57. Dysfunctional

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Zac eventually managed to get ahold of his mother and she agreed to attend the therapy session along with Lucious and Jeremiah.

|Therapy session|

Dr J: (smiles) good morning Taylor family, thank you for taking this brave step to fix your family dynamic
Anita: (smiles) thank you for having us doc
Dr J: alright let's jump right into it... Zac has already given me a snippet of the version of events, however I'd like to hear it from your pov
Everyone: -silent-
Dr J: (chuckles) listen... this will only work if we all participate
Anita: sorry about that, I think we're all just a little skeptical of opening up to a stranger
Lucious: you damn right! Where I come from men solve their own problems without the help of a shrink
Zac: and that's exactly why we're all so fucked up now
Lucious: (squares up) whatchu say, I dare you to come say that shit to my face
Dr J: (gets in between them) gentlemen calm down! This not how we solve problems in therapy, over here we talk it out
Lucious: man this is the dumbest shit!! Someone remind me again why I'm here
Anita: (holds his hand to calm him) because... you need to do right by your sons, you promised
Lucious: (calmer) okay fine, sorry about earlier doc
Dr J: no problem

Dr J turns her attention to Jeremiah who has been quiet and in his own world since the session started

Dr J: Jeremiah you've been quiet, do you have something to say
Jeremiah: about what
Dr J: about the events that transpired that day
Jeremiah: nah ion got shit to say
Dr J: (sighs) tough crowd
Zac: I tried to tell you doc
Anita: okay, I'll be the bigger person and go first
Dr J: thank you miss Anita, please go ahead
Anita: (gives a brief recollection of the facts)
Dr J: thank you for your honesty
Anita: (smiles) it actually felt good to express myself, I feel a sense of freedom
Dr J: Zac your mother accused you of lacking accountability, how does that make you feel
Zac: in the moment she said it I was pissed and called her out her name, but now that I've had some time to myself I realize she was right
Dr J: (smiles) mmh I see the accountability peeking through already, keep it up!
Zac: (smiles) thank you doc
Dr J: I do wanna address something though, you said you "called her out her name". What was said exactly
Anita: (rolls eyes and sucks her teeth)
Dr J: I assume you would like the floor
Anita: he basically said I was never there for them because according to him I was "chasing dick"
Lucious: (gets heated) Nita what?! He really said that to you?! Nah this boy is fuckin disrespectful, he needs to be disciplined. (Looks at Jeremiah) and why tf you been so damn quiet
Jeremiah: (yells) because he's fuckin right! Mama was hardly there for us, she prolly the reason I became abu- (stops himself)
Dr J: probably the reason you what
Jeremiah: nothing, yo I'm over this shit when can we leave

Anita starts crying because her kids are coming for her but also because she's starting to realize that Fatima might've been right after all.

Lucious notices her tears and jumps out of his chair, takes off his belt and lunges towards Zac and Jeremiah. The boys also stand up and start squaring up to their father, chaos erupts as Anita and Dr J try to diffuse the situation but they're failing. The therapy session goes south as everyone starts yelling at everyone, Dr J finally decides to call security and have them all escorted out.
Dr J: (thinks to herself) lawwd what a dysfunctional family

Meanwhile Fatima is out with her girls for a light brunch...

|Brunch date|

Angela: omg Tima I feel like I haven't seen you in forever- girl where you been
Fatima: (smiles) I've been around, just busy with work
Lori: oh okay, well what's been happening in yall lives lately
Angela: well... Bryce and I are still going strong
Lori: no offense girl but you better than me! Chile I could never be with a bisexual man
Angela: none taken girl, you know I used to live life by the rules but now I'm just on a fuck it YOLO spree
Fatima: I'm happy for you girl
Lori: yeah if you like it, I love it

Lori calls the waiter over so they can place their order, at the same time Keith walks into the restaurant- he's meeting with his co-worker.

Waiter: what would you ladies like to drink
Lori: can we please have 3 long island ice-teas
Fatima: actually uhm... please make it 2, I'll have cranberry juice
Waiter: sure thing mam, I'll be back to take your food order

Keith walks towards their table and Fatima starts acting all jittery, her girls immediately notice but try not to make a big deal out of it

Keith: (smiles) hi Fatima, haven't seen you in a while- how are you
Fatima: fine
Keith: (flirts) that you are
Fatima: (gives him a look)
Keith: (looks over to Yanah who's asleep in her stroller) aww cute kid
Fatima: thanks
Keith: who are your friends
Fatima: -silent-
Angela: this is Lori and I'm Angela, and you are
Keith: pardon my manners ladies, I'm Keith, a frien-
Fatima: client* he's a client
Keith: (smirks) right... it was nice meeting yall, see you around Fatima

Keith makes his way to a table not too far from where the girl's are seated, his co-worker shows up seconds later and they hold their meeting.

Waiter: (brings their drinks)
Angela: thank you
Fatima: (sips her juice)

Lori and Angela stare at her until she cracks

Fatima: uhmmm it's rude to stare
Lori: bitchhh, don't fuckin play with us
Fatima: (sighs) what
Angela: Tima is there something going on between you and that Keith guy
Fatima: (fake shocked) Angie whaaat?! No! (waves her hand) I'm a married woman
Lori: shit could've fooled me
Fatima: wtf is that supposed to mean
Lori: (chuckles) I'm just saying sis, where there's smoke there's fire
Fatima: (getting irritated) omg yall stop! I swear on everything, there's nothing going on- he just likes me that's all
Angela: (deep breathe) oh thank God! Whew girl for a moment I thought you stepped out on Zac
Fatima: no girl never! That's why I even stopped working with the nigga after his case got a settlement
Lori: (cheers) yessss to cutting that flirting BS off before it grows into something bigger

Fatima takes a deep breathe thinking that her girls are finally off her case, but unfortunately for her they're just getting started

Lori: Tima is there a reason you turned down a long island for plain ol cranberry juice
Fatima: (tries not to be sus) nope no reason at all, just not in the mood to drink
Angela: (🤨)
Lori: girl come onnn!! You got something you wanna tell us?
Fatima: something like what
Angela: shit idk you tell us
Fatima: (sighs) okay fineeeeeee!!! I'm pregnant
Lori: (jumps up) I fuckin knew it!!! Omg frennn I'm so happy for you, how far along are you
Fatima: I haven't been to the Dr yet but the Clear Blue test said 4 weeks
Angela: aww my bestie bout to be a mom again!! I know Zac must be ecstatic
Lori: I hope yall have a boy, a lil mini Zac would be sooo cute
Fatima: (starts crying)
Lori: (comforts her) boo don't worry, pregnancy isn't that bad! You're gonna be fine, I mean this ain't your first rodeo (chuckles)
Fatima: it's not that, I'm crying because I'm so grateful for yall- my two besties
Angela: awww group hug

They all stand and do a group hug... Fatima's phone gets a notification so she sits back down and reads the message that just popped up

Congratulations on your pregnancy, I know you're gonna make a great mom! FYI if you think imma just sit back and watch another nigga raise my child you got another thing coming.

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