it Zac, you two are both grown consenting adults, it's just a shame that the world had to see that.
Fatima: I'm really sorry about that mom and dad. And uhm to eveyone else I'm sorry for all the drama that happened tonight, imma do better I promise!
Zac: baby you don't have to apologize, if anything I'm sorry for leasing the place to Deja in the first place. I'm sorry she violated you like that. (He goes to hug her and kiss her forehead)
Deb: aww aren't yall cute. Now can we all agree to bury this topic and never bring it up.. EVER!!
Quincy: (laughs) mama not you acting like you don't be doing the nasty...
Deb: oh I do!! How you think yall big heads got here (laughs)
Nicki: okayyy ewww, don't nobody wanna hear nun of that. This topic is officially burried!!
Quincy: (looks at Tima) oh and don't worry sis, I called my IT friend and he had the video removed before it could reach a big audience. You amateurs only reached 40 measly views (laughs)
Angela: (laughs) Quincy you a whole fool bro... anyway now that everyone's calm, I ordered us some pizza since yall going back to Philly tomorrow.

The pizza arrives, they eat and drink some sodas while the fellas finish up watching the game. The friends left at around 9:30, now the family start saying their goodbyes since tomorrow's flight is super early so they won't get a chance...

Deb: it was really great seeing and spending time with you and your friends babygirl, please don't stay away from home too long
Fatima: (going in for a hug) I promise I won't mommy. I love you
Deb: (after hugging Fatima feels that her hand is wet) baby turn around lemme see your head
Quincy: is that blood???!

Zac rushes to her and carefully looks through her blonde hair which has now changed colour to a dark bloody red.

Fatima: (touches the back of her head) I'm fine yall... Deja just broke a vase against my head but it's not a b- **she collapses into Zac's arms before she can even finish her sentence**

Zac: (yells) somebody call an ambulance!!!!

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