79. The final stab

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The bullet didn't hit anyone, instead it hit the wall behind Fatima...

Zac: baby are you okay?
Fatima: yeah I'm cool
Zac: Fatima what the fuck is going on?!
Fatima: it's a long story but I promise I'll explain later, right now we just gotta focus on getting outta here
Zac: (unties her) okay lemme help you up
Louis: (stands up) nobody's going anywhere until I get that fuckin USB!!
Fatima: what's the deal with you anyway? Why do you need it so bad?
Louis: (pulls out a cigarette) why don't yall sit back down and let me tell you a story
Fatima: (rolls eyes) talk!!
Louis: before I do... what'd Teo say on his confession?
Fatima: -silent-
Louis: lemme guess... he told you that his mother did it and he's taking the charge for her right?
Fatima: well if you know all that then why you so pressed to get it back?
Louis: (chuckles) so I can use it as leverage, Mateo is just what my business needs! Young, smart and inconspicuous... with that recording I can manipulate him to do whatever I want
Fatima: (irritated) you're a very evil man! That boy doesn't deserve any of this! Is it not enough that he lost his father at the hands of his mother?
Louis: (chuckles)
Zac: wtf is so funny man?
Louis: your wife here thinks she knows it all, but in actuality she doesn't know shit!
Fatima: pray tell
Louis: I can tell you but then I'd have to kill you
Zac: yo chill with all that because if I get my hands on you again, I ain't stopping til you dead
Fatima: honey relax, let him talk
Louis: Teo didn't kill his father
Fatima: (rolls eyes) I knowww!! Rosa did it
Louis: (puffs out smoke) nope! She didn't do it either
Fatima: how tf do you even know what happened when you weren't even at the sce- (freezes in thought)
Louis: (smiles) I see you're finally catching on
Zac: hold up, so not only did you kill your one and only son but you also framed your grandson for it?
Louis: oh please, Jr was weak! I did the world a favor
Fatima: (teary-eyed) but why'd you do this to Teo? He had dreams you know
Louis: yeah yeah I know all about him wanting to be the first ever Dr Cortez in our family, but dreams don't pay the bills!
Fatima: I don't understand how you did it though, Teo clearly stated that his mom was the one who did the stabbing
Louis: oh don't get it twisted, that bitch did in fact stab him. She just didn't do a good enough job at killing him
Zac: (confused) wait what?!
Fatima: ohh I get it... so you did the final stab?
Louis: (smiles) yep! He was still breathing after Rosa's 24 stabs because she was constantly stabbing him on one area. After they fled the scene I walked in to the disgusting sight of his weak ass gasping for air. That's when I grabbed the knife- stuck it right through his heart and watched him take his final breath (grins)

Zac and Fatima are beyond flabbergasted at this man's confession. They are even more disgusted by how proud he is of himself for killing his one and only. Fatima's eyes can't help but to form tears as she thinks of sweet and innocent Teo- who's just a pawn in this game of chess.

Fatima: (crying) you're gonna burn in hell for what you did to that boy
Louis: hell doesn't scare me
Voice from behind: but I do

They all turn around and see Teo standing there pointing a gun at his grandfather's head

Louis: (smirks) do it!!!
Teo: (angry tears) so it was all you?! I fuckin hate you!
Fatima: (crying) Teo please don't do this! You're better than this- you have a bright future ahead of you
Teo: no I don't!! He took that away from me! Now I'm gonna do the same to him
Fatima: (slowly walking towards him)
Zac: (pulls her back) baby I don't think that's a wise idea
Fatima: its fine Zac, I got this. Teo look at me, I know you're hurt and angry but please let me help you! I told you I can fix it- let me fix it!
Teo: the only way to fix this is to kill this fucken psycho
Louis: (unphased) go ahead, do it!! Prove to me you're not a weakling like your father
Fatima: ignore him Teo, focus on me! Please give me the gun- just trust me

Teo is in tears as he slowly hands her the gun then drops to his knees and cries out loud. Zac goes by to comfort him

Louis: (chuckles) just what I thought, you're a weakling just like your fuckin fath-


Fatima: (looks back) well it's about damn time
Madam: (chuckles) sorry, my meeting ran a little over time
Teo: (confused) so you didn't want me to kill him because you wanted to do it?
Fatima: (chuckles) he's not dead, she shot his leg
Madam: (grabs Lou and ties him up) honestly you should just let me off this muthafucka
Fatima: we need him alive so we can get Teo acquitted of all charges
Louis: (chuckles) you out yo rabbit ass mind if you think I'm gonna testify
Fatima: (smiles) oh you already did (points to the ceiling camera) welcome to mi casa bitch!

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