Love on the brain

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|Coffe shop|

Lori came along to watch the baby while Fatima and Belinda talk. Her daughter Lauren is quietly sippin on her milkshake while watching a movie on her iPad, Yanah was fast asleep in the stroller. The waiter placed three frappuccino's on the table and walked away....

Fatima: B what happened
Belinda: (silently sips on her drink)
Lori: uhm maybe I should go Tima, she probably doesn't feel comfortable opening up to a total stranger
Belinda: no you good! I was just lost in my thoughts
Fatima: okay.... are you ready to talk now
Belinda: (sighs) yes but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone- especially not Zac!
Fatima: (growing worried) okay
Belinda: I need you to promise me too Lori
Lori: (nods)
Belinda: let me start by saying he wasn't always like this... he was loving, caring and sweet! Our relationship consisted of 3 months of pure bliss until that one night he came home late drunk asf, he had this evil glare in his eyes that scared me! I questioned him of his whereabouts and next thing I knew my face was throbbing from when he zoned out and continously punched me. The next day he bought me flowers and jewelry, he apologized and promised me that it would never happen again! I was a fool to believe him because a week later it did happen again as he continued with the expensive gifts and apologies. Fast forward two months, I was being battered almost everyday for the smallest mistakes like not closing the toothpaste, only this time the gifts had completely stopped! He had now resorted to leaving a "I'm sorry" note and staying away for days because he's  a coward! I know I should've left him but I loved him, shit I still do! Well that was until 2 nights ago
Lori: (wiping tears) what happened 2 nights ago
Belinda: (eyes now full of tears) I found out I was pregnant and I was so excited to tell him! I thought for sure he would be a changed man if it meant changing for his baby, he had always told me how he dreamt of being a father. I was excited because I was finally gonna give him what he's wanted for a long time... that night he came home smelling like a brewery, the beating this time around was much more aggressive than I had ever experienced, there was much more blood on the bathroom tiles! Usually, the pain would would simmer down after taking painkillers but this time the throbbing pain never subsided so I dragged myself to the Dr and that's when I ran into yall..  (pauses and tries to catch her breathe in) the Dr basically just told me the blood I wiped from my tiles that night was the baby I had only gotten to know for a few hours

They are all super emotional and crying with her. Although Belinda had done some shady things, she did not deserve this. Fatima gains the courage to speak first

Fatima: (wiping tears) B was it Jeremiah
Belinda: (nods)
Fatima: (livid) wtf I knew that nigga was looney from the day I met him! Do you want me to handle this because you know I can with just one phone call
Belinda: no!
Lori: girl wtf you mean no
Belinda: look yall he's a good man he just needs help
Fatima: good man???! Sis are you even hearing yourself right now
Belinda: yes! Look I know you'll think I'm stupid but he loves me and I love him too!
Lori: (holds her hand) baby that's not love! Yall are probably just trauma bonding, trust me I went through a similar situation in college. You need to walk away before it's too late
Belinda: I appreciate your advice Lori but trust me, after I tell him about the baby we lost he'll change! I know he will
Fatima: (slightly getting irritated) B listen to me!!! He won't change! Abusers never do! Please just let me handle his ass or atleast let me tell Zac (takes out her phone)
Belinda: (grabs it) Tima no!!! This is my business and I don't wanna involve his family, they won't be as forgiving as I am
Fatima: (pleading) B pleaseeee! If you go back there he'll kill you, you've been my girl for over 10 years! No matter what we've been through, I still care about you and I love you
Belinda: (crying) he loves me too Tima

Fatima's anger is building by the second, she's beyond irritated at how "stupid" Belinda is being. This is not the same girl she called her bff, the old Belinda was strong-willed and always vowed to never allow herself to be played by a man. Tears streamed down her face as she realized that Jeremiah has somehow managed to completely crush Belinda's personality in a matter of months!

Fatima: (stands up to leave) you know what fuck this shit!! Why even tell me and expect me to not do shit when you know how I am
Belinda: I don't expect you to do anything because it's not your place Tima, would you be okay if I wanted to kill Zac
Fatima: bitch wtf??! That's not even the same!! Zac has NEVER raised a hand at me
Belinda: (yelling) oh so now you think you better than me because you got the "perfect" brother
Lori: (stands in between them) okay yall chill!!! You're causing a scene and you're scaring the kids! Calm down and think about what you're doing!!
Belinda: (calmer) I'm sorry Tima
Fatima: I'm sorry too, listen I'll make a deal with you. If you don't want me to retaliate or tell Zac then you're coming home with me
Belinda: whaaaaat
Lori: that's actually a good idea, you'll be safer there
Fatima: (being stern) I'm deadass! I need to save you from yourself! So take it or leave it B
Belinda: (sighs) okay fine

Fatima texted Zac that Belinda would be staying with them for a while and that she'd explain why later. They stopped by Belinda's place to pack a few clothes and toiletries, Belinda wasn't worried about running into him because his disappearing stunts were a part of their toxic cycle.

Later that night they arrived at the Taylor residence and had dinner. Fatima helped Belinda settle into the guest bedroom while Anita bathed, fed and put Yanah to sleep. Zac came back late because things at the office were hectic, he ate and then went upstairs to shower.

|Taylor residence: Bedroom|

Zac: so... you wanna tell me why your friend who tried to fuck me and damn near destroyed you is sleeping in our guest room
Fatima: (sighs) baby for now I just need you to trust me, I promise I'll tell you everything when the time is right
Zac: baby not this "right time" shit again!! Have you learnt nothing from all our past arguments that stemmed from you keeping shit from me!
Fatima: (exhales) baby it's not even like that! Please just trust me (she turns off her side lamp and fakes being asleep)

|The next morning at the Taylor residence|

Fatima hears the voices of Zac, Anita and Yanah who are all downstairs eating breakfast, however there's a a 4th male voice...
Fatima and Belinda are walking downstairs when they both freeze at the sight of the man holding Yanah on his lap while sippin on some orange juice.

Anita: (smiles) morning you two! Look who came by to visit

Fatima's motherly instinct immediately kick in as she rushes to grab her daughter out of the man's hands.

Zac: yo Fatima wtf? Let the baby bond with her uncle

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