16. Blast from the past

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|Still at Café 41|

Fatima and Angela instantly recognize the voice as they all turn around to make eye contact with the lady.

Lori: yo who tf is this raggedy bitch eavesdropping on our conversation?
Belinda: (laughs) ohh I see it didn't take yall long to replace me, mmhh so much for "BAT trinity" forveaaa (clique name they made up as teens)
Angela: Belinda pleaseee! Now's not the time, we're in the middle of celebrating great ne-
Fatima: (interjects) I got this Ang, bitch didn't I tell you to keep my name and my man name out your muthafuckin mouth? See atp you're asking for this ass whooping
Belinda: (laughs) Tima please, we both know yo pregnant ass ain't whooping nobody!
Lori: listen idk who you are and idgaf but best believe I'm ready to go to war bout this one here (points at Fatima), so I will gladly whoop yo ass on her behalf.
Belinda: oh girl hush and drink yo coffee. (Looks at Tima) for what it's worth, I'm still happy for you, I know how you've always longed to be a mother. I may not approve of the bd but hey you a grown ass woman. Anyway, I hope you and I can talk oneday or atleast be cordial **she leaves**
Lori: yo wtf?! Who tf is that raggedy ass bitch?
Angela: okay ntm on her, she still my friend

Lori and Fatima both give her a side-eye

Angela: whaaat?
Fatima: you know what forget about Belinda hatin ass
Lori: exactly! Shit we need to be celebrating. Hey waiter can we get some mimosas??! (yells)
Fatima: (laughs) girl you a trip! Did you forget I'm not supposed to be drinking
Lori: oh girl one drink won't hurt, I had a few when I was pregnant and my babies turned out just fine (laughs) well... somewhat.
Angela: uh-uh Tima we can't take no risks I'll drink on your behalf, cheers.

Sometime went by... Fatima decided she'd go back to work next Monday and just start the week afresh. She is pulling up into the parking area of Dr J offices nervous asf because she knows she's gonna have to open up to Zac about her fears with this pregnancy.

|Therapy session|

Dr J: welcome Zatimaaaa (chuckles) just trying to lighten the mood since today's the last session with my favorite couple! So... how have yall been since our last session?
Zac: we've been doing good, taking things one day at a time
Dr J: that's lovely to hear! How about you Fatima? Zac tells me yall are expecting a little bundle of joy (smiles)
Fatima: (awkward smile) uhh yeaaa
Dr J: (instantly notices her mood change) uh-uh Tima what was that?
Zac: thank you sm for picking up on her moods doc!! She's been like this all morning, these damn hormones are a bitch (chuckles)
Dr J: actually... I don't think this is hormone related Zac. Fatima please talk me through what's goin on in your mind right now? What's been going on since you found out?
Fatima: (takes a deep breathe) okay so ever since I found out I was pregnant, I was happy at first but then I started getting a flood of memories, memories from my uhh... abortion. Idk I just feel like I don't deserve this baby, I feel like God may punish me for it by taking away this miracle baby I'm carrying right now and that's why I've been so scared to even get attached! I mean I'm damn near 2 months pregnant and haven't even been to a Dr, thats not normal behavior doc.
Zac: (holds her hand) baby why didn't you tell me bout these feelings? We're in this together remember?
Fatima: ik baby I just saw how happy you were about the situation and I didn't wanna ruin that for you- I'm sorry
Dr J: (stunned) wowww!! Not yall effectively communicating... yeah clearly yall ready for that graduation ceremony (chuckles)
Zac: (jumps up) ayeee that's what I'm talking about!
Dr J: woah hold it there Mr Taylor! Not so fast, we still have an issue to work through
Zac: oh yeah my bad, sorry doc please continue
Dr J: (looks at Tima) Fatima from what you've told me I can conclude that you're suffering from prenatal depression, now I don't want you to panic! It's treatable and you should be back to your old jolly self before the baby even gets here!
Fatima: treatable how doc? I don't wanna take any meds that could potentially harm my baby
Dr J: oh no no! I would never put an expectant mother on meds. We can treat it by one-on-one sessions, just you and me and may I also suggest yoga
Fatima: (worried) yeaaa ok, I'm willing to do anything to make sure that I can carry and deliver a healthy baby!
Dr J: that's the spirit! My assistant will contact you about my openings, but other than that. (Grabs a white envelope from the desk) congratulations Zatima!! You've successfully completed couple's therapy
Fatima: (smiles) thank you for your patience doc, ik I was a handful when we embarked on this journey.
Dr J: (laughs) oh not at all! I wasn't lying when I said yall are my favorite couple.
Zac: (holding envelope) thanks doc but what's this?
Dr J: that is an invite to that gala dinner I told you about, it'll be taking place in a couple of weeks- we'll just be celebrating black love and all the couples who like yourself have made it through therapy!

The session is now over, Fatima and Zac are getting ready to leave when Zac tells Fatima he'll meet her in the lobby as he wants to ask Dr J something real quick.

Dr J: (sighs) yess Mr Taylor you can still have se- *gets cut off*
Zac: (stunned) wait what??!
Dr J: (laughs) oh my bad, it's just that's usually what the men always ask when they stay behind. What's up?
Zac: well actually I was thinking of proposing to her at this gala dinner, so I'm asking for your permission and cooperation and also some extra tickets
Dr J: extra tickets for???
Zac: (chuckles) our families, I want all the people we love to be there!
Dr J: well Mr Taylor this event is exclusive and the venue is pretty small, I'm sorry but I don't think we can accommodate a large group.
Zac: doc if it's a bigger venue yall need just say the word, I'll even chip in to have thee best decor! I want it to be special for her! Money is not an issue
Dr J: okay in that case, we've got a deal! I'm proud of you for stepping up Zac! She's really gonna need you to be her rock throughout this pregnancy
Zac: I got her doc, don't even worry bout it. Thanks **he leaves**

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