53. Temptations

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|Carlisle hotel|

Fatima attempts to quietly sneak in but her attempt is unsuccessful as she finds her sister sitting on the chair

Nicki: (pissed) where tf have you been
Fatima: look I'm sorry I lost track of time
Nicki: you gon have to come stronger than that!
Fatima: I was uhh.. with Zac, see I even managed to get the formula
Nicki: yeah ok, well wtf was you doing over there for so many hours
Fatima: (trying not to be suspicious) we just... talked
Nicki: (🤨) just talked huh
Fatima: yes, now I wanna hop in the shower and go straight to bed, I have a busy day tomorrow
Nicki: (observes her body language) aht aht... you let that nigga hit didn't you
Fatima: (nervous laugh) whaaat?! No, girl I would never fold so soon
Nicki: I'm your sister, I know when you're lying and plus... (snifs her) you reek of sex, I bet he had you folded like a pretzel
Fatima: (chuckles) okayyy fineeee! Yeah he did and I regret it so bad, ugh he just makes me so weak
Nicki: (laughs) yall be weak in the knees, STAND UP!!!
Fatima: (laughs) this doesn't change anything though, I'm still not moving back- gotta teach him a lesson
Nicki: girl please! The only lesson you gave was in sexology
Fatima: (laughs) stopppp! I already feel like an idiot
Nicki: (laughs) as you should!! How tf you gon fold after 2 measly days
Fatima: (laughs) girl you don't get it, that man's dick game is just... (starts having a flashback)
Nicki: ugh I'm going to bed, goodnight

The next day....

|Law firm|

Fatima has had a busy with back-to-back meetings, she's now waiting on an important call from Mr Clinton's attorney...


Fatima: hello, this is Fatima
Jerry: hey gorgeous, long time
Fatima: (chuckles) I see you're still a flirt
Jerry: I won't stop until you let me take you to dinner
Fatima: (slightly annoyed) Jerry, let's keep this professional please
Jerry: (chuckles) okay fine, well I have good news
Fatima: talk to me
Jerry: we reached a major settlement
Fatima: (smiles) how much are we talking
Jerry: well... let's just say, it's definitely gonna jumpstart your career, check your email
Fatima: will do. It was great talking to you Jerry, keep well
Jerry: don't rush me off, let's go out to celebrate
Fatima: (rolls eyes) goodbye Jerry

As soon as she hangs up she unlocks her laptop and goes straight to Jerry's email which states that the settlement is 30 million dollars, she immediately jumps up in excitement and starts doing a praise dance...

After calming down she sits back down and goes back to checking her other emails...


Mr Z (Zachary) Taylor
Subject: Why you so PETTY


This is your husband!! I was hoping to wake up to the smell of you cooking me breakfast after I put it down last night😈 but instead you chose to hit it and dip😒 sooo petty of you! Anyway, since you've resorted back to ignoring my calls/texts, I'm using this mode of communication to check on you and our babygirl.

Kind regards,
Zachary Taylor
(your HUSBAND)

Fatima: (thinks to herself) aww he actually heard everything I said last night (smiles then snaps out of it) No Fatima STAND UP!! that nigga must learn to value you

knock knock knock

Linda: Fatima, Mr Hall is here to see you
Fatima: (surprised) really?! We don't have an appointment
Linda: that's what I told him but he insisted on waiting and uhhh... sis he's holding a money bouquet of red roses
Fatima: (smiles) are you serious
Linda: girl yes! Mmh I think Zac might have some competition, he's sooo fioneee
Fatima: (laughs) Linda!! It's not like that at all, it's just business
Linda: (eye roll) sure... I'll send him through
Fatima: girl no who told yo-

Linda proceeds to leave and shut the door before Fatima can stop her.

Keith: hello Fatima
Fatima: hi Keith, what brings you by
Keith: (smiles and hands her the roses) these are for you
Fatima: (in awe) thank you but I can't accept these
Keith: sure you can, it's just business right (smirks)
Fatima: how so
Keith: (sits down) well... I saw the email about the settlement, woww 30 million dollars??! That's double what I had initially invested
Fatima: (smiles) like I said last time, I'm just doing my job
Keith: and you're damn good at it! So take these roses as a thank you
Fatima: Keith that email literally just came through about 10min ago, how'd you organize these so fast
Keith: (laughs) that's how much faith I had in you! I pre-ordered these
Fatima: (blushes) that's very sweet, thank you
Keith: (pulls out an envelope) one more gift
Fatima: (opens it) what is this
Keith: an invite, my company's throwing our quarterly staff party, and since we have something to celebrate I'd be honored to have you join us. Everyone's been dying to meet you
Fatima: I don't think I can make it
Keith: come onnnn... if you come, I promise I'll make it worth you while (naughty smile)
Fatima: (chuckles) what's that smile? What do you want to do to me
Keith: (flirts) come through tonight and I'll show you better than I can tell you
Fatima: (flirts) I'll think about it... now if you don't mind, I've got work to do
Keith: (kisses her hand) see you tonight
Fatima: (laughs) no promises, bye Keith

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