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Fatima makes it back home just after 6, she parks her car and walks into the house to find Zac waiting on her with her fluffy slippers already by the door.

Fatima: (kisses him) baby you're the sweetest man ever
Zac: (smiles) I try... now come sit down while I rub your feet and you can tell me about your day
Fatima: I wanna know about yours first... how's your friendship with Bryce ever since that incident?
Zac: (chuckles) we boys again! Lol it's like that fool never tried to kiss me
Fatima: (laughs) I'm glad yall worked it out! He's good for business
Zac: yes he is! We just closed a deal to build an apartment complex that's supposed to bring in alot of paper!
Fatima: woww!! I'm proud of you baby! (yawns)
Zac: thank you love! Not you already yawning and we haven't even had dinner yet
Fatima: (chuckles) that first day back ain't no joke! But I'll adjust! Lemme go shower real quick and then I'll come back to get dinner started
Zac: (kisses her cheek) okay baby, I'll chop up the veggies in the meantime...

Fatima is beyond exhausted but her pride won't let her admit it! She makes it upstairs and showers then changes into her favorite lounge wear set. She lays on the bed for a while scrolling through her emails until she dozes off...

30min later Zac comes upstairs to check on her...

Zac: baby you've been showering forev- (sees that she's fast asleep on the bed).

Zac decides to cook dinner and not wake her, he gently pulls the laptop from under her and kisses her lips and then her belly whispering "I love you". Just as he's about to switch off the laptop, an email pops up reading:

Mr I. Davis

Subject line= Dandelion

I got an email from your office saying you'll be taking my case! Looking forward to working with you- it'll be just like old times *wink*. Goodnight
"Ms Wilson" lol

Zac feels some typa way about it but he chooses to believe that it's just an innocent email from a very friendly client. He goes back to the kitchen and finishes preparing dinner. 2 hours later, dinner is ready... he dishes up and calls Fatima downstairs.

Fatima: (grabbing mustard from the fridge) thanks for cooking baby, I'm sorry I fell asleep (laughs)
Zac: no worries baby, but are you really gon eat fried chicken and steamed veggies with mustard??!
Fatima: (laughs) baby we still got a long to go with this pregnancy, I'd suggest you get used to my combos asap!
Zac: (laughs) aight imma stay out yo business, but uhh... you never finished telling me what you were saying on the phone earlier
Fatima: (lowkey nervous) ohh uhmm. It's nothing really, just wanted to run a client by you but it's cool now
Zac: (lowkey suspicious) Fatima are you hiding something from me? What client might this be?
Fatima: (nervously laughs) baby you know we don't keep secrets, the client is a nobody just a random person- you don't know him
Zac: yeah okay... how's the food?
Fatima: (stuffing her mouth with the last spoon) it's good baby!!

She clears the table and loads the dishes into the dishwasher after putting the leftovers in the fridge. Zac sat by the kitchen stool watching her the whole time... truth is he suspects that she's hiding something about this Davis person. But he also didn't want it to seem like he doesn't trust her so he decided to just let it go...

|Taylor residence: Bedroom|

Fatima: (on her laptop) yesss!
Zac: who got you smiling like that
Fatima: baby now you know you're the only one who makes me smile
Zac: (suspicious) okay but why you so damn happy? Baby it's almost midnight and you busy keke-ing with clients?
Fatima: (laughs while rubbing on his chest) ouu I love it when you're jealous daddy
Zac: (moves her hand) Tima I ain't playing with you!
Fatima: (smacks her teeth) not you ruining the mood! Well if you must know... I just submitted my last assignment!!
Zac: (feels bad) shit baby I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap.
Fatima: (turns off her side lamp) yea whatever Zachary! I'm going to bed
Zac: no tf you not!

Zac grabs the duvet covers and forcefully throws them off the bed.

Fatima: wtf you doing?!
Zac: (whispers while kissing on her ear) I'm apologizing
Fatima: (whines) baby stopppp!

Zac ignores her and starts kissing her lips... He gently removes her clothes and starts kissing her neck, her breasts, her stomach, then he positions his head between her thighs and goes all the way downtown. Fatima's whining has now turned into moaning...

The next morning Fatima woke up in good spirits! She walks into the building all smiles and makes her way to her Andi's office- she's got a bone to pick with her about yesterday's shenanigans.

|Andi's office|

Andi: (smiling) heyyy baby ma-
Fatima: naw! Don't baby mama me! Wtf was that stunt you pulled yesterday? What happened to giving me time to think before you go running to the partners??!
Andi: shittt!! Fatima I'm so sorry, I promise I didn't mean to backstab you.
Fatima: what the hell happened Andi?
Andi: I met with Robin for lunch and I accidentally mentioned the case, I made him promise not to tell the partners until I speak to you
Fatima: well clearly that promise ain't do nothing!
Andi: I'm really sorry Tima, he said he had no choice but to bring it up in order to save the company- apparently things aren't looking so good but this case can save us!
Fatima: (sighs) well in that case... I guess I'll go email Mr Bridges and Ian about the final decision
Andi: thank you fren! (Hugs her) and I'm truly sorry about all this
Fatima: girl you know I can't stay mad at you (smiles). But Andi don't do this shit again!

She leaves Andi's office and goes to her own. Sits on her desk and starts scrolling through emails...

Fatima: (talking to herself)
I. Davis? Why don't I remember opening this?

She sees the title "Dandelion" and figures that it was sent by Ian. She rolls her eyes as she opens the email and starts reading it...

Fatima: (still talking to herself) you have got to be fuckin kidding me!!? They approved this nigga case before my go ahead??!

She immediately grabs her work phone and dials Ian number, he answers on the first ring.


Hey, it's me

(Chuckles) I know, you think after all those years I'd forget your voice

(Annoyed) please stop! Anyway uhm, I got your email. May I ask who's the person that emailed you confirming that we'd be taking your case?

Gimme a second lemme check the details... ahhh.. the sender's name says...
Harris. Hayden Harris

IKYFL!!! uhm I gotta go, I'll be in touch regarding when we can meet to discuss the case details

Fatima is everything okay?

I gotta go Ian... (hangs up)

Fatima: (still talking to herself) I know this nigga ain't!!!

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