72. Crime of passion

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|Hospital foyer|

Zac has been anxiously pacing around because the detective has been in the room for a little too long

Madam: (annoyed) omg Zac will you calm tf down!
Zac: why am I the only one freaking out?!
Madam: because like I said it's been handled
Quincy: yeah bro just chill, Fatima isn't an idiot

Back at Fatima's ward...

The monitor starts beeping non-stop as the nurse rushes into the room. Zac and the family stare from a distance before running towards there...

Nurse: I'm sorry but yall are gonna have to do this some other time
Zac: (worried) what's happening?!
Nurse: I'm not sure yet sir (looks to the cops) I'm not gonna ask yall again to leave the premises

One cop stands up to leave but he's stopped by the detective.

Zac: (pissed) yo what the hell?! She said get tf out
Detective: (chuckles) oh Mr Taylor, I'm not going anywhere... I've been in this industry long enough to tell when a suspect is "faking" a seizure
Nurse: (annoyed) she ain't faking shit!! Her vitals aren't looking go-
Detective: oh please, save me the bs!! I'm not going anywhere until she wa-
Dr Cox: (clears her throat) excuse me? You ain't going where?
Detective: (looks behind) mam with all due respect, this woman was picked by the ambulance at the house of Mr Hall just minutes before it allegedly burned down- that makes her a prime sus-
Dr Cox: first of all, it's Dr to you!! Don't mam me and secondly, you don't have the right to harass my patient especially not without any substantial evidence. Now it's up to yall if you wanna walk outta here and keep what's left of your dignity or do you prefer to be thrown outta here like the dogs you are? The choice is yours really.

Detective Walker wipes the smug look off his face and stands up to leave, but not before mumbling "I'll be back". Zac follows Dr Cox to her office to get an update on Fatima...

Dr Cox: I'm sorry about that Mr Taylor, oh and I'm Dr Cox- the specialist handling Fatima's condition
Zac: (handshakes) thanks for handling that cop doc, so what happened to her
Dr Cox: it seems she went into a state of shock, the detective must've did or said something to trigger the reaction but she's calm now. We can go see her

|Fatima's ward|

Dr Cox: (smiles) hi Mrs Taylor, how are you feeling?
Fatima: I'm okay, just tryna figure out what happened to me
Dr Cox: you had a panic attack, it's usually caused by triggers. Did the detective say/do something?
Fatima: (hesitant) he uhh.. no he didn't.
Dr Cox: (suspicious) Fatima you know you can trust me right?
Fatima: yes doc
Dr Cox: ok if you're sure you're fine then we can move on to why I'm here
Fatima: (worried look)
Zac: (goes to sit by her and holds her hand)
Dr Cox: (sighs) well... Mr and Mrs Taylor I believe the Dr already informed you that you're having twins?
Zac: (smiles) yes
Dr Cox: congratulations! And uhm, I don't want yall to be alarmed by what I'm about to say... basically the twins are in separate amniotic sacs so since Fatima's oxygen levels had dropped- it affected one of the twins. In a nutshell, one twin got extra oxygen while the other was deprived, that twin is unfortunately in danger of not making it.

Fatima just sits there in silence as tears stream down her face, Zac comforts her and puts on a strong face.

Zac: (holding back tears) so are you saying one of them might die?
Dr Cox: (sighs) it's too early to make assumptions Mr Taylor, however I don't want yall to lose hope. I'll put Fatima on some prenatal vitamins and with enough rest and taking it easy... all should be well. Best case scenario, she'll deliver healthy twins- one will just be bigger than the other
Zac: thank you doc
Dr Cox: (smiles) no problem! I have to go and please remember to keep the faith!

The Dr leaves while Zac and Fatima sit there in silence... (btw the fam left to give them some privacy)

Zac: (kisses her forehead) are you okay?
Fatima: (crying) no, but I will be
Zac: aht aht, I'm not having that! Talk to me baby, we're in this together
Fatima: (sighs) idk where to start babe, my mind is racing
Zac: well we can start with what that detective said to trigger you into having a panic attack?
Fatima: he basically insinuated that this was a crime of passion. According to him, I was Keith's mistress and I went over to his house for a booty call until he threatened to publicize our "affair" so I decided to kill him and start the fire
Zac: (pissed) yo wtf?! He really had the nerve to accuse you of that shit?!
Fatima: (crying) yep and that's not even the worst, when I wouldn't answer his absurd accusations he grabbed my arm with so much force and all the memories from that night came rushing like a flood. It felt like I was all alone with no one to help, that night when Keith pressed me down
Zac: (fuming) don't worry about it baby! I'm gonna deal with that ass hole!! Who tf does he think he is, putting his hands on you
Fatima: baby calm down, we'll handle him together once I get outta here
Zac: nope! The Dr said take it easy, so I don't want you stressing
Fatima: (annoyed) it's gonna be a long 6 months of you nagging and treating me like an egg
Zac: (hugs her) only because I love you baby
Fatima: (teary-eyed) I'm sorry about all this Zac, idk why I can never just have a peaceful pregnancy- it's always some bullshit! I'm sorry I'm such a failure, I suck at everything! Even a task as simple as carrying your babies

Those words brought tears to Zac's eyes. He was speechless and heartbroken but despite his feelings he lifted her chin and looked into her eyes

Zac: baby look at me! I don't ever wanna hear those harsh words come out of your mouth! You're not a failure and carrying my babies is not a simple job, its actuallythe hardest yet you do it with so much love and grace! I love you Fatima and don't you ever forget that, we're in this together and we'll get through it no matter what...

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