70. Harsh reality

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|Secret location |

Zac left with Fatima when the ambulance arrived, she was unresponsive when they carried her on the stretcher and into the vehicle.

The rest of the crew stayed behind to deal with Keith once and for all. Lucious and John dragged Keith to the garage and tied him to a chair.

Lucious: (punches him) so you like tying people up like they're animals huh?
John: (punches him) you better pray my babygirl is alive!
Quincy: honestly, I'm sick and tired of the back and forth! (Points a gun at his head) let me kill this mf
Madam: patience Q, this guy deserves to suffer
Lucious: exactly! We ain't sending him to hell on a quick and easy ride
Quincy: aight bet! Well lemme go first at toturing him
Madam: (smiles) what'd you have in mind cousin

Quincy leaves the room and comes back later with some jumper cables, he hops into Keith's car that was parked in the garage and turns on the ignition.

Lucious: (smiles) an oldie but a goodie
Keith: (scared) wait! Please no! Let's talk about this fellas
Quincy: shut tf up!! I'm done talking
Keith: (looks at Madam) hey sexy, talk to your cousin and I can make it worth your while
Madam: (slaps him) nigga STFU!! (Looks at Q) go ahead cousin, make him scream

Quincy takes the cables and attached them to his nipples. The louder Keith's screams got the higher he increased the voltage of the electrocution. After his body started giving out, he stopped.

Lucious: (slaps him back into consciousness) nah nah nigga, wake yo ass up! You ain't finna die that quick
Keith: (out of breathe) pl-please stop, please don't kill me
John: why do I have a feeling that my daughter begged you this same way and you showed no mercy?
Keith: I'm sorry okay
Lucious: fuck your sorry

Lucious and John took turns punching him multiple times all over his face and body until he started bleeding and swelling up. When they grew tired of toturing him it was finally time for Madam's turn.

Madam: (smiling) okay Keith, time for the finale... I'm gonna do things a little different
Keith: (crying) please just put me out of my misery
Madam: now why would I do anything to help you?
Keith: because you're a woman, a nurturer by nature.
Madam: (laughs) oh baby, you clearly didn't ask about me
Keith: -silent-
Madam: see I keep telling mfs to not fuck with my blood but you hoes always wanna learn shit the hard way
Keith: (begging) please just tell me what you want, or how much. I'll do it! I'll leave yall alone for good and never return
Madam: (smiles) you promise?
Keith: (hopeful) yessss
Madam: okay! Here's what I want from you... reapet after me
Keith: (confused) okay...
Madam: Dear Hall ancestors, please welcome me with open arms as I'm about to join yall in the afterlife
Keith: wtf?! I'm not saying that shit
Madam: (chuckles) that's fine by me! I'm gon kill you any way, just wanted to make sure you're welcomed when you reach the other side

Madam grabs a very sharp knife from her purse, she removes it from its holder and slowly walks towards Keith...

Keith: (scared) wh-what.. are you gon do with that
Madam: (places the knife on his neck) last chance to talk to your ancestors, you sure you don't wanna do it?
Keith: (crying, stuttering) dear Hall ance-

Before he can even get out a full sentence Madam sliced his throat with one clean cut! It cut through his airways as he started gasping for air while blood rushed out of him like a fountain. They all stood around him as he fought the feeling of death until his body finally gave in.

Quincy: (chuckles) cuz you cold hearted man! Why you ain't at least let the man say his prayer?
Madam: (laughs) I got tired of hearing his voice
John: what do we do with the body
Madam: burn it
Quincy: bro we can't just burn a body, that'll take ages and we'll need an incinerator!
Madam: you didn't let me finish!! Burn it! Burn the whole house, we'll make it look like an accident
Lucious: (smiles) smart! And I got a guy in the police force who owes me a favor, he'll make sure it's ruled as an electric fire


The mood is sombre and heavy... on each side of the chapel sit crowds of people dressed in black, on the center stage sits a giant portrait of his one true love- her smile still as bright as ever. Zac walks down the aisle wearing a black tux and shades to conceal the fact that he's been crying for days. He finally reaches his seat and joins his loved ones who immediately embrace him. He looks into the sparkling eyes of their babygirl who smiles so innocently, completely unaware of their new harsh reality. The preacher announces for everyone to stand as "Heaven couldn't wait for you" by Beyoncé starts playing...

Zac: (crying yelling) Fatimaaaa, NOOOOOOO
Lucious: (shaking him) Zac!! Wake up man
Zac: (sweating profusely) pops where is she? I need to see Fatima!!
Lucious: calm down son!! I think you were just having a bad dream
Zac: (crying) it felt so real pops, I can't live without her man
Lucious: don't worry son, she'll be okay and we're all here for you
Zac: (looks around and sees his whole family)
Dr: (walks to them) I'm looking for the family of Fatima Taylor
Zac: (jumps out of his seat) yesss! I'm here, how's she doing?
Dr: (sighs) well she's out of surgery and we managed to take out the bullet and stop the bleeding
Zac: (relieved) oh thank God!
Dr: (looks nervous) I wouldn't thank the man upstairs just yet Mr Taylor
Zac: (worried) what do you mean by that?
Dr: (sighs) Mr Taylor, your wife is stable but very critical. It's do or die at this stage
Zac: (crying)
Dr: this is the hardest part of my job but Mr Taylor, it's imperative that you understand that Fatima is the patient so if push comes to shove then our duty as the hospital is to save her and her alone
Zac: what do you mean doc?
Dr: I mean sir, if it comes down to it. Our priority will be on saving Fatima as opposed to the babies
Everyone: (shocked) babies???!
Dr: oh my apologies, I assumed that you saw it on the ultrasound at the 3-month check-up
Zac: we hadn't been to it yet, we were supposed to come tomorrow
Dr: well Mr Taylor, your wife lost a lot of blood and because the wound was left untreated for a long period- it got infected which in return affected the oxygen supply to her lungs and alternately the twins oxygen supply. I'm really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you believe in God- now would be the time to pray.

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