5. A million little pieces

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The day has finally come, the couple arrives at Dr Johnson's (Dr J) offices... Fatima is nervous because there's alot that Zac doesn't know about her, on the other hand, Zac is just neutral.

|Therapy session|

Dr J: welcome Mr and Mrs Taylor you may take a seat.
Zac: actually, uhh we're not married yet
Dr J: oh my bad... (notices the annoyed look on Tima's face) I take it you didn't like that response.
Fatima: uhm not really, it just made me feel some typa way.
Dr J: (grabs her notebook and makes some notes) mmmh I see...
Fatima: (slightly annoyed) hold up what was that? You making notes on me already??!
Dr J: (chuckles) Fatima if we want this to work imma need you to relax and focus on your partner, don't worry about the notes okay.
Zac: (holds her hand bcz he sees that she's nervous) don't worry baby, we got this!
Dr J: okay so the 1st exercise I usually do with couples is ask them what matters most to them in relationships, Zac you can answer first.
Zac: For me I'd say communication
Fatima: mine is definitely loyalty
Dr J: I see none of yall mentioned the key to a successful relationship... which is TRUST! Zac do you trust her?
Zac: yes I do! I trust her with everything that's why I didn't raise that point.
Dr J: I see... and Fatima do you share the same sentiments?
Fatima: uhmmm I think I- (stuttering)
Zac: (let's go of her hand) woww so you don't trust me? Fatima wtf are we even doing??! We can't do shit without trust!
Dr J: Zac uhm let's try to not raise our voices... Fatima, why did you hesitate to answer?
Fatima: well for starters he always raises his voice when we argue and that shit pisses me off!! It takes me back to a dark place. So idk if I fully trust him.
Zac: Fatima pleaseee don't act all innocent, this session is already off to a bad start!! Because you find it so hard to open your mouth and fuckin talk!
Dr J: Zac please calm down and let her finish.
Fatima: you see what I mean doc... I can't deal with the combative shit! I don't know I just have a really hard time trusting people/opening up and it dates back to my past relationship with Ian

Dr J notices the irritated look on Zac's face...
Dr J: wow that look??! I take it you don't like this Ian guy?
Zac: ofcourse not doc! Fatima keeps making me pay for his mistakes and I'm honestly sick of the BS because I'm not him!!
Dr J: what does he mean by that Fatima?
Fatima: (deep breath) well... Ian broke me and when I say broke me, I mean into a million little pieces, pieces that I'm still trying to put back together to this day!! (Starts crying and Dr J hands her a box of tissue)
Zac: you see doc this the problem right here!!! She can never speak about this nigga without crying and to me it just seems like she still got feelings for him (annoyed)
Dr J: Mr Taylor I hear you but please be patient, let's give her a chance to speak. Just listen, don't interrupt! Go on Fatima...
Fatima: (she looks at Zac) baby I love you and only you... but you only know Ian as the ex who "broke my heart" but truth is he did alot more than that, shit if I'm being honest he's the reason I have such a hard time trusting people, he's the reason I go around fighting people, he's the reason I had given up on love but above all... he hurt me in the most unthinkable way when he- (she starts crying uncontrollably, she can't bring herself to tell Zac about the abortion)

Zac decides to stay silent and just hold her in his embrace.. he hugs her and wipes her tears, he's slowly starting to realize the extent of pain that Ian caused Fatima.

Dr J: I can see that you two really have love for each other, we just need to sort through all this baggage... let's end the session here, I want you to go home and try communicating, Fatima perhaps you left out that last piece of info because of my presence- if you can, try to talk to him about it but Zac don't push! She'll tell you when she's ready.

|Intermission: over at The Pole (strip club) Deja is there with some friends when she overhears Heather's convo|

Heather: (talking to another dancer) chile that nigga Zac got me all the way fucked up!! And his bitch is a fucken pyscho!! Look at my face!
Dancer: shit girl that look like it hurt!! The makeup ain't even covering nothing
Deja: (walks closer to them) hey girl uh... you talking bout Zac? As in Zachary Taylor?
Deja: uhm excuse you? Who tf are you and why you eavesdropping?
Deja: (chuckles) my bad girl, I'm Deja- Zac's tenant, I saw you leave his house the other day. Anyway I take it we have a common enemy...
Heather: common enemy? Girl wtf you on?
Deja: don't play stupid with me! Ik you dislike Fatima as much as I do!! So why don't we form an alliance (winks)
Heather: mmmh... I like how you think miss Deja girl what you have in mind?
Deja: (smirks) well... let's just say after we're done with that bitch she gon learn to not go around putting her crusty ass hands on people!
Heather: ikdr! You know what they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend...

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