52. Actions speak louder

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Later on that day...

Fatima's in her car about to drive back to the hotel when she gets a phonecall

Fatima: hey boo, wassup I hope Yanah wasn't too much trouble
Nicki: not at all, she's the sweetest but I was actually calling to let you know her formula's almost finished, the little that's left will only last through the night
Fatima: fuckk
Nicki: aht aht, not you getting mad because YOUR child needs food
Fatima: (laughs) it ain't even like that, it's just that we order her formula online and it takes forever to arrive
Nicki: well can't you just stop by the house and pick up a tin
Fatima: (whines) I mean I can but I don't want to
Nicki: baby sis grow tf up! You know you're gonna have to face Zac eventually!!! He's still your husband and don't forget yall share a whole child together
Fatima: (whines) I knowww, I just had no intention of seeing him so soon
Nicki: lemme put it to you like this, either you go see him or your child starves- it's upto you really
Fatima: (gasps) you don't play fair! Fine, I'll stop by the house before coming back there
Nicki: good girl! Love you bye
Fatima: love you, see you soon

|Taylor residence|

It's after 6 so the sun has just began to set and it's getting fairly dark outside.
Fatima pulls up to the driveway and puts her car in park before stepping out. She waits by the door for a while, contemplating if she should knock or just use her key... she decides on the latter.

She walks into the house and it looks a mess, the first thing she sees upon entering is the broken whiskey bottle that Zac smashed 2 days ago. As she steps further into the house she sees a pizza box on the table, empty beer bottles and some dishes in the sink. Fatima entirely hates clutter so she's beyond disgusted at Zac's living situation and his inability to clean up after himself.

Fatima: (yells) Zacccccc!!!
-no answer-
Fatima: (says to herself) you know what, this ain't even my problem no more! Lemme just grab this formula and be gone
Zac: (walks down the stairs wrapped in a towel as he just stepped outta the shower) hey baby wassup
Fatima: (annoyed) don't hey baby me!!! You haven't seen or heard from me and your child in 2 days and all you can say is "wassup".
Zac: (tries to hug her) I'm sorry baby can we please sit and talk
Fatima: (blocks him) no Zac! I didn't come here for that
Zac: (begging) come on Fatima pleaseeee (puppy dog eyes)
Fatima: (can't resist) okay fine! You got 5min to say whatchu wanna say
Zac: that's all I need

|Living room|

Zac: (throws out the beer bottles and pizza box) first lemme start by apologizing about this mess, ik how you like to keep a clean house
Fatima: this is no longer my house
Zac: come on Fatima don't be like that! I didn't kick yall out, this will forever be your house no matter what you and I are going through
Fatima: yeah okay, so is that all you wanted to talk about? I gotta get back to my baby
Zac: how's she doing
Fatima: oh so now you're concerned about her
Zac: baby that's not fair! You left with no message and let's not forget you've been ignoring all my calls and texts, how tf was I supposed to check on yall
Fatima: email nigga
Zac: (chuckles) baby BFFR
Fatima: whatever you've got 3min left so I suggest you start wrapping it up
Zac: baby I'm sorry about everything that happened, I know that words alone will never be enough to fix this but I promise if you'll give me another chance I'll do everything in my power to make things right again
Fatima: Zac lemme ask you something
Zac: sure
Fatima: do you really believe all the shit they accused me of
Zac: -silent-
Fatima: (stands up) you know what, your times up! I'm gonna go
Zac: (gets aggressive) no you're not going anywhere until we hash this shit out! Now sit back down and hear me out before you jump to fuckin conclusions
Fatima: (lowkey turned on by his aggression) I'm sat
Zac: thank you! I went silent because I was tryna figure out how to word myself correctly without upsetting your sensitive ass! No Fatima I don't belive any of that shit, in the 2 days that I had to myself I had a revelation
Fatima: which was
Zac: (deep breathe) baby you know I had a tough upbringing with an estranged mother and no father, that shit really fucked me up and I think I never dealt with that little boy that's holding on to all that resentment. (Teary-eyed) growing up, all I ever wanted was a father's love- even though I had uncle Tommy, it just wasn't enough
Fatima: (also teary-eyed) so that explains why you were so quick to side with Lucious
Zac: yes baby, I was just desperate for his approval and unfortunately it happened at your expense.

Zac stands up and goes to sit closer to Fatima, he grabs ahold of her hands and looks into her eyes

Zac: from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry and I want you to know that I'll move out to give you all the space you need, I can't have you and our baby staying God knows where
Fatima: nah we good
Zac: oh my God Fatima why you gotta be so hard headed!! I just said I was sorry
Fatima: yeah and Zac that's not enough! I need some assurance, actions speak louder than words! How tf do I know that at the sight of the next inconvenience in your life I won't be collateral damage?!
Zac: you won't baby, I promise
Fatima: how do you know Zac?! You broke my trust, the one time I needed you to stick by me, to ride with me, you did the complete opposi- *gets cut off*

Zac gently grabs Fatima by the neck and starts passionately tongue kissing her, until Fatima breaks the kiss

Fatima: what are you doing
Zac: (chuckles) you talk too damn much so I had to shut you up
Fatima: (annoyed) really Zac?! Did you even hear what I said
Zac: yesss baby I did and I swear imma do everything to earn you back, now can you please kiss me
Fatima: (barely resisting) Zac what
Zac: (unwraps his towel, revealing his erect member) come on you know you want to... we've missed you baby
Fatima: (smiles and goes back to kissing him)

They kiss for some time until Zac starts unzipping her dress so she stops him

Zac: baby what now
Fatima: Zac if we're gonna do this
Zac: ain't no if, this is happening
Fatima: IF we do this I need you to understand something
Zac: (growing impatient, starts kissing her neck) yes baby! Whatever you want, whatever questions you have... the answer is yes
Fatima: (chuckles) Zac I'm being for real
Zac: (taking off her dress) okay go head baby, talk to me
Fatima: (talks between moans because Zac has started fingering her while kissing on her neck) Zac...mmmh...if....mmmh...fuck right there!!... baby if we do this... it's not gonna change anything between us
Zac: (whispers in her ear) whatever you say baby
Fatima: (breathing heavy) I'm serious...mmmhh... fuck I'm bout to cum daddy
Zac: do it baby
Fatima: (moans out loud) shitttt ZACCCC!!!!
Zac: (chuckles and lays back on the couch) climb on top and come ride your dick baby
Fatima: say less daddy

After a while Fatima wakes up naked in Zac's arms. Zac is passed out, she reaches over to check the time on her phone and its 10:00, she also notices the tons of missed calls from Nicki.

Fatima: (whispers) shit!!!

She quietly gets out of bed and goes downstairs to put her dress back on, she grabs the baby formula from the kitchen island and then she leaves...

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