77. Familiar

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|Law firm|

Mateo's lawyer just pulled up to the law firm's parking lot, just as she was about to get out of her car she got a call...


Lawyer: hey
Louis Sr: are you there yet?
Lawyer: I just pulled up, bout to head into the building
Louis Sr: okay cool! Make sure she gives you EVERYTHING
Lawyer: copy that! It's just some paperwork right?
Louis Sr: that's what Teo told me but last night I heard him talking on the phone, I didn't get much but he mentioned a recording
Lawyer: okay I'll ask her about it, ttyl

|Law firm- Reception|

Linda: good morning mam, how may I be of assistance?
Lawyer: I'm here to see Fatima Taylor
Linda: did you set up an appointment?
Lawyer: no but she's expecting me
Linda: okay please have a seat, I'll be right back

|Fatima's office|

Knock knock knock

Fatima: come in
Linda: sorry to disturb, there's someone here to see you but she didn't set up an appointment
Fatima: that's okay Linda, you can send her back in 5min
Linda: I'll do that *she leaves*

Fatima gathers all the documents and files along with the recording. She checks her phone notifs and that's when she sees Teo's voice-mail

Fatima: (listening)

Knock knock knock

Fatima: (whispers) shitttt! (Puts the recording in her drawer) come in
Lawyer: (sits down) I take it they've already briefed you on why I'm here?
Fatima: uhm first of all, hello to you too
Lawyer: (rolls eyes) look I'm not here to make friends, just hand over the things- I'm a very busy woman
Fatima: I don't appreciate your rudeness, miss?
Lawyer: (chuckles) don't worry about who I am just give me what I came here for
Fatima: (rolls eyes) gladly (gives her a box containing everything EXCEPT the USB that contains the recording)
Lawyer: (looks through the box)
Fatima: is something wrong?
Lawyer: are you sure you put everything in here?
Fatima: yeah so you can go ahead and get your rude ass outta my office
Lawyer: what about the recording of Teo's testimony?
Fatima: I already destroyed it, per his request
Lawyer: (stands and takes the box) aight let me get outta your hair, it was nice to officially meet you
Fafima: wish I could say the same

She leaves and slams Fatima's door on the way out

Fatima: (says to herself) this bitchhh
Andi: (walks in) girl what was that about?
Fatima: (sighs) that was Teo's lawyer, she came in here with such an attitude
Andi: between you and me, I'm glad we're done with that case. Way too much drama for my liking
Fatima: yeah me too, I just hope she'll be able to get him a reduced sentence especially since he's innocent
Andi: (shocked) wait whaaat?
Fatima: (sighs) yeah, his mom is actually the one who did it! I have it all on record
Andi: well did you give it to her?
Fatima: (hesitant) uhh no
Andi: Fatima what the hell?!
Fatima: I know this looks bad but he asked me not to give it to her
Andi: Fatima you do know that withholding evidence is a federal crime right?! Are you tryna get locked up or worse?
Fatima: quit being dramatic, I'm gonna destroy it! No one knows about it but him and I- well and you
Andi: (stands up) nope leave me out of it!! I'm not tryna get implicated with you
Fatima: (chuckles) girl quit being so damn scary and sit yo ass down, I'm bout to call him now
Andi: (sighs) fineee, put it on speaker


Teo: (sounds jumpy) hey
Fatima: are you okay?
Teo: not really, but I will be
Fatima: Teo what does that even mean? What plan were you talking about?
Teo: the less you know the better, just tell me you destroyed it
Fatima: -silent-
Teo: you didn't??! I thought you said I could trust you! Shitt this fucks up my entire plan
Fatima: will you calm down!! I'm gonna destroy it now, but not before you tell me what your plan is
Teo: Fatima thank you for your help thus far, please delete and block this number!! Forget about me, I'll be fine as long as you keep your promise
Fatima: (worried) Teo please talk to me, maybe I can help
Teo: no!!!! Look I know my grandpa okay, he's ruthless! I'd never be able to live with myself if something happened to you or the baby in your belly*hangs up*

Andi: (terrified) Fatima what the hell did you get yourself involved in?
Fatima: (scared) girl idk how this shit escalated so fast, I was just doing my job
Andi: what do you think his plan is?
Fatima: idk but whatever it is it can't be good, he's not thinking straight!
Andi: well that's his problem! Destroy that damn USB!!!
Fatima: we can't do it here!! What if it ends up in the wrong hands?
Andi: (sighs) shit you're right!
Fatima: come home with me during lunch, we'll do it there. No one's home
Andi: does Zac know about any of this?
Fatima: no, I didn't see the need to tell him because I dropped the case anyway
Andi: (sighs) you know what I'm not even gon say it, we'll leave at 1:00
Fatima: sure, did that lawyer chick look familiar to you?
Andi: yeah, I think she's been on the news a few times
Fatima: I knew I've seen her somewhere, what's her name?
Andi: (chuckles) yall had a whole meeting and didn't exchange names?
Fatima: girl I told you she was rude asf
Andi: (checks her phone) her name is Daisy... Daisy Hall
Fatima: (remembers where she saw her) shitttttt


|Louis Sr house|

Daisy: (walks in) hey
Louis Sr: did you get everything?
Daisy: yeah, but there's no recording. She said she destroyed it
Louis Sr: what!!! Why tf would she do that?
Daisy: idk, probably client-attorney privilege. What's the big deal anyway?
Louis Sr: I know Teo is hiding something from me idk what, but that Fatima woman is the key
Daisy: well what are you gonna do?
Louis Sr: what do you know about her? We need to get that USB, one way or the other
Daisy: not much, I know she's married to some real estate guy- Zachary Taylor
Louis Sr: (smiles) perfect

He goes to his laptop and searches Zac, he finds the name of his company (Rise Properties) and calls the company line. The receptionist transfers the call to Zac


Zac: this is Zac how may I be of assistance?
Louis Sr: hi uhm, you're speaking to Lou. I hear you're the man to talk to if I wanna buy some property?
Zac: yes sir! Would you like to set up a meeting?
Louis Sr: yes, the sooner the better. How's right now?
Zac: I'm fully booked for the morning but we can do 1:00
Louis Sr: that's perfect, see you then Mr Taylor  *hangs up*

Daisy: (confused) what was that about?
Louis Sr: idk how, but I'm gonna convince him to show me his house- that way I'll have their address and send my guys over to turn the place upside down until they retrieve that damn USB
Daisy: (smiles) I hope they find it!! Then I can sue Fatima for withholding evidence
Louis Sr: what's your deal with her? Seems to me like you have a personal score to settle
Daisy: (chuckles) let's just say... she thought she got away with it but she didn't

📝Author's note

Whew so Fatima has once again managed to get herself caught up in some BS...
Who remembers when we first got introduced to Daisy?

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