Lawyer bae

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A few weeks have went by, both Zac and Madam (Fatima's cousin) have been unsuccessful in their search for Jeremiah or the mysterious blonde haired woman. After a full week of not receiving any threats, Zac advised that they let sleeping dogs lie and move on. They both agreed to not come clean to miss Anita because she would take things out of proportion- especially since Jeremiah was/is her "favorite" child.

Fatima officially became a lawyer last week, they had a small party to celebrate with close friends and family. This was one of her greatest achievements because she graduated at the top of her class, she's super excited about today because she's meeting her first official client, Mr Keith Hall. He's kinda like a modern day Morris Chestnut, "tall, dark and handsome" a bit flirtatious but knows when to keep it professional, he also has an irresistible charm.


Fatima: (handshakes) good day Mr Hall, it's a pleasure to finally meet you
Mr Hall: (kisses her hand) the pleasure is all mine! Can I just say, you're absolutely gorgeous that Skype camera did you no justice
Fatima: (briefly smiles) thank you, so I was thinking we get right into it and start discussing the details
Mr Hall: actually... I like to get to know the people I work with on a personal level, form a bond of trust
Fatima: well Mr Hall, respectfully, I like to keep things professional so theres no need for you to know anything about my personal life, but I assure you that I'm trustworthy
Mr Hall: (smiles) I like a woman who takes charge
Fatima: (lowkey annoyed) Mr Hall, I'm a married woman, this is highly inappropriate
Mr Hall: ok I'm sorry I'm just not used to seeing such beauty, I'll stop badgering on one condition
Fatima: and that is
Mr Hall: if you agree to go on a date with me
Fatima: (blank stare, silent for a while) uh I was waiting for the punch line... you're joking right
Mr Hall: (smirks) nope
Fatima: (stands up) you know what this is not gonna work, I'll just refer your case to one of our other attorneys
Mr Hall: no please don't, I'm sorry I was just tryna lighten the mood (chuckles) your husband is very lucky to have a queen like you by his side, the condition was that you call me Keith
Fatima: (smiles) okay Keith, are you done playing games
Keith: (smiles) yes, let's get to work

They sit and go through the case details for some hours until Keith rushes off to another meeting he had across town, Fatima decided to stay at the coffee shop and get caught up on her work.

Waitress: (brings the bill) whew girl what typa work you do
Fatima: uhm excuse me
Waitress: (chuckles) I'm just saying, I'd be the happiest woman if I got to work with such a fine ass nigga
Fatima: (laughs) oh you mean Keith
Waitress: mmh Keith, shit even his name is sexy af. Girl you think he'd mind if you gave me his number
Fatima: (chuckles) girl yes! Client-attorney privilege duh
Waitress: (sulks) okay fineee, well enjoy the rest of your day and if he does ask about me, hook a sista up
Fatima: girl that man is not checking for you
Waitress: of course not! He wants you sis, I saw the way he was looking at you- practically undressing you with his hazel eyes
Fatima: (laughs) girl if you don't stop I won't tip you
Waitress: okay I'm sorry (takes the bill and walks away)

Fatima starts gathering her belongings to leave when she notices Zac walk into the Café, she assumes that he's there to surprise her so she remains seated. Zac instead walks to the opposite direction of where she's seated and joins a woman at a table. At first Fatima doesn't think much of it, after all she could be looking to buy some property. She grabs her bag and starts walking towards the door when the mystery woman's appearance catches her eye from a distance, she had long blonde hair and she wore a custom LV coat with green base Bottega Veneta boots. She continued observing them from a distance but couldn't make out who the woman was because she had on shades- she was however certain it was the same woman who left them that note. The woman and Zac only spoke briefly before Zac pulled out a brown envelope and handed it to her before leaving the café, against her better judgement- Fatima decided to follow the woman and get to the bottom of things.

Text message💌

Hey sissy, if I don't get back to you after an hour- code red!! Get on the first plane out and come rescue me lol, love you ttyl

Girl wtf is you on

I'm following up on a lead, don't worry I can handle myself 😂🤦🏽‍♀️

Aight bet! Make sure you got your gun and share your live location with me😘


Fatima follows the woman to a middle-class neighborhood, she observes from a distance as the woman parks outside of a double storey house and enters through the main door.

Fatima quickly changes into her gym sneakers and grabs her gun before walking towards the house, making sure that she remains unseen. The house appears to be empty because there are no cars in the driveway, she slowly opens the door and walks in...

Fatima: I know you fuckin lying
Deja: (smirks) heyyy neighbor
Fatima: so it was you all this time
Deja: (chuckles) didn't I tell you I'd get yo ass back
Fatima: (pulls our her gun) and bitch didn't I tell you I'd kill you if you ever fucked with me again
Deja: I wouldn't do that if I were you
Fatima: (chuckles) why tf would I spare your ass again
Deja: because you're outnumbered

Before Fatima can even blink a man pops up from behind her and hits her against the head with a gun, she immediately passes out and regains consciousness an hour later- only now she's in the basement tied up to a chair.

Fatima: (opens her eyes and sees Deja) I swear imma kill you when I get outta here
Deja: (laughs) aww that's cute, you think you gon get outta here alive
Fatima: bitch who gon stop me
Man: (from behind her) I am
Deja: (giggles) that's right Zaddy
Man: (walks over to Deja and kisses her then spanks her ass)
Fatima: uhm excuse me who tf are you
Man: (chuckles) pardon my manners, the name's Taylor, Lucious Taylor. But everyone calls me Lucious T

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