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Zac made Fatima wear blindfolds as he drove them to a secret location. He parked the car and came around her side to help her out.

Fatima: (blindfolded) Zac where are we
Zac: just a few more steps baby

He opens the door and leads her in, they both stand in the center as he goes behind her to remove the blindfolds.

Fatima: (gasps in awe) Zaccc
Zac: welcome home baby
Fatima: you're kidding right
Zac: nope! This is the new Taylor residence
Fatima: what?... how did you... when did you?!
Zac: (chuckles) calm down. Our offer got approved the day after the fight, thats what I was coming to tell you at the office until I saw Ian
Fatima: and when did you get furniture
Zac: I just hired that interior designer you love so much and told her to make it meet your expectations
Fatima: meet them? Baby this is above and beyond what I expected! Thank you

She walks towards him to give him a hug and a kiss. They take a furnished house tour for the downstairs portion and then she waits for Zac to come help her up the stairs...

Zac: (holding her waist) you got it baby, just a few more steps
Fatima: (breathing heavy) whew thank you babe! I cannot wait to get this baby out!
Zac: (chuckles) why not? I'm just gon put another in there anyway
Fatima: (playfully hits him) chill bro! Let's get through raising this one first.

They finally make it up stairs and tour the fully furnished bedrooms, Fatima's inlove with everything!! Zac listened to all her decor ideas and implemented them exceptionally well! They walk towards the last room, which is a few steps away from the master bedroom...

Fatima: (tries to open) why's this locked baby
Zac: (trying not to be suspicious) uhmm it's actually not locked it had a faulty door knob so I'm just waiting for the repair guy to come by
Fatima: lol okay baby (kisses him) you outdid yourself with this!
Zac: (kisses her) well I aim to please Mrs Taylor

They both walk into the master bedroom as Zac sits by the bed stool while Fatima takes out a white satin robe.

Fatima: (smiles) I'm gonna go take shower, today was a long day.... actually it's been a long 3 weeks without you
Zac: (smirks) aww did you miss daddy
Fatima: (chuckles) more than I can say
Zac: well why don't you come over here and show me
Fatima: (leans down to kiss him) soon as I get outta this shower it's on

She makes her way to their ensuite bathroom, closes the door and gets into the shower- within 20min she's done and hops out. She puts on the satin robe and stands on her side of the double sinks, doing her night routine. When she bends down to rinse off her face she feels a warm presence gently pressing her down from behind, she smiles because she knows it's Zac...

Fatima: babyyy what are you doing
Zac: (places one arm around her breats and whispers) I'm taking what's mine

He turns her around and puts her on the bathroom countertop. He drops to his knees and gently spreads her legs open and starts kissing her thighs...

Fatima feels his tongue going in circular motion around her clit and clenches her teeth. Zac continues to lick her up and down and just when she's about to reach her peak he puts 2 fingers inside her...

Fatima: (moans) Zaccccc
Zac: (looking into her eyes) who's pussy is it
Fatima: (mumbles) it's... it... yourssss!! Shit I'm bout to cum
Zac: (continues moving his fingers in and out) cum for daddy

Fatima moans and shakes uncontrollably as she releases all over Zac's fingers, he slurps all of her juices and carries her to their king-sized bed.

He gently places her on the bed and stands there awkwardly scratching his head, Zac hadn't thought about how this was going to work because Fatima's large belly is in the way.

Fatima: (chuckles) it's okay baby, you just have to be really gentle
Zac: (gets on the bed) okay I will be
Fatima: (lays on her side) you have to come in from behind

At first he's confused but eventually he gets it and slowly pushes himself in from behind, Fatima feels him groaning in her ear as she grabs onto the sheets.
"I missed you" he whispers in between moan, "I missed you more" Fatima replies back.
Zac gently squeezes her breasts as he continues pounding her...

After 2 more rounds they shower and lay in bed in their sleepwear. Fatima falls asleep in Zac's arms and he soon also drifts off to sleep.

A few hours later Fatima is tossing and turning which wakes Zac up

Zac: baby what's wrong
Fatima: idk, I just can't sleep
Zac: is something wrong with the baby
Fatima: nope pookie is just really active rn
Zac: (laughs) wtf is a pookie
Fatima: it's a nickname I made up and you know what it's your fault!
Zac: my fault? How?
Fatima: we were supposed to find out the gender today but I couldn't go through with it without you by my side, so pookie will just have to do until the next scan
Zac: (laughs) okay pookie's mama
Fatima: you're stupid (laughs)
Zac: (gets serious) you know I'm still mad at myself for not being there with you today. I'm mad I didn't get to see the 7 month scan
Fatima: (smiles) well... you can make it up to me
Zac: (frowns) so the sex in the bathroom, bedroom and balcony wasn't enough
Fatima: (playfully hits him) why's everything always about sex??! You nastyyy
Zac: (laughs) and you love my nasty self
Fatima: whatever, please just bring your laptop
Zac: oh lawd I hope you not bout to make me watch Dreamgirls at 01:00am
Fatima: (laughs and pulls out a memory stick from her bag) shut up you know you love it just as much as me

Fatima plugs the memory stick into the laptop and presses play, the room goes silent as Zac's eyes go wide

Fatima: (smiles) pookie was eating his/her fingers
Zac: (teary-eyed) is that our baby
Fatima: (smiles) yep! Dr S gave me the ultrasound copy
Zac: woww pookie has gotten so big

The video ends and Zac slides down to hug Fatima's belly, he kisses it and whispers "I can't wait to meet you pookie"

Fatima: (chuckles) see I told you the nickname would catch on (yawns) goodnight baby daddy
Zac: (smiles) good night baby mama

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