3. Here we go again

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The next morning [Sunday]

Fatima feels terrible about what went down last night so she made Zac some breakfast in bed to "apologize"

Fatima: (walks in holding a tray of food) gooood morninggg handsome!!
Zac: hey
Fatima: wow so you still mad?
Zac: ofcourse I'm still mad Fatima! This shit literally just happened some hours ago... do you realize that your antics might have caused me a relationship with my son??!
Fatima: baby ik and I feel terrible! I told you last night that I'd fix this, just gimme a chance to talk to he-.
Zac: No!! You've done enough damage, just let me handle it.
Fatima: so you not even gon eat?
Zac: naw ion have much of an appetite
Fatima: (disappointed/sad) wowww! Yk what Zac keep that same energy!! (She places the tray on the side table and storms out crying)

Zac follows her downstairs

Zac: whatchu mean keep that same energy??!
Fatima: Zac how many times have you messed up and I still forgave you and stood by you? HOW MANY TIMESSS??
Zac: oh so we keeping score now? Since you wanna go there with me, Tima you ain't perfect either, how many times has my freedom been threatened because of Hayden?
Fatima: (teary-eyed) ykw Zac I'm not doing this with you! Matter fact what are we even doing??! Lemme make this real easy for you and leave before you leave me. (She takes off the engagement ring and shoves it in his hand)
Zac: here we go again (sighs)
Fatima: nigga what??!
Zac: Fatima I love you, I really do but why are you so obsessed with people leaving you??! This our 1st heated argument as an engaged couple and you just ready to leave it all behind? WHY???!
Fatima: I- (cries unable to speak)
Zac: I what??! See what I mean! You don't ever wanna communicate, talk to me!!
Fatima: I'm not ready to talk about it Zac, it hurts too much.
Zac: baby if we wanna make this relationship work we need to uncover all that past hurt and trauma so we can move forward...
Fatima: ik Zac I'm just scared to tell you the whole truth, scared you'll look at me different...
Zac: Fatima I asked you to be my wife for heaven sake!! That means I want all of you- the good and bad! If you don't wanna talk with just us how about we try a therapist?
Fatima: usually I'd be against paying a person to listen to my problems but because I feel like we're drifting apart, I guess I'll do it.
Zac: thank you for taking that brave step baby I'll set up an appointment for tomorrow afternoon.
Fatima: cool and Zac for what it's worth... I truly am sorry about last night, I would never try to intentionally keep you away from your son and I promise I can fix it if you just give me a chance.
Zac: I hear you babe and I'm sorry for lashing out! Let's just focus on fixing us for now, we'll deal with Heather once we're okay... deal? (reaches out for a handshake)
Fatima: (smiles and shakes his hand) deal... I love you.
Zac: I love you too baby
Fatima: (embarrassed) so uhh about that ring?
Zac: naa imma hold on to it until further notice, I'm not gonna have you taking it off after every slight inconvenience.
Fatima: so you saying you don't wanna marry me no more?
Zac: that's not what I'm saying baby... I just want us to be sure we want this fr! The next time you put it back on, ain't no taking it off until the actual wedding day.
Fatima: that's fair... anyway I gotta go meet up with Angela so I'll see you later.
Zac: thats cool baby, I'm also gonna meet with the guys.

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