7. Surprise guest

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The day of the long awaited dinner date has finally come. Fatima is running around like a headless chicken trying to make sure everything's perfect! Tonight is important to her because she really wants to prove to Zac that she's all in with being a step-mommy.

|Taylor residence kitchen|

Zac: (walks in holding a bunch of groceries) hey baby I got everything you listed.
Fatima: thank you baby, please hand me the rosemary herbs- I'm almost done here
Zac: (looks through the bags) uhh rosemary? Shit baby I bought thyme
Fatima: whaaaat??! Zac nooo!!! That's finna mess up the whole dish
Zac: (chuckles) baby calm down its just herbs, can't nobody taste that shit anyway.
Fatima: (gets teary-eyed) Zac you know how important tonight is to me, why tf would you mess it up?
Zac: (laughs) baby are you srsly crying over some stupid herbs?
Fatima: no Zac its not about the herbs, it's the principle!
Zac: (gives her a 🤨 look) you really tryna turn this into some typa life lesson? Girl you crazy but I still love you! (Kisses her) I ain't even got trip you're probably just PMS-ing
Fatima: whatever nigga, go get the door...

Zac opens the door with a smile and in walks in Lori and Nate with their two kids, Jnr and Lauren. They didn't show up empty handed, Nate is carrying a case of wine and Lori made a casserole.

Zac: hey yall come on in
Lori: hey Zac, where my girl at?
Zac: (laughs) shit she in the kitchen crying bout to stupid herbs
Lori: uh-uh we can't have her stressing, tonight's important to her! lemme go ahead and help
Nate: babies yall can go in the living room and watch some cartoons while mommy and aunty Tima finish up cooking
Jnr & Lauren: okay daddy
Zac: let's go out by the patio bro, I got some beer set up

|Taylor residence- Patio|

Zac and Nate are staring at Fatima and Lori through the glass door, they really became besties overnight.

Nate: look at them, who would've ever thought our women would be besties
Zac: shii ikr!! But yk what I kinda like this new friendship they got going on
Nate: shh don't let Lori hear you use the F-word (laughs) she explicitly says they are sistas.
Zac: word? Lol these girls crazy man but I'm here for it! Tima needs people like Lori in her life- I'm just glad her toxic ass ex-bestie is out of our lives.
Nate: me too fam, Belinda was on some BS!

|Taylor residence- Kitchen|

Lori: (grabs an apron) hey sis whatchu need help with?
Fatima: hey uhh... you can chop theses herbs for me
Lori: (chuckles) these the herbs you were crying about?
Fatima: girl yess!! Shit idk wtf wrong with me, my emotions been all over the place lately.
Lori: you prolly just stressing about tonight but don't worry boo, it's gonna be perfect!
Fatima: thank you sis! We can start setting up the table... Angela just texted that her and Bryce are parking.
Lori: cool... and what about stripper bm? How long til she get here?
Fatima: chile idk, she said she was like 20min away.

Angela and Bryce walk in, she joins the ladies in the kitchen while Bryce joins the fellas by the patio...

Angela: heyy yall, why yall look so down
Lori: hey boo, Tima just a lil stressed about tonight
Angela: well fear not! I got the right thing to help ease those nerves (she pulls out a hookah pen)
Fatima: (grabs it and starts smoking) see this why you my girl fr!! Thank you boo, I can already feel my nerves relaxing...
Lori: shit lemme get some too, these kids be having me stressed!!!

The kids watching the ladies from the living room yell...
Jnr: mommy I thought you said smoking was bad!
Lauren: yeaaa!! My teacher said it causes cancer! Imma tell daddy on you
Lori: (rolls her eyes and walks over to them) shhh... mommy gon give yall each 5$ if we keep this a secret, deal?
Kids: deal
Lori: okay now focus on that TV and stay outta grown folk business!
Kids: (turn back to the TV) yes ma'am
Lori walks back to the kitchen... Fatima and Angela are dying laughing

Lori: yall see the typa shit I gotta deal with
Angela: whew girl I don't wish to be you
Fatima: shit me too!
Lori: aht aht miss thing did you forget you bout to be a step mom? This finna be you real soon...
Fatima: (smacks her teeth) you just had to remind me??! anyway the table's set call the guys.

Door bell rings, Fatima takes a deep breathe and gulps one last shot of tequila to help ease her nerves.

Lori and Angela: you got this boo!
Fatima: (opens the door) hey Heather, hey baby boy- yall can come in.
Heather: I hope you don't mind but giving what happened last time I invited a "friend" of mine just incase I need backup
Fatima: no problem, but I assure you ain't gon be no drama tonight! We've moved past that and I'm sorry about the other night
Heather: (didn't expect an apology so she kinda feels bad about their plan) I'm also sorry for insulting you.

Everyone takes their seat and get settled. Zac and Fatima stand up to say a few words.

Zac: hey everyone, welcome to the Taylor residence. I watched my baby slave away in the kitchen so please feel free to eat up as much as you'd like and thank you for gracing us with you presence.
Fatima: Heather how far is your friend? I wanna say a short prayer before we feast
Heather: ( nervously checks her phone, truth is she had 2nd thoughts about their devious plan- she was bout to text Deja to no longer come but it was too late) she's uhh.. almost here
Fatima: well in that case let's bow our heads [short prayer] amen.

Soon as everyone opened their eyes, there stood Deja in her usual skimpy outfits... Rage filled Fatima's face while Nate's stomach sunk into his ass because Lori doesn't know that this ole girl from the hot tub. Everyone stares at her and all she says is "hey hey neighbors"

Zac: oh shit!!

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